is a huge distraction.
And all this.... legal.....nightmare....
::shaking head::.
entitled, litigious, combative in his world view.....
it's familiar, and I'm so very sick of it.
Sick of watching the circus.
Any circus... all of them.
On the whole, I'm trying to ignore the news, but I do check in.
I check to see if Trump's been outed.... for whatever it is he's done or can be PROVE he's done....
for whatever he can be exposedjust exposed, and in a way that his sycophants can't defend. And if his sycophants DO continue, despite all evidence, I pray that reasonable men and women are somehow heard over the crazy.
We head out of the Country tomorrow, and I feel OK about it. Like I have enough done, handled, under control to breath. I want to dance and laugh with my cousins.... remember being young with them, and celebrate the first wedding of the next generation. I'm smiling just thinking about it.
My back went out.... a friend adjusted it, and it was the left side of my neck causing the lower back trouble. He was right on target, and I'm feeling up to lifting and lugging heavy suitcases..... whew.
I'll check in once we're settled: )