I've been doing OK over past 3 days..... parenting seminar had very healthy lunch spread so it was easy to make good choices. I have to say they also had tons of cinnamon buns, candy bars, sodas, gluten breads and cheeses. The salad choices, fresh tomatoes, local organic cucumbers, and lots of ham and turkey, along with a pot of lentils and beans (food our kids prepare and eat every day) made lunch a pleasure.
The seminar was entertaining, and enlightening, but also gut wrenching/scary, bc every parent had to tell their story. Some of the stories were so upsetting I wanted to put my hands over my ears and rock.
What I did instead was listen intently, then fight off teeth chattering, body shaking shock.....
but that was the first morning. Everything uphill from there. Our coach was an amazing teacher, and all the parents were well spoken, lovely people who wanted to please the coach, so it was all positive interactions. I have to say our first physical challenge.... called the Rising Stick, didn't go perfectly, and the type As stood out, as you can imagine, and we learned a lot we put into practice later on. Very cool.
Coach was also skilled at mimicking teenagers. I was particularly impressed with his 14yo teen girl impression.
He really was excellent at his job, and everyone wanted to take him home with them.... you could tell. Every parent left that seminar with new skills and lots more hope, which is priceless, IMO.
I have contractors putting in outside shower deck now, which is exciting. I've really missed taking showers out of doors.
ps Coach said it's not uncommon for him to boot parents OUT of the seminars for being high, pointing fingers/arguing, etc. I think I was blessed to be in this particular group... very lovely people. Coach said 20% of the parents don't attend this mandatory seminar, FYI. Assuming the kiss my ass I already know everything PD parents reside somewhere in this group. I can imagine not much would get done in those seminars if they were allowed to stay.
Also, most of these kids were hooked into sports at high levels, A students, very bright, etc with their troubles kind of coming out of left field all the sudden around 13yo 14yo. I didn't hear the stories I thought I might.... though I'm not sure what I thought I'd hear.
The level of parenting, and care was super high (lacking balance/too permissive but worked with older children just fine in many cases.) The children, in our group, were all reported to be very easy, happy, loving children up to approx age 13 of 14. Coach said that's the general profile of the kids in this program.
OK.... I still have 3 plants and a handful of bulbs to plant. I'm going out to play in the dirt!