A hard one. (This thread is for the difficult side of the holiday. I do hope somebody with happy experiences/associations starts a "Mothers Day -- the upside" or a Happy Mothers Day thread, too! I genuinely enjoy reading about others' happy experiences with kids and family.) But bear with me here...
I avoid church on Mothers Day because of so many happy memories sitting/cuddling with my D there. She used to refuse to go to the kids' classes, preferred sitting with me. She'd stand beside me on the pew for hymns even before she could read, but insisted on pretending, sang nonsense--adorably. Sometimes all those memories make church hard, but I need to go. I need the extended family. It's all I have (other than VESMB!).
There's a nice women's chorale singing there at 3:30 Sunday though. There'll be some of the same families crowd, but maybe also some folks who either don't have mothers alive, or don't have children in their lives. I think that'd be a good thing for me to go to. A couple friends sing in it, and they're good.
Just had a bday and Mothers Day comes right on its heels, so I think I should be expecting what seems to happen for me pretty consistently this time of year. It's partly the weird spring variant of SAD and partly those two occasions. Together, it all often adds up to some real depression hitting. I noticed it in the sense that I was flattened into daytime sleep, I don't feel like doing anything, and the sheer physical gray-blanket heaviness that I feel in depression arrived today.
Had a job interview yesterday for a PT tastings server job, at a local winery. Would be pleasant, but not enough work (or pay) to keep home going. I'll take it if it's offered, for certain--and look for something else to juggle in. I'm grateful I pulled myself together enough to apply for it (old school friend recommended me). Little scared and discouraged on that $$ front, but the one thing to count on is that all things change.
That's it, not perky news, but I knew I could share it here. Thanks for listening, y'all.