Author Topic: How cosmic is this?  (Read 7245 times)


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How cosmic is this?
« on: January 25, 2017, 10:46:07 PM »
You may not believe me, but it's true...I am working for an N again and actually think it's destiny (or I am wearing a special magNet). But this time, at least so's okay!

He's not all bad (a clueless rather than malevolent N, just spoiled and deeply self-absorbed). And, he's not my parent, he's 92 and I am grateful for the work. But seeing him go through such confusion over why three previous people kind of dumped him (after knocking themselves out to help him prepare for a surgery)...has been revelatory. A very very familiar revelation, if you know what I mean.

SO many moments with Ns I've known when the actual puzzlement shows. An actual bewilderment over what is annoying others...just having zero clue about their own tone, or assumptions, or especially10 the biggest clue of all, the entitlement. The significant thing to me is I detect underneath that (in some, approachable or vulnerable Ns, which any human can be in their 90s)...a sorrow. And I can have compassion for that. While keeping up the boundaries.

I first met him about 10-12 years ago at church...he's VERY charming (was) and smart and full of incredible stories. Retired journalist, world traveled. He was also handsome. But I had one excursion with him to see some sheep dog trials and we were together for 5 hours and I knew immediately. Nope, not gonna even try to be friends with this particular gent (not that I was really thinking of him that way due to the age gap). He talked about himself the entire time, didn't ask me a sole personal question...classic kind of thiNg. I reminded him of that afternoon and he remembered my "back seat driving." He was a terrible, frighteningly bad driver and that was the OTHER reason I never built a friendship afterward...didn't want to battle about that. Was on a committee with him and we always greeted each other pleasantly though.

Anyway, after a rough couple days during which he fumed (about his other friends' abandonment) and showed a lot of resentment about my presence, he finally asked me exactly how it came about, and I told him the truth. His main friend (and PoA--he has no family) is ill himself, spent countless hours helping him arrange his complicated estate, then an interminable 9-hour stretch that nearly did the friend in. So he's backed way way off and is just fed up. I didn't put it quite that bluntly but, classically, when I told him how unwell and exhausted his friend was...he had not a word to say about that.

But now he's being quite nice to me. And he's paying me well, which keeps things nice and clear. And despite his personality, I actually tolerate it well (it's about 4 hours/day which feels waaaaay better than the FT jobs I was doing...and it's not about computing!). We get along because I know how to soothe an N, and this time, it's helping my life rather than hurting it.

If he ever reverts or becomes nasty, I'm free to quit. I have also made clear to him that I will only work for him as long as we both feel we can work together well. (His PoA told me he just emailed him about how well it's going...). I think it may be largely because he senses he's burned through the others and realizes he really does need my help. Stubborn, though! Egotistical, too. Only child, no kids, etc. But there's also a pride he struggles to cope with and I see how hard it is to let go of control. He has not been gracious about it, the way my Dad was (Dad didn't have an N cell in his body).

Old age is hard and he deals with real pain. When he's on his Rx regimen (including opiates for terrible spinal arthritis) and comfortable, he's pretty pleasant. I don't know what will happen in future but this is working for now (one week). How weird....I decided not to run screaming but see how my N-armor has strengthened. Being the hired and decently PAID help, and only PT, makes it relatively easy. And it's good for me to be forced out of the house every day--that's giving me purpose and helping with depression.

Anyhoo, just wanted to share this odd/ironic turn of events. I'm relieved to have work and do feel my instincts were right. Part-time elder companion care (not hygiene or nursing kinds of service, I can't do that much lifting, bending). But sorting, cooking simple meals (he needs to fatten up before his next procedure) and sitting beside him as he deals with confusing paperwork and computer decisions, kinda thing. And he loves an audience for his stories.

Cinderella got nothin' on us children of Ns! And somehow being around him shows me my growth. I'm not feeling any trauma about it at all. Just doing a good job and being kind (then going home).

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 08:42:38 AM »
LOL... who better to deal with an N than a child of an N? We can see their games & manipulations coming a mile away and have a whole toolkit to a) defend ourselves and b) stop them in their tracks. Do we always get it right? Nope; but that's OK.

Although, I worry sometimes that we're getting a little lazy or sloppy (after all these years) tagging someone an N -- when instead they might simply be very prideful or conceited or vain or even accustomed to power - giving orders and having them carried out - "bossy" and situationally dominating.

This word, description, diagnosis... has gotten popularized lately. I worry that it's being misused, misapplied, and perhaps unfairly "pinned" on some people. Even my mother has found this word and some of the literature for those of us affected by them... and uses it to assure me that my Dad was a prime example. Still - after 50 some years - it's important to her to tear down my opinion of him and reassure herself that she was a victim. (She can't possibly see how desperately needy she is for having someone externally support her own sense of self... LOL.)

But I think she's mixing up self-confidence, being an extrovert and enjoying a social environment, along with determination and persistence and healthy self-esteem/ego - the good kind of sense of self - with Narcississm. Sure, my Dad had his moments of pure N; I think we all do - but we don't live there 365/24/7. It wasn't the sum total of his personality. He was also very thoughtful and generous and surprisely self-deprecating in his more reflective moments.

I'm not a wordsmith at ALL... and since spending so much time alone I can notice that I'm reverting to visual thinking and may not communicate as precisely as I like all the time. I've just noticed that N has hit the "popular wavelength" and all us humans reach for that "quick shorthand categorization" of people to describe them. Sometimes incorrectly and unfairly. Because they simply don't like someone else, won't recognize boundaries between people, or can't abide that someone believes, thinks or feels differently than themselves about something. And then they PROJECT that onto the unsuspecting person.

I dunno. Weird ramble that was prompted by your delight in the irony of your employment with this person Hops. But I DO think it's a measure of how much work you've done and how strong you are now - that you can do this and even enjoy it. I'm trying to do much the same with my mom -- not for her sake mind you, but for MINE. To prove to myself once and for all, that my scar tissue doesn't feel pain - that my weakness healed stronger that it was "before". I'm venturing out into that trust/risk area again - gasp!! by myself!! - and trying to navigate friendship boundaries in a healthier way.

Big test: I have an online friend who lives some ways away, but within a days drive. She lost her husband Mike yesterday morning... and I'm trying to be there for her to lean on, but not be hovering all over her like a mother hen... and not hurt myself in the bargain by getting blindsided/triggered into pulling her grief into me and carrying it for her.

Well - time to put that mindset away. There's a backhoe and a crew of he-men arriving shortly to dig up the place in my driveway where I have a broken pipe to the septic tank. I have to go move the "beast" to give them some more room. Been without "indoor plumbing" since Tuesday in the house; the garage/studio is OK - but I don't have hot or conditioned water out there. The natural state of my water is heavy with iron (which makes me itch) and smells of sulphur. Blech.

I'm gonna go play with the boys.  :D

Enjoy this proof of "overcoming" Hops. Maybe he can still regale you with interesting stories - I'm sure it doesn't take much prompting. LOL.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 08:46:15 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2017, 08:50:23 AM »
Wow, Hops, maybe there's a whole new care service out there needing people who understand Ns and who can distance/depersonalise the situation and give care without burning out or expecting the things that most people expect in these situations.  It is something I hear a lot with regards to giving care to people.  As you say old age can be very hard (and we don't value ageing the way that some cultures do which I think can make it even more difficult) and pain and health problems along with that can be tough for anyone to cope with.  Being in a situation where people no longer have to put up with a difficult personality must really show the cracks although, as you say, a real 'N' won't question what they are doing, they'll wonder what's wrong with everybody else!

It sounds like a good deal in terms of hours/pay (and gives you time to work on your novel - maybe even ideas you can weave into it, or something else in the future :) ).  And a good opportunity to test those boundaries!  Maybe he can learn a little from your patience and understanding, you never know!  I've become more interested over the years with the notion that we live more than once and it's made me wonder if I were able to give my mum unconditional love in her later years whether she'd go into her next life with less of a desire to destroy people!  Not a theory that I'd like to try out but I find it interesting to think about.  Keep us posted with this job, it sounds interesting (and I hope he doesn't drive you nuts :) ) x


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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2017, 03:01:33 PM »
Well, he IS driving me nuts, but I recover quickly once at home, because it's only 3.5-4 hours/day. I imagine caring for him will get more difficult rather than less, and he may recover so well that he lets me go anyway. We've discussed this and I told him I completely understand we're taking it one week at a time, and that I'd be happy for him if he didn't need my help again after recovering from his next procedure.

PR, good reminder not to overuse N without deep reason (I agree it's become a shallow shorthand in media). That said, I believe I'm correct. Happy to alternatively call him deeply entitled, insensitive and lacking empathy, and totally self absorbed. Age and infirmity can bring these out in others, but I've known a lot of very old people and he's a...err...real piece of work. The THREE people it took to placate and please him put in a huge amount of effort for a solid month. His primary friend (retired from Foreign Service) got fed up first and backed away fastest.

So my employer has brought it up several times and when he does, I'm just telling him very briefly what I think. (We're in the same church community so I feel the capacity to share more honestly. AND because I believe I'll find other assignments if this one ends--or I choose to end it.) I told him...(again) his friend had been quite seriously unwell himself. And exhausted (he'd spent a nine-hour stretch one day when he was near falling over from stress). He said, "I need to smooth this over because he's the main person who does X and Z and Z for me." And then he discussed several other people who used to be useful and now are not. ZERO acknowledgement of others' own issues except how they either are/or aren't of service to him. (He's not in pain now--that was only right after discharge when he'd missed a dose.)

He finally asked me for advice. (He had a whole interpretation that was all about being "right" about a situation with that friend. And making the friend...wrong.) I said, well, you can make peace or you can be right, which would you like to do? He said, I need to smooth this over. I said, have you thought about saying, "I'm sorry?" That might be helpful. (This was after a truly nasty, epic, entitled email where he tore everybody--4 people including me--a new one for treating him as someone who can't make all his own decisions. He was infuriated beyond what most folks that age are about the various incremental losses of control. The point is, all his close friends are volunteers who genuinely care/d about him--were all trying madly to HELP, and the only thing he focused on was when someone guessed one of his needs--or non-needs--incorrectly.) After pondering, he said, "But what would I be apologizing FOR?" I said, Your tone, I think. Just your tone.

He also can get a really nasty edge when you displease him. I placed one knife in a different location and he went on about it. And sort of mocked my "tidying up." (I could see how he'd have been as a critical, controlling spouse.) Seriously, I believe he's a full-tilt N. Underneath the former twinkle and charm is someone used to always being kowtowed to. And I ain't. And I'm glad I have a simpler reason for being around him.

I'm still kind to him, deliberately cheerful, and very patient. He does not concede one inch (same as my mother, whom he reminds me of) about anything, and likes to read aloud an INFINITE number of pieces of paper or mail. She used to do that...she would read anything aloud, no matter how trivial, to keep a listener locked on. Difference? Mom got my attention/obedience for 10 years for free. I'm not giving it away to my employer. I am getting paid a good wage, which I need, so for that reason, I can cope. (With Mom, I felt exploited/trapped.)

Tupp, I hear your thoughts about wondering how unconditional love might affect your mother in great old age. I did have that one healing moment with my mother when my pain seemed to register and offend her sense of values about what my brother had done. But on balance, the sacrifice was too deep. It cleaned things up for me but it was a decade of pain to get there. I don't believe I'd do it again.

This job is an interesting challenge and truly may be short-term. Thanks for listening!

PS--the other thing is, he's a serious tightwad even though (his PoA told me, though he shouldn't have) he has a couple million. Depression era child, I get it. But he makes it an unpleasant thing for everyone he's tasked with making purchases for him. He'll spend literally hours on the phone to get a small refund of something or other...while also telling me he wants his mountain of paperwork sorted. But I'm not allowed to make a single decision about a tiny piece of paper dated years ago. This is just personality+beginning loss of focus from age, I think.

AND, it makes me look at my own office/paperwork challenge in a more urgent light. I don't want anyone else to have to do that for me!!!!!

PPS- Amber, have fun with the manly men! Sorry about the sewer pipe and the stinky water.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 03:10:10 PM by Hopalong »
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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2017, 08:29:26 AM »

I guess you work with this gentleman until he crosses one boundary too many.

It's a slippery slope, bc he's going to cross boundaries, IME.

Perhaps if you can be assertive as a priority, with kindness a close second, there will be less conflict in the long run? 

It's counter intuitive..... esp with people who interpret our asserting ourselves as the only conflict/problem when there's conflict.

I'm glad you can view this without much emotion as you navigate.



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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2017, 08:47:55 AM »
Pay no attention to my outburst of pondering over the popularity and usage of that word, Hops. It's part of some inner processing going on, I think. I still think this situation is an excellent "proof" of how well you've healed, how much you understand about the PD in general... and your ability to stand apart from the interpersonal zone where someone like that can truly hurt you.

I had to laugh about the pieces of paper and not being allowed to make any decisions about them. That's what my mom calls: help me sort & get rid of my stuff. The worst part is - she wants ME to take her crap off her hands. (in the frame of reference of an N, that's an interesting twist, n'est-ce pas?) Mike would do that to a degree, too. But with actual reasons. I think this is the quirk where someone uses the items around them to prop up their self-importance... like the King in his counting house nursery rhyme.

A number of my acquaintances are downsizing; "right sizing" their living situations for their interest and ability to maintain it. We're all running across a common observation about "things" -- what we end up knowing for sure we care about/couldn't care less about -- is revealing about changes in who we are or think we are. At the moment, I'm absolutely positive that there is an Aegean stable's worth of stuff between me and some of my art tools. I spent an hour out in the studio looking for a pencil or a pen... and never did find one. Well - lots of colored pencils. That I horrified myself by considering using them for a list.

Perhaps an idea to introduce to your employer - just drop the "seed" and walk away - is that we can never really know ourselves as long as we desperately cling to the myths & legends we tell ourselves about ourselves - and then support with "things" that "prove" we were - are - might've been those myths in reality.

My pair of manly men yesterday seriously dinged my myth of being self-sufficient quite by accident. The younger of the two, insisted that the suggestions he was giving me - all providing back-up options in the event of some future problem with the system that I could plan for down the road - he was offering up because he tries to "look out for people like me". Yeah, a woman alone... at my age...

LOL. Once upon a time I would've been immediately offended... and come back with an "I'll show you...". Now, I think I was just grateful for the kindness involved in him helping me understand the scope of what I'm taking on - and how it can be made more manageable. It's a new experience to perceive being cared about by guys... but in a way that doesn't require me giving up solitude and space... or ask for something in return.

I'm finding this curious, interesting, and I'm not fighting it. It's not quite what I had in mind, when I consider "man shopping" - LOL - but it just might work out fine.
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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2017, 11:08:50 AM »
Wow, Hopsie, you really are incredibly strong and resilient, he drove me nuts just reading what you wrote about him :)  Lol, and rang so many bells, not just of childhood stuff but of boyfriends and friends along the way who do that nit picking, snidey comment stuff that's always a little bit slippery and difficult to really get hold of and deal with.  I think it was the constant drip, drip, drip of wondering 'is it me, is it them, I think it's me'.  It does funny things to your brain, but I do think less so when you can see so clearly that it really is them, not you. 

I admire you doing ten years of caring for your mum.  Ten years of caring for anyone is hard going but ten years with someone who has not always been kind, shall we say, is a real feat of endurance.  I could see myself taking my mum out for coffee once a week or running her to the doctor (if my step dad is dead by then, there's no way I'm going round there if he's about) but that would be as far as it went and realistically I think I'd probably not be able to keep it up for long, however much I like to think I've healed.  I just know that in her position I'd have started making plans about ten years ago - move somewhere smaller that's a bit nearer facilities (in case of not being able to drive in the future), get involved in local clubs so the loneliness doesn't get too bad (she prefers to moan about not having visitors), look after my health (she drinks more than she eats) and so on.  But I know she hasn't done anything like that and I know she's been busying spending as much money as possible as she assumed my sister would look after her should the time come and that she wouldn't need to pay for care.  I think for me it is more of a thought than a reality, lol, although I do genuinely hope she has a tiny moment of realisation at some point that a little bit of effort would have changed a great deal.

Anyway I hope you can cope with this new employer without draining yourself too much and kudos to you for getting on with it; I think many would have run for the door :) x


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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2017, 05:47:42 PM »
Scrap what I said about taking my mum out for coffee one day!  I was looking at pictures of my sister's kids on Facebook and my mum had written a whole load of stuff that sent me through the roof!  Nothing directed at me, but her usual poor me, what a victim, no-one's ever had it as hard as she has blah blah blah, I nearly bust a gut :)  Obviously my thoughts that I would be able to tolerate her in small doses one day are based on the fact that I haven't seen her for ten years and I'd forgotten what a nightmare she is, lol.  Hopsie you deserve a medal, you truly do, I am going to keep my fingers crossed that you find a nice somebody that needs a bit of help they are happy to pay for and who will value you for the truly wonderful person that you are :) x


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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2017, 02:35:24 PM »
My employer was feeling energetic today (it's sunny and he slept well) so he decided he only needs me for half the hours. Cut my income in half. I am so clearly the hired help. He refused to set me up as a household employee (Nanny tax issue) so I won't qualify for unemployment if he cans me entirely.

Incredibly self-absorbed person and I don't find it fun. But I do/did need the work and do feel jerked around.

He has a heart procedure in two weeks and is fooling himself, but wants me "on call" yet won't commit to a minimum. Not pleasant.

Grrrrr. Just wanted to vent. Will be looking for other clients.


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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2017, 01:56:08 AM »
My employer was feeling energetic today (it's sunny and he slept well) so he decided he only needs me for half the hours. Cut my income in half. I am so clearly the hired help. He refused to set me up as a household employee (Nanny tax issue) so I won't qualify for unemployment if he cans me entirely.

Incredibly self-absorbed person and I don't find it fun. But I do/did need the work and do feel jerked around.

He has a heart procedure in two weeks and is fooling himself, but wants me "on call" yet won't commit to a minimum. Not pleasant.

Grrrrr. Just wanted to vent. Will be looking for other clients.



That sounds very like the zero hours system that we have over here, Hops, it's destroying people.  I don't know if you call it the same thing but basically it's working for someone without any assurances on their part of how many hours you work (which of course makes budgeting impossible) and, of course, shows a complete lack of respect for the employee and the work they are putting in.  I hope you find someone/something else soon.

Can you pay the tax yourself?  I don't know how similar your systems are to ours (and I'm very out of date with our own!).  But no safety net is hard to cope with.  Rocks and hard places.  I'm having a word with the fairy of good fortune, you have had far too much nonsense to deal with and I'm not happy about it xx


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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2017, 02:10:30 PM »

Maybe you could charge him a higher rate for ON CALL and reduced hours?

Maybe he'll decide he appreciates you more when his procedure goes through?

I'm sorry it's a struggle.  Maybe there's a cool elderly lady or two who would appreciate your company and talents?

You certainly have recent experience.




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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2017, 01:33:09 PM »
He's an extreme tightwad so if I charged him more or extra for anything I'm sure he'd can me entirely. It's very odd, given his resources.

I've identified a new issue I'm grappling with. Although I'm minimizing the "hurt" of being around his N-ish stuff (and at times, when everything's going his way and he's feeling well, he can be pleasant)...I've identified something new. It's my problem, not really about him.

I am noticing that a deep-seated, reflexive sense of responsibility for his well being has kicked in. When I'm NOT with him, his three friends with the health care power of attorney will email me questions. Like, how long will his heart procedure take? Mostly, they seem interested in planning their own schedules and limits around being there for him, although I'm sure they care on some level, on another level, they're very disengaged for being legally responsible for someone who is facing a heart procedure at 92. So...I spend a lot of time providing them answers that they could Google for themselves.

I feel guilty about it but I am going to add that time to my daily count, even if I'm not with him at that time.

The more serious issue for me, though, is that I am thinking about his care and situation all the time. Anticipating things the PoA team hasn't even asked about. Such as, what about after his procedure, when he's discharged? If HE doesn't want to pay me for more than two hours per day, but he's weak (which is typical after a week's hospitalization for anyone, and doubly so for someone in their 90s)? Are they assuming I am available, and if so, are they again leaving me on my own to handle his irrational resentment about paying for adequate hours?

I think they are. So I worry and wonder about.

More than that, though, I'm bothered by an emotional side effect of this gig, in that I think about it too much when I'm not there...AND, I'm noticing I'm again not taking care of my own life (or making headway with my own needs, such as paperwork and even, this week, novel writing). This is very troubling to me. But I think I'm noticing the old Cinderella-reflex is being triggered by this job.

It's ideal for me in many ways, as I am instinctively good at it. But if it consumes too much of me or if I can't find a way to repress or release the instinctive over-responsibility I'm feeling...then it may become a negative thing.

I want to manage it, because the hours and flexibility (I can go an hour later than scheduled, for example, and he's fine with that--I just call) are way more comfortable than my locked-in-a-cubicle-with-soul-draining-out-my-ass-while-writing-for-other-people previous positions.

But it'll all be for naught if I emotionally go backward into over-caregiving, if that makes sense.

I feel like the adult in the room with his healthcare power of atty people. I am paid, and they are not. I get that. However, I am also surprised by how incurious they are about preparing for Plans B, etc, if his recovery doesn't go as well as he intends it to. He's 92 and anything could happen, and I don't feel they have thought it through.

Anyway, I'll do the best I can by him but it's very complex because of his combination of furious independence, intelligence, inconsistent judgement, memory loss, and fragility. I have suggested I meet with the three of them, as talking about Plans B would make sense. But it's awkward. I can't insist on anything as the "hired help" but I'm also more experienced and more focused than they seem to be.

Just venting, and again--this is where my own time is going and I need to get a GRIP and take my life in hand.

Thanks for listening,
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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2017, 06:34:39 PM »

From here, it seems like the POAs have you pegged for the caring empath you are.

If they call you in your off hours to ask questions they used to answer themselves.... they're overstepping a boundary, IMO.

Is it possible that your caring demeanor makes it easy for them to shift some of their responsibility to your shoulders..... bc you feel obligated in your heart?  You honestly do care, but when does that care infringe on your boundaries and welfare?

I can also see the worst case scenario happening, then everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off, perhaps the worst of the lot suggesting you COULD have done more, known better, blah blah... what selfish people do when they've failed, and identify an empath they can point to, and KNOW they'll FEEL responsible, even if they're not.

They have you pegged, and I'd like to see you write a letter to your employer with all your concerns and suggestions... copy the POAs, then go back to what you were doing until they ask you for more.

Cover yourself, know you're a good person willing to stand up and do what's best for your employer, if allowed.  You have to come to terms with the fact you're limited by others, IMO.

And this.....

how much better will you feel on the job when you've caught up your papers, and spent quality time working on your novel?

Everything in your life will feel better..... and that's a job you're responsible for too.

Tease out what you can control, and what you can't.  Do your best.  Let the POAs carry the responsibility they won't allow you to carry for them..... don't let them shift the feeling of responsibility onto you. 

It's not fair, and you're such a good person.

Don't lose ground on this, Hops.



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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2017, 08:09:13 AM »
Huh. An old coping mechanism falling into place, Hops? Who woulda thought? LOL... you know from my recent posts I have old crap coming up too.

But it is up to you, to push your way past the old ways of "protecting yourself" -- by being better at your job than the POAs are. Ultimately, they are going to make decisions you simply can't - and shouldn't - because your relationship with the old codger is task/hourly based. But it could be they're totally unfamiliar with ill/geriatric people... and what the whole "end of life" realm is all about. I think you are within your boundary to ask them about that. And have a list of things prepared, that they probably want to discuss among themselves - you can stay out of it; they should be asking his medical team questions and preparing "Plan B" - and then you're only a person helping implement that plan.

I do understand how it can make a person frustrated beyond belief at the sheer ignorance of some people of areas of knowledge we're familiar with; how they don't seem to look at the whole scope of a situation - nor even understand cause & effect. They might be going through a bit of denial about his age, chances of survival, and ability to bounce back after surgery. I have a hard time with people who only look at the present moment that's in front of them - and never understand "how they got here" nor where the situation is going.

It as it's a perceptual sense that some of us are born with. Though lately, I'm thinking it's more like some kind wavelength that people have chosen NOT to tune into... for whatever reason. Not like it's a skill that takes years of practice and study to master, you know?
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Re: How cosmic is this?
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2017, 01:59:06 AM »
Realization. Sigh.
Working with this geNtleman has triggered a cascade of not caring for myself.
It's a weird (unfatal, but needs insight) reversal into what it was like caring for NMom.
My own-wellbeing tanked.

Figured out the connection over the last few days.

SAME personality. Mom returned in an old man's body.
His selfishness has driven all his friends crazy, he uses his stinginess like a weapon and toys with me about hours, continuing, etc. And I'm a servant, not a person (even though we've been co-congregants for over a decade). It's doable (and may end in two weeks) but it isn't pleasant.

I'm not deterred from the work and have met a couple ladies there who may need me. And I'll be fine. I have clarity and get to practice boundaries in a new round. It's okay. Okay-but kind of okay.

But the realization was rough. His friends have told me I'm spot on and have been very supportive.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."