Author Topic: How Do You Manage Your Stress?  (Read 20735 times)


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #105 on: May 01, 2017, 08:32:10 AM »
Four years ago when I first moved to this sweet dead-end block of wee houses along the ridge (old dairy farm before it was developed in the 50s), I was coming home one twilight and there were TEN deer shambling along in a herd right down the middle of my street. They were juveniles, and not delinquents...just moving along at snack time, eyeing the shrubbery on offer.

One morning after heavy rain I drew open the curtains on the back wing that sticks into the yard and saw five deer sleeping along my fence...I think they were looking for drier ground. And once I startled some in the yard and in their scramble to jump back out, a couple lost their footing on the gravel driveway and kind of lurched into the side of the house. They aren't in my yard any more since one stretch of deer fencing got added (after Pooch Poo Roll #2 defeated my sentiments) but I do enjoy seeing them all the time in the neighborhood.

Frisky. I remember stopping to look at a small group of them on a walk. After a bit, one who had his eye on me began stamping his front feet. I think that was to send a vibration warning to his pals, not to signal aggression to me. But just in case that behavior could mean either thing, Pooch and I picked up the pace and stopped staring!

(I still feel a little guily about booting them from my yard.)


PS-- My community's pretty upset about a current campaign by a few county folks too lazy to put away their birdfeeders and get locking trash bins. They've petitioned the authorities to change hunting regs so they can eliminate 1/4 of the existing black bear population, which is no longer threatened but has not yet rebounded to sustainable levels. It's about humans refusing to respect common sense and adapt to the bears' environment as the humans move in with their vacay mountain homes. Some are even proposing they be allowed to shoot hibernating bears in their dens. Pretty big pushback happening, so I hope the effort fails. For God's sake. It's ugly.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2017, 08:37:38 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #106 on: May 01, 2017, 01:23:00 PM »
I hope their attempts fail as well, we should respect their living spaces that we invade with our developments, not the other way around!  We see similar things here, not with animals so much but with the countryside in general.  People move out of the cities because they want to live in the country (we're about an hour from London so it's prime for commuters) but then they cut down the trees in their gardens, concrete their front gardens so that they can park their cars on them and complain that there's no Starbucks!  Crazy behaviour, I hope the bear killers don't get their way.  How much effort is it to lock your bin and bring in your bird feeder?!


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #107 on: May 01, 2017, 02:01:28 PM »
Oh Hops, I hope the bears are safe too.  It's sad when we crowd them out.... like it's our home, and not theirs.

Yes, mating season.  I'm not sure when it is, but I'm sure I'd like to avoid a frontal hoof pummeling if possible. Sure, we;d be fine, but...... really?

That's a story I'd rather not have to share.


The ticks..... so... creepy.  I've picked a sore spot on the top of my itchy head, and half convinced myself it's SOMETHING.  I don't have a very high tolerance for bugs, and allergies. 

Tupp..... what would it look like if you just did for yourself for a month, or two?  Literally, what do you see for yourself?



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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #108 on: May 01, 2017, 02:28:41 PM »
Anything itchy makes me itch, Lighter, a tick would freak me out!  I thought the cat had one when she was a lot younger and I rushed off to the vet because I couldn't cope with trying to get it out on my own and it turns out she has a funny nipple (or whatever they call them on cats!).  So it was left well alone (I imagine vets have a sort of get together where they swop stories on the daft things people bring their pets in with :) ).

I have been thinking over the weekend about what I would like to do.  I think where I'm struggling is that I don't have any problems to deal with at the moment (in terms of pressing, can't ignore them problems) and I'm so used to living my life dealing with 'stuff' that I'm floundering a bit with making choices and decisions instead of having them made for me.

One thing I would love to get done in the next month is to get my van ship shape so that we can go away in it and be nice and comfy.  And maybe I should just aim for one thing instead of my usual scattergun approach of trying to do a dozen things at once?  I think I might actually need a break from people for a while.  I'm getting frustrated with other people's 'stuff' and thinking I might be better with my own company for a while.


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #109 on: May 01, 2017, 02:54:33 PM »
That's one sad thing about living under siege all the time.... it becomes the normal, IME.

If we're used to operating on adrenaline, in crisis mode...... adjusting to life under less pressure isn't easy, IMO. 

TBH I think PDs often manufacture crisis and drama when it's not in their life... bc it feels normal to them, and they can't figure out how to get along without.

I sure hope we can. 
I like peace and serenity. 

Just sit with the difficult feelings, ((Tupp.)) 

Name them, whatever comes up, until you have some clarity...... it will come.



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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #110 on: May 02, 2017, 09:08:49 AM »
I know, isn't it weird, you finally get the peace that you long for - and it feels odd and you don't quite know what to do with it!

Anyway - I decided to try and focus on one achievement a day and to write it up on the wall, so I feel like I am making positive progress with something.  My son has had a rash come up on his legs which I was worried might be to do with his medication so my aim for today was to get that sorted out, which we have done.  We've done quite a few other bits and pieces as well but that was the thing on the achievement list so I've ticked that box :)


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #111 on: May 03, 2017, 02:32:01 PM »
I'm feeling quite rough, I think because of the lack of caffeine, and I didn't get much sleep as my son was up in the night so today has been very tiring.  I went to see a lady about a little cleaning job and I've got it.  I'm really pleased, it's just up the road, I can take my son and it's a bit of extra money which I am going to save up and use for 'turning Tup into a fun loving human again' type stuff.  We saw the doc yesterday; the rash is in fact stretch marks which I had no idea kids could get but apparently that's what it is.  She also confirmed what I suspected about the consultant which is that he's not made any of the referrals he said he would, so we are once again without any kind of medical input and I am so angry and fed up with it all.  I am going to complain and sort out the referrals myself but I do just get so fed up with this kind of passive aggressive behaviour; we've had years now of people saying one thing to my face and then doing another behind my back and I find it frustrating that I can't have it out with this man and tell him exactly what I think about him.

I have also been quite vocal on Facebook today and had a lengthy political disagreement with someone and been quite blunt to someone else who chimed in with a pointless comment.  I usually avoid conflict and drama, particularly on social media, but for some reason today I felt I wanted to say my bit so I have done.  It got to the point where the discussion was going round in circles so I said I was going to leave it there but the other person has carried on regardless - I've let them, they can waffle on to themselves for the rest of the night.

I do feel quite fiesty at the minute and I don't usually.  I usually want to play nice and be everyone's friend but at the minute I feel like punching people and telling them exactly what I think.  Not sure why exactly (and I'm at home so I won't be punching anybody) but I do feel very angry, about a lot of things, I think, and I'm starting to wonder why I always keep quiet.

Anyway, generally not feeling great but I'm hoping that as I adjust to being caffeine free again I won't feel so bad and I am starting to think that being angry once in a while probably isn't a bad thing.


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #112 on: May 04, 2017, 03:41:09 AM »
I am feeling a little bit cross with myself.  I am finding I don't want to be around people and that this is generally either because people I know offload on me, or because they waffle on about petty, insignificant things that are of no interest to me.  I am realising that I generally just sort of go along with this - part of wanting to be nice, maybe?  But I'm getting cross with myself when I realise that I have so much to do that giving my time to others is generally not a good idea, and that I've spent years letting people offload their woes onto my shoulders before they go to enjoy their evening with friends and family, whilst I then sit indoors on my own with my own, and everyone else's, woes in my lap.  I've noticed this before at times but not really followed through with being firm with others, I think.  Everyone I know has got other people in their lives on a close, daily basis, and I really don't have that.  So I do need to be a lot tougher in that regard and not let myself be a dumping ground for everybody else's troubles.

I've also had to go through some old paperwork as it's relevant to a current situation with my son and I needed to find some old letters to show how long a particular situation has been going on for.  Apart from being very impressed with my filing system (I found what I needed in a matter of minutes in amongst, I would guess, about two thousand bits of paper) it also did hit home just how much we've been through over the years (and how much of it is documented).  And that made me realise that the only person who really knows how bad it all was is probably my therapist at the time, who I offloaded the entire thing onto over a period of months.  I do need to be firmer about this and stop letting people use my time up in a way that isn't beneficial to me.  I do feel very tired and grumpy but I think that might be the kick up the bum that I need to stop doing this to myself.


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #113 on: May 04, 2017, 04:17:28 PM »
I am waffling away at the moment, it's funny because I've felt very stuck for the last few days and unable to express myself or move very much and now it all seems to be flowing out endlessly :)

I was quite pleased because I realised there was a time (not so long ago) when the Facebook spat would have triggered a lot in me, and it hasn't.  The other person wasn't taking any notice of what I was saying and just kept repeating their point of view (which was nothing to do with what I'd originally posted anyway) - that's a common tactic of my mum's.  When I tried to end the (pointless) discussion by saying we'll agree to disagree they twisted that to make it seem that I was suggesting something altogether different (it doesn't make a lot of sense trying to explain it on here but I don't want to recount the whole conversation as it went on a bit and it was quite boring :) ).  I was rude at that point and made it very clear the discussion was over as far as I was concerned and they still came back again so I ignored the whole thing.  Today they tried to reignite the discussion so I've deleted the post.  It was all very reminiscent of a discussion with my mum and I realised this evening that there have been times when this sort of thing has happened before and I have been in a tizz about it for days because it's brought so much old stuff up.  But it really hasn't happened this time; I was annoyed but only to the point of switching off the computer and I don't feel bad about being rude to him because he was rude (usually I feel like I shouldn't have let my 'nice girl' facade slip but this time I didn't care).  Anyway I just needed to waffle on about it before I went to bed :)


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #114 on: May 05, 2017, 09:08:22 AM »
Waffle away, Tupp.

What I love most about the whole FB exchange is your ability to recognize old struggle, and not get so hooked into it.

It's tremendous growth when we no longer need others to understand our POV.  Esp those who can't hear us.... just drop the rope.  Yes. 

I wonder when that'll shift into habit, so's we don't have to think about it any more.

I've always seen those WITH proper boundaries as sort of..... intimidating. 
Sometimes scary. 

There's a place where understanding why I felt that way...... calms my nervous system, and brings comfort in occupying Proper Boundary Land. 

BEING there..... myself. 

I still have anxiety when I'm around people with really good boundaries.... and I'm not feeling like I'm there with them.  It's like ..... is it like I have to be unfaithful to the part I grew up with, or am used to playing (good girl) or what?

I know this....
I've noticed for many years that I'm very comfortable in the position of helper/do'er.   My esteem was closely tied, in many ways not all, to being of service.

I still haven't learned how to comfortably BE with everyone in my world.  I'm still sorting it out, and paying attention to it.

About walking away from a misunderstanding or difference of opinion with a (wounded) person who can't hear you..... I did that last year.  Just signed off, and didn't bother to respond at all... not one explanation.  It was comforting, and felt SO right to drop the rope, then go do something for myself.

About not getting the proper promised referrals...... I don't know how your system works, but everyone has managers somewhere.  Can you gain something by going to the next tier of power in this situation?



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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #115 on: May 05, 2017, 11:06:27 AM »
Waffle away, Tupp.

What I love most about the whole FB exchange is your ability to recognize old struggle, and not get so hooked into it.

It's tremendous growth when we no longer need others to understand our POV.  Esp those who can't hear us.... just drop the rope.  Yes. 

I wonder when that'll shift into habit, so's we don't have to think about it any more.

I've always seen those WITH proper boundaries as sort of..... intimidating. 
Sometimes scary. 

There's a place where understanding why I felt that way...... calms my nervous system, and brings comfort in occupying Proper Boundary Land. 

BEING there..... myself. 

I still have anxiety when I'm around people with really good boundaries.... and I'm not feeling like I'm there with them.  It's like ..... is it like I have to be unfaithful to the part I grew up with, or am used to playing (good girl) or what?

I know this....
I've noticed for many years that I'm very comfortable in the position of helper/do'er.   My esteem was closely tied, in many ways not all, to being of service.

I still haven't learned how to comfortably BE with everyone in my world.  I'm still sorting it out, and paying attention to it.

About walking away from a misunderstanding or difference of opinion with a (wounded) person who can't hear you..... I did that last year.  Just signed off, and didn't bother to respond at all... not one explanation.  It was comforting, and felt SO right to drop the rope, then go do something for myself.

About not getting the proper promised referrals...... I don't know how your system works, but everyone has managers somewhere.  Can you gain something by going to the next tier of power in this situation?


Hi Lighter :)

Re the referrals, he was the highest chap.  I can make a complaint (which I will) but the way the system works here is that all initial complaints are fobbed off; everything is dismissed as a misunderstanding (on the part of the person making the complaint).  You then have to complain to an external body who take more than a year, usually, to investigate.  They will find in your favour (if your complaint was genuine) but the whole process takes a year and a half and all that happens then is you get a letter from the organisation you complained about saying they will use your concerns to improve their service and that's the end of it (I've done it so many times!).  Best way forward now is for me to organise what I can myself; I booked appointment with local doctor to see if they can organise one referral, a second I can do myself, a third will involve me writing to the doctor that would have to do the assessment and asking him if he thinks we need to see him; if he says no, I can leave that, if not we go to new doc at new hospital (who is unaware of all of this as previous consultant transferred case across without sending any information) and ask him to do that plus three others that are outstanding (and all need to be made by a consultant, not a regular doctor).  It's a ludicrously ineffective and inefficient system but that's how it works.  Son is doing okay so I'm not spitting feathers at the moment and I am going on a paperwork bonanza at the minute to get as much done over the weekend as I can so it's all out of the way and not annoying me anymore :)

Yes, I've always found boundaries intimidating as well!  But I am starting to feel that I really don't care what people think anymore, or if they're offended by what I say.  I'm not deliberately rude or obnoxious to people but if someone doesn't like what they hear is that my problem?  I wouldn't bluster in giving unsolicited opinions but I am feeling less inclined to hide my thoughts and feelings away as I always have done.  Which I think is good?

The Facebook thing was definitely a good moment; usually I'd have worried about this and I'm usually desperate for other people to see things from my point of view but I really don't feel like I care and I've no inclination to try and smooth things over or make the peace.  For me, there were alarm bells going off with his refusal to listen to what was being said and his own broken record technique and I just didn't want to involve myself with that.  It does feel good to just walk away from something (or someone) and just get on with something different.

How are things with you?  Have you had any more trips to the stream recently? x


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #116 on: May 05, 2017, 12:46:16 PM »
Something else I've noticed is that my desire to rescue people seems to be going?  I am focusing more along the lines of health, money and good time for myself and son and it is feeling right?  Instead of me feeling I ought to be doing things for other people?


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #117 on: May 05, 2017, 04:50:03 PM »

What would it feel like to read your own last post if all the question marks were replaced by periods?

Try it!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #118 on: May 06, 2017, 12:58:27 AM »

What would it feel like to read your own last post if all the question marks were replaced by periods?

Try it!


Hopsie, what do you mean by periods, is that what you call full stops?  So it's a statement, not a question?   It does feel good, although such a big step for me I think it makes me feel a bit hesitant?  (Another question mark :) ).  In the UK, periods are your menstrual cycle which really made me laugh, I had visions of myself in a hyped up menstrual rant shouting "I'm not rescuing you!" at people :) xx


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #119 on: May 06, 2017, 09:22:39 AM »
Tee HEE.

Yes, periods as punctuation marks, not bloody periods.

Oh that's funny.

But, yes.

Try it as full stops.

(I'm suggesting it as a small way to experience your own voice with more power. Nothing scary, just getting more comfortable with assertive statements, is all...)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."