If people don't like sarcasm then they should consider, if they're going to talk about politics maybe they should rationally discuss the issues rather than making either careless or malicious characterizations of the people they disagree with.
Thank you for this very clear statement, mud.
It helps resolve an awful lot of the confusion that is tossed around in political discussions - which I participate in quite frequently, just not here. As a life-long independent, I've been totally horrified at the behavior and beliefs of people over political sloganeering and propaganda on BOTH sides. It went "us and them" quite some time ago and now that we're at the inevitable undeniable results of that my fears have deepened for the future. I find it ironic that my way more progressive-minded daughter (at 40, self-educated and compassionate) has also recognized the fearful state of affairs we are living in.
I've also had a strong amateur interest in sociology and done enough deep reading to know that "identity politics" almost ALWAYS ends in social and political division that are irreconcilable and lead to more overt conflict. We are seeing a beginning of that, in the news. I don't exaggerate or inflate those occurances to the point that some do - those who believe we are on the verge of open fighting in the streets - but I DO see that condoning and dismissing this kind of misbehavior and disturbance of the "peace" is a tacit statement that "Rule of Law" is becoming "Rule of Men". And that is a serious problem for a country established on the principle that we are ALL EQUAL in the eyes of the law.
I believe I may have mentioned here at one time, how I've noticed that morality and the basic tenets of value systems have been twisted around to mean something entirely the opposite; and how how the definitions of certain words, phrases and slogans have been twisted to mean - whatever the person using them SAYS they mean in this moment - and it can be different in the next.
If we can't agree on the definitions of words, we can't truly communicate. "Mind reading" what someone "means" is not reliable.
If some people choose the traditional beliefs of value systems and some the "reformed", "new and improved" values going by the same name, life can still go on to everyone's benefit. Right up until the point, one group tries to force their beliefs onto everyone holding the traditional version. Live and Let Live, as a philosophy, upholds the concept of individual freedom and opportunity to pursue their own happiness.
When the law carves out special protections for one group or another and then force the majority to adjust and adopt those protections, we have a situation where "rights" collide and Mr. Jone's right to build a fence, tramples Mrs. Smith's right to enjoy the view unobstructed. And when politicians - of all stripes - hold themselves to a different standard of accountability while applying the law to others who are not in their exalted group - the only thing left to persuade those non-politicians to obey the law are the risks involved in getting caught and being punished by the powers that be; FORCE, in plain language.
I seem to be quite the oddball, in that I don't truly fear change. Change involves accepting that the consequences are often unknown and unseen, at the moment of decision to accept change. I can and have adjusted my plans as quickly as possible to accommodate those unknowns that make themselves visible after setting my course. But much of what I see happening in people's behaviors is a clinging to the status quo and a fear of change - regardless of political views. Add a few dashes of anger & resentment and double standards and you can guess how that story ends.
Two last thoughts. As a society, we must be reminded that belief and behavior are two very different things. The law applies to behavior only (or should) and never dictate beliefs or moral value systems.
The other is, that most of life is NOT POLITICAL. Politics should not be applied to every human experience of life - beliefs, most importantly. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but my perception and observation of the last several decades is that politics has become enmeshed (inappropriately) into almost all aspects of individual life. (And that might just BE an exaggeration, but examples aren't scarce). That phenomenon has been associated with some of the most tyrannical and devastating political events in recorded history.
I refuse to point fingers at anyone to blame them or try to foist responsibility for this phenomenon on them. At this point, even the "the People" who have silently seethed - but outwardly accepted this serious "boundary violation" in our governing principles - participated in the phenomenon. My intuition says the evolution of this phenomenon is going to come to conflict, sooner or later; in isolated locations and widespread. It scares the living bejesus out me on multiple levels because it is wantonly destructive of freedom - one doesn't have freedom, if one lives in fear of giving offense or being assaulted just because of what you look like - and it wiill make it impossible to "work things out" and resolve the conflict with words and diplomacy once it's gone to violence.
Politics is not the most important thing in life or about a person, IMO. Government has no right to intrude on the personal lives of so many people at the level they do -- my value system and what I believe about other people is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. On the other hand, they do have a vested interest in making sure that I treat all people the same. And that will unfortunately hurt some people's feelings. Not everyone likes me; I don't have to like everyone else.