Author Topic: a watershed story  (Read 1336 times)


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a watershed story
« on: June 05, 2016, 01:57:28 PM »
Reading this will change your day. It could be one of those moments that's a sea change for the culture. I sure hope so. (I'm referring to her actual victim statement, included in full lower in the article.)

Some journalism seems to be breathing again.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: a watershed story
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2016, 03:15:13 PM »
What a powerful statement, Hops.

 I'm sure that sharing her voice in the courtroom, and seeing her letter published in full was more healing than a life time of therapy and journaling could have been, even though it's what most victims end up with, I think.

This young woman found her voice, and she laid out the truth point by point, stripping her attacker/his supporter of the wiggle room they'd been enjoying through a year of chaos manufacture, and lies told in order to minimize, deny, and claim ignorance.

Thank you to the Prosecutor, and thanks to those brave Swedish men who knew they couldn't ride by and pretend what they saw was OK.  They didn't hesi hesitate to do the right thing, bc it was the right thing to do.

There are good people and lighthouses in this world.  It's easier to withstand the toxic people when we remember the good people, IME.


sea storm

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Re: a watershed story
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2016, 04:09:21 AM »
Such a powerful, well spoken and poignant speech from a survivor. So many women have been assaulted and there will be many reading this who have been silenced for their whole lives. The man who dumped her body behind a dumpster felt she was trash and that he was entitled to take whatever he wanted from her, not realizing or caring that it would probably nearly or completely destroy her. Reading the father's letter, it makes sense that the values of the son were so savage. Just a little fun.

In Canada rape victims face the same kind of re traumatizing trials that do not result in conviction of rapists. Only five out of one thousand rape trials result in conviction. Kind makes me want to be a vigilante. It was not too long ago that a woman or a man was blamed for being raped. At least that is shifting, thanks for the enormous courage of women speaking out.

God bless them
