Argh! Following on from my earlier thoughts I found myself yesterday wanting to be more spontaneous and getting out more. With that in mind, we went out for a walk. I decided to drive to a pond that I know, nice place to walk and teaming with wildlife but we rarely go there because when we go out for a walk I usually make it 'practical' so we walk to the village to run errands or down to the old train track (which means we don't waste petrol using the van). But I fancied a change of scene so we went further afield. I also decided to take the camera, the video camera and a few toys. What I thought about as we were driving over there is that my head is full of ideas about things to do - photos to take, videos to shoot, projects to work on, but I rarely get on with any of it because I feel I have a long list of things I must do first. For example, for my son to shoot a video I feel it ought to be from an educational perspective, so I feel we should script it first so that it is done 'properly'. I would love to sell photographs that I take but before I embark on that I feel I ought to sift through the hundreds of photos I already have, sell what I can, learn all about lighting, buy a better camera and so on. I was thinking about all of that as we drove along and I realised how many conditions I impose on myself before I allow myself to do things. It has to be right. And so I spend a lot of time planning, but not so much actually getting anything done (or just enjoying myself in the process)
With all of that in mind, I handed my son the video camera and he shot his own little film with no input from me. While he was doing that, I took some photos of trees just for fun. We went on our walk, my son took the camera and took pictures of whatever he fancied. The pond is near an old steam train site, and the train went chugging past as we were walking by. We chatted to a few dog walkers as we went around and enjoyed the sun.
I made some notes when we got home of other things we could do - a ride on the steam train, learn a bit more about film making, learn a few more types of tree or bird. This morning I got up and started rifling through books. We have masses of information here that I just don't pick up often enough and say to my son "Let's go and find an oak tree and learn all about it". I also decided to try to learn more about sailing - he's been going for years and I've just looked on it as a leisure activity rather than learning about it, so I went online to order a book about sailing knots and sailing techniques.
While I was doing that it occurred to me that I have gone off piste. I work to a list that always has daily things to do (yoga, exercise, meal planning, school work with son and so on) and because I stick to this list there isn't really much time to get on with things. I realised I have a thing in my head that I can't attempt 'stuff' if I haven't done all the things on my list. And then the memory of my T telling me, probably six or seven years ago now, that my list making habits were all about control and safety, actually really made sense to me for the first time. I can see what she means now. If I do everything on my list, then I can try the other things I want to do and it will be safe, because I've taken care of 'business' first. But what I realised happens is I never (or very rarely) get through my list and so I rarely try the other things. The next day I reset and go back to the beginning of the list, so I don't have the time, again, to try other stuff.
I'm not sure if this is making any sense because it's sort of pouring out of my head at the minute.
I think it relates back to the child abuse allegations - ten years ago now. If I do everything on my list - the sensible, boring stuff - then no-one can accuse me of not looking after him properly. But it just occurred to me as I'm typing this up that it isn't actually the end of the world if we go out, unplanned, and have chips for lunch instead of a proper meal, or if he's wearing odd socks because I haven't done any laundry yet this week. Saying it seems obvious but I know that these minor things have terrified me over the years - any slight mistake on my part could give them an opportunity to take him away from me. I'm not sure whether I feel relieved or revolted at the minute, I suddenly feel it's clear that I've been living a half life for the last decade because of what they did to me and the unfairness of it all.
So - I'm knackered after all of that! Lol. We are going sailing - in the wind and the rain today. We're going to go for a ride on that steam train this afternoon. I haven't done my food prep for the day, or the washing, or micromanaged my son - in fact I'm not even sure what he's up to at the minute, it's very quiet so I should probably check! Not sure whether I feel elated or scared. Bit blown away at the moment in all honesty.
Thank you for reading if you got to the end of all that. I've no idea if it makes any sense at all!