Reading your post makes me feel protective for you. I have no idea how your past experience wouldn't show up in your life. Of course it did. I'm glad dear sweet Mike was a part of your world.
Your post did bring up some poignant moments that might apply to Hops' situation.
When my B came along he was very in my face, hold my beer while I went to the bathroom, ask me out all the time, lean into my space....moving faster than I could process.
I forget exactly how it happened, but I let off a verbal warning shot, and instead of giving me more space, he inexplicably closed more distance. I said true things that made him go away for good.
That gave me plenty of space, and I used it to reflect. I missed B, his kindness, his unwavering.... whatever it was going to be. My instincts said to bring him back.
I wrote a letter explaining why I needed the space I'd asked for, and he was still clutching it when I opened my front door. He'd flown to me after reading it, and it felt just the right thing to do.
From that day he was very careful about not rushing me, which provided the space for
And when I did, for I surely did, he was all....
"What are you in? Wait a minute?"
Adorable, and he had my heart particularly after he heard my response....and you might guess it Hops.. .
I wanted to make out like teenagers.
His stress melted, and what you called slow joy did begin.
Looking back, B was a driven type A CEO type, but his imperative in relationship was to do too much, protect and please. I'm not gonna lie. So was mine. I recognized something had to change, and I consciously made the decision to get used to being cared for, and receiving.
It was the best decision I ever made. Soon enough, there was a cadence to our life that felt right, and I was a very happy woman in a reciprocal relationship with a peer. Not King Baby, or a taker/ exploiter personality, which happens sometimes to those of us who feel we need to prove our worth, IME.
What aI notice about the takers....they tend to make comments designed to tear us down, sometimes very small comments at first, or large sometimes. I've heard both versions.
"I'm not attracted to you anymore, why is that?". Or some such accusations, as though it was my fault, or at all true, which wasn't the case. There was obvious lust, and plenty of it.
Particularly when spoken by a man, who couldn't engage in sex bc he reached nervana on approach several times.....was..... inexplicably.... amusing to me. I wasn't able to identify cruel manipulative behavior when I saw it, heard it. I don't know what was wrong with me, but I got it right with B.
B cared for his mother, and did kind things for her. The cruel little men didn't. How does your B speak about his mother...lost wife?
There's a difference between men who lean in to protect and cherish, and men who take and exploit for pleasure, IME.
I'm afraid I don't have much to offer in between, except perhaps that sometimes things aren't what they seem. Sometimes they're much worse, or better, than you can possibly imagine.
What is your B's imperative?
Does he want to be there for you, protect you, grow old with you?
Or is he worried about made up things, designed to chip away at your self esteem? There's evil in that. I've seen it up close, and made the mistake twice.
I'm glad you had an ok time last night,Hops.