So..... the last few days have been an exercise in many things for me.
For my dd16 as well.
We've been going through an interview process with a wonderful boarding school.... the visit yesterday left me feeling hopeful, and amazed..... the tech program, art program, math and science program.... orchestra dd16 would be a part of. The teachers she connected with so happy to meet DD, and advocate for her...... they WANT her in their community. She'd be a strong asset in so many ways.... I think it scares dd to think about the level of work/expectation.... living up to her highest potential.
For me.... I'm trying to go back to holding no expectation around it. Not easy..... I notice this FEELS like DD at 4yo for me. When she was a superstar, over achiever, lover of all things educational, working grades ahead, and embracing everything and everyone at school no matter that she already knew everything they were teaching. There was JOY for us both.
I have to tell you.......
I've missed that joy.
It's familiar, and I recognize it as a piece of me......
I have compassion for that piece. I'm trying not to judge it.
And at the same time I was looking forward to having DD16 back home after being away so long. I'm conflicted, but DD's best interest is what we'll focus on here....
she'll be uber prepared for University if she does this.
She'll have opportunities at this school she wouldn't otherwise have AND she'll mature faster away from me.
I really loved the LARGE campus, the faculty, and the students. I loved the programs..... BOTANY looked wonderful. They're dissecting bee guts in order to study what Round Up does to bee colonies.
So, I've been paying attention to how I'm doing through this. I've been rather insulated, on purpose, over the last 10 years, and this is an exercise in choosing my words, the parts of our story I can tell..... some things clunk my brain off line.... the frontal part responsible for thinking part....
the speech part....

It happened yesterday with one member of the admission team..... such an odd thing. I lost the ability to recall her name, and got her mixed up with another team member, I'd just met, and babbled a little while realizing I was doing it, knowing I shouldn't, but just couldn't stop myself.
The precursor was a time sensitive matter, I had no power over, and felt responsible for. It was important, but not important enough to make my brain go off line.
It was like the upside down, if anyone watches Stranger Things. I've been aware of this over the last 11 years, and it's so frustrating bc there are times my brain is hyper capable of recalling information, and clear as a bell.
I think it has to do with feeling powerless, and vulnerable vs feeling empowered and not at the mercy of.
It would be good to be able to catch it BEFORE things went off the rails....
going forward.
DD16 did great. I did fine, I think, despite the very confusing 30 second babble.
This is one of those teaching moments about not doing doing doing when I'm distressed or experiencing discomfort. I have to learn to automatically SIT with it, and not act. Wowsers.... I'm going to go easy on myself here, but the temptation to be very critical is there.
So, the word yesterday was that DD16 is a good fit for their school, and they thought there was a way for DD to attend. This will include much financial assistance, so there are many moving parts....... it's not just about academics.
DD and I had a lovely drive afterwards.... the school is central to everyone in my family, and closer to me by 3 hours compared to her present school...... driving an easy hour and a half on good highway compared to what I new consider a scary 4.5 drive, which I'm about to drive TWICE today.
Wow.... here I am extending compassion to myself, and this time it wasn't a struggle, or something I remembered after the fact.
I'm still decompressing.
The emotional weight's coming up, it sits under my collar boans..... I know how to spell bones, but boans feels right.... the pressure is there. It's time to deal with it.
I'm trying to release apprehension/expectation/fear around it.
Maybe I didn't believe I could shift this, deal with it, put it behind me.... before. Today... I feel it's possible. I feel I'll do it, and life will change around it.
DD seems so much lighter..... her ability to respond..... talk about difficult feelings, and.... she's so brave. A hero to have advocated for herself the way she has at her age.
She's my hero.
Not just bc I'm her Mom, but honestly.... she truly is amazing with regard to depth of insight AND talents/gifts.
OK.... that's my update.
to tackle this drive.