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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #165 on: February 15, 2018, 09:20:25 AM »
Hopsy... from me to you... a piece of very serious advice. Stop seeing people as "being" their politics, you seriously limit the possibilities of genuine connection. This is why I take issue with how most people think about how people manifest "the political is personal" idea.

I work on this a lot too. Coming from a more traditional background - I can cringe and withdraw when I'm invited to social things with people I know are proud of their progressive liberal politics and value system. Yes, I want to fit them into a 2-dimensional cartoon of expectations about them... and then confirmation bias shows up... and we're off to the races and I have a miserable time. And that's MY FAULT... I don't just let them be themselves and enjoy that, my brain feels compelled to categorize/judge. Pfffft. My brain is stupid sometimes.

I know there are social energies at work that validate that process too. And I'm fighting them. I'm using my ability to "see" the person -- not just their political beliefs -- and to remind myself that "politics" aren't values... or morality... or character... and that "politics" only makes up about .0000000000001% of what is important in life. It's the old truism about bureaucracy come to life in a really malevolent way in today's "virtual reality of media" culture.

That truism is: the only thing Bureaucracy cares about is perpetuating itself and it's power. Kinda sounds N-ish to me. Our so-called "politics" is doing the same thing. None of the "isms" we see in the media (and I mean all of it) are 100% good or bad. There are bits & pieces of things that are terribly important in each end of that continuum, and to go forward - together - requires everyone getting to realize some of those important things and to keep working to stifle the bad things, and make things better for everyone.

I think a definition is called for, that defines politics as: the process by which we govern ourselves as a society. End definition. No more; no less. It doesn't have a blessed thing to do with compassion, empathy, or any of the other stuff that's been conflated into our "understanding" of politics. That stuff has gotten mixed up into politics, because essentially - politics is really BORING and mechanical processes. Politicians couldn't sell it or themselves; it wasn't sexy enough.

You can't legislate morality - and have it work. Proven over & over again. And it's because government & politics is a whole different realm of life. A different category - like the difference between biological and emotional/intellectual life. Somehow, we as a people (around the world, IMO) have forgotten that very real fact.

Political beliefs don't determine whether a person cares about the people they interact with, their motivations in life, or how "good" a person they are. Political beliefs are about as important a definition of human being as weight, height, eye/hair color.

(Edited for length, ranty babbling, and sense of frustration at the whole virtual media world that inflates the importance of politics way beyond it's utility.)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 09:23:11 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #166 on: February 15, 2018, 09:38:49 AM »
PS - ya know I loves ya - BECAUSE of your compassion, empathy, and POLITICAL beliefs etc - and not in spite of it. Even though we have different beliefs about how best to self-govern.
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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #167 on: February 16, 2018, 12:09:25 PM »
Thanks, Amber. This is exceedingly smart. Thank you for the reminder, and for teasing out that thing I was doing. Gluing the politics onto the person. I do think compassion or its lack is part of policy but also think I was billboardizing B...he doesn't behave as though he craves political debate and it's unfair to us both to let that be a big focus. And to project onto him my fears of his political "type."

And Tupp, I have to say I wish there was no ocean between us, because your generosity of spirit just blows me away. There is so much kindness and validation in what you wrote that it brought tears to my eyes. I so hope a few new people will appear in your life who can appreciate who you really are because they'll be very lucky to enjoy your friendship. (And I liked hearing that the man friend makes you laugh! Nobody deserves it more.) I also appreciate how much you understand fear and tease out how it can weave in and out of otherwise rational thinking. You're really deft in that, seeing the threads in the weave very clearly. Thanks.

Okay, team. So here's a new one. I may have mentioned that B and I were attending a "life stories" workshop. B felt out of his comfort zone but gamely attended the first session. It's a 5-class thing with "homework" (led by a university psychologist recently retired from ministry, with a very good reputation as a teacher) about life overviews, weaving in the insights of key developments in psychology. I have been pretty excited about how it could be a unique way for us to get to know each other on a deeper level. B also for the first time met a close friend of mine there.

He had asked when I first told him about it if he could drop out if he didn't like it, and made a remark afterward -- "Well, I could tell I didn't attend a liberal arts college." But nothing else negative. (Forgot...he also said afterward he felt some "apprehension" about telling personal stories in the small-group sessions planned. I reassured him he was welcome and would be liked and it was fine to "just be B." That doesn't mean my reassurance worked, of course....) He was referring with the "liberal arts" remark to how so many of the 16 people were nodding in recognition of major psychology names, like Brenae whatsit (vulnerability TED talk fame), Bettleheim, Rollo May, etc.

Anyway, we were committed to doing it together and though we forgot, had even talked about filling in our "timeline" charts last weekend. He's my partner as the structure is to tell your stories, get them down in a thematic way, divided by major transitions in your life, to your class partner.

Next session's this Monday. So, last night he calls and in a very Executive Tone I've heard him use and always been baffled by, as it's just kind of cold and detached, informed me that he has an opportunity to go to Florida and play golf with a friend and he's leaving Monday, has already booked his flight. And that he realizes that means he'll miss the second class but that's okay, I can take notes. And he's all kind of crisp and cold about it. When it sank in I realized I felt very disappointed. It's not that I couldn't come around to the outcome (say, if he'd said, I hate to do this but it's a special friend I haven't seen in forever and a really major chance that would mean a lot to me, do you think we could still benefit from the workshop if I miss the second session and would you forgive me for wanting to go?). I know for a fact that if he'd asked me about it that way, or even consulted me as though my feelings about it mattered, I'd probably have said...of course. It's not ideal to miss it but I can hear how much this getaway would mean to you. Please go.

But. The Tone. And the sense that it was like an executive handing down a decision to an employee or someone down the hierarchy, really really did not sit well.

I called him back. Didn't address The Tone but said in honesty, I'm disappointed. I'm thinking if you don't go I probably won't continue myself, because without my partner, there's not a lot of point for me. (I've done similar classes before.) But I do hope you have a good time. Asked him a couple generic questions just to express interest and his replies were, It's just a friend. It's in the Orlando area. Obviously didn't want to share anything about it other than that he is going.

I was hurt and angry about The Tone more than the outcome. It's not the end of the world if we don't do this workshop. But the way he announced it and the coldness (maybe because he knew he was breaking a commitment casually, and, really got me.

I was feeling pretty melty after our Valentine's evening but have whiplash from the next day. He's called since asking me to come out Saturday (I initially said yes) and then this morning, because of weather predictions, left a message to change it to tonight.

I just left him a message that I'd rather talk next week when he got back and to have a good trip. I mean that sincerely...I do want him to relax and enjoy his favorite sport. And I know I need some more time to evaluate this.

What's going on in my mind is the sudden recognition that this is A Pattern. Of making unilateral decisions about things that affect us both without talking to me about it. (Overriding or not considering or including me.) One example was our battles over our own trip. He offers 7 days away, I say (in December) not ready for that but would love a long weekend, two rooms, would that work?. He says Yes, I'm in! Then calls to tell me it's the 7-day thing and we need to do it because the availability changed and he'd be "very disappointed" if we don't go. Sorry, I'm not ready for that and it's not what we agreed to, and he backs down and when we go, we have a great time on our overnight. (But in there was also his unilateral decision to book ONE room instead of the two we'd agreed to, which he also had to "undo." And that caused me similar feelings and tension, the sense of being again over-ridden by a unilateral decision he made because that's what he wanted and I was just supposed to go along with it. I didn't and yay for me, but it is tiring to have to be so assertive All the Damn Time.)

 while back I asked B to share if he felt okay doing so, what were the fights with his wife about. (He'd referred to them fighting a lot, and it sounded intense.) The answer he gave me was that he always put work first, and as one example, he would promise repeatedly to be home by a particular time for a dinner she'd made, and just not do it...part of it was his compulsion to do more work or a feeling he just needed to do one more thing, etc. (Maybe part OCD stuff.) But the effect, I gathered, was that over and over he broke his promises to her. And it really messed them up.

That's why I'm thinking this is a flag. Mainly because of The Tone (which I think has to do with discomfort with what he's doing, as far as the relationship goes...he's retreating into a "cold executive" mode because he doesn't want to be challenged). It's a very dominant, detached and not pleasant thing to listen to.

It hurt my feelings and I also felt angry. I don't want to be talked to like an employee or an underling. And now I think I see that this is a place he'll go and a way he'll talk to the woman in his life.

I'm not into that. If I'm going to establish an intimate relationship or marriage at this chapter of life I'm damn well going to be an equal partner. And you know I've been worrying about power issues anyway, as they may relate to money. So I've got a new feeling of concern about The Executive.

Thanks for listening, y'all, so much. I will be on tenterhooks 'til I get your perspectives, which are so freaking valuable to me.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 12:36:14 PM by Hopalong »
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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #168 on: February 16, 2018, 01:07:42 PM »
Hopsie, you deserve all the kindness and validation that anyone can give you, you are Mrs Amazing and you need to keep telling yourself that (or let other people tell you :) ).  I am very happy to oblige :)

The Tone - yep, I can see why it bothered you.  I guess the whole part of the 'getting to know you' bit of any relationship is this sort of thing - dealing with the negatives.  It's great that he wanted/agreed to take the class with you.  It's understandable that he might not be into it or feel comfortable doing it.  But yes, I can see how the decision to not come and not discuss it (or perhaps just be honest and say he doesn't want to do it) doesn't feel good and yes, it does read that he's just decided he's doing something else and gone ahead and arranged it despite the fact you've made these other plans together.  So no, I wouldn't be feeling too chirpy about it and yes, it does echo the 'let's go away for a week, okay a weekend, oh, I've arranged a week' scenario.  And yes, he probably is used to just doing what he wants and other people fitting in with that (and maybe The Tone is the sort of default mode for that - I have a tone I use on my son when he's naughty and he says (to the cat); "Oh no - she's doing the voice").  But then what to do?  He might be open to talking about it and doing something to change it?  He seems to have been pretty open to other things you've talked about and willing to accept he might need to work on himself a bit.  Then I guess the question is do you have the energy to sit down and discuss it or does it feel like a big block that might be too big to work through? xx


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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #169 on: February 16, 2018, 01:55:03 PM »
Thank you, Tupp. That's a spot-on summary. (Jeez, I could try BRIEF?)

I'm still pissed. And worried. One incidence means little but it just hit me last night as a Pattern. One I have major reservations about. I can try to understand The Tone (as I think you do) as avoidance and be sympathetic that he's being indirect or something because it's uncomfortable to risk disappointing me and he doesn't want to feel that, or is acting out his discomfort with the class in this way, instead of telling me. I think I can almost always understand someone if I get what they're doing, and even with sympathy. But also, I have several Tshirts from previous times in my life when I've put understanding the other first, at great effort and for long periods, and tending to my feelings second. (To the point that I took 7 years to reach a conclusion to end it, long after I should have.)

What I don't know is whether he is willing or capable of changing this. Sounds like a core thing that didn't change over 40+ years of marriage. So why would it change at 73 for a relatively new girlfriend? Am I looking at an unrealistic challenge for a relationship in this chapter of my life?

I know it's not possible to shield oneself from risk or hurt. But this issue feels significant. I know what being over-ridden or disregarded feels like and I don't want to spend long feeling that way.

I see my T Monday and will go over it with him. I remember him saying, "You have to figure you really like this guy?" Yes, I do like B in a lot of ways. But I also suspect myself of whitewashing some entitlement kinds of things that I dislike, because I'm scared of the future. And I don't like that in myself.

This spat was the first time I unequivocally felt more angry than confused. The Tone is something I do not want to live with, honestly. I am not a hireling or a subordinate. And that's exactly how it felt.

Aaaaarrrrgggh, and thank you for looking at it so thoughtfully.

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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #170 on: February 16, 2018, 04:39:22 PM »

I'm profoundly impressed by your ongoing positive communication with B.  You're patient, assertive, and compassionate..... cracking on with him isn't easy, I'm sure, when he surprises you like this. 

  My feeling is that you could be forming a relationship worth having....that you're building something strong and lasting.

I think you take this one issue at a time.  Address this the way you've addressed everything else.  Listen to his response.  Accept what he has to say with kindness, and believe him when he tells you who he is.

About having to be assertive all the time.  I know it's exhausting.  It is.  It's also good practice, and information.  If it doesn't work out you'll know what this is when you see it again.  You'll know more about what you can and can't accept in a relationship.

Stay strong, Amazon Hops.  He might pleasantly surprised you.  I know I was surprised to read get went to the class with you.  That means something, imo.



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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #171 on: February 16, 2018, 05:04:15 PM »
I think I asked if you had the energy & desire to be this assertive all the time. It's an important question, because at our age - who wants to work that hard? At the same time, announcing that he's going to miss a class - that was important to you - for another social arrangement sounds like disrespect and dishonesty, to me. Especially with the tone.

So, I have my own executive tone of voice, in which I announce things and make ultimatums. I would state, in simple clear words... that I was hurt over the decision to bail on the commitment he'd already made, to go through the class with you. THEN, I'd ask him directly: did that class make you uncomfortable? And I'd expect an explanation about why he was uncomfortable and why he didn't see that as a challenge.

Only then, would I decide if I was righteously angry with him. And if I was, he would damn sure know it at that point.

But that's me, and I don't have any issues with facing a confrontation head-on. Calling him out. I wouldn't just accept his "pronouncement" about how he was spending that next class time without letting him know - front & center - exactly how I felt about it. And if he didn't like it, well I hear Florida's nice this time of year.

Your instincts about this ring true to me Hops; about how he sees the person who is his "wife" and I can fully understand that it's pushing your red alert buttons. It would mine, too. It kinda offsets all the work you've been doing (on your side) to give him the benefit of the doubt, see where things go and how you feel... and this is actual treatment, reality of behavior, that you will have to choose whether to accept or not.

Sadly, letting the first instance of it go... can contribute to the creation of the pattern. So I'd first protest it and then sit back as objectively as possible and analyze his response. I might even tell him, I'll be grading him on it. One person doesn't get to be "boss" in a relationship. Ever. In my book. As a couple, it's considered MANNERS to consult with the partner before making significant decisions that affect plans already made. It is rude, inconsiderate, and yes, "entitled" too.

I'll save the rest of my outraged suppositions until more is known about what's really going on here.
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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #172 on: February 16, 2018, 06:48:33 PM »
I agree with Skep and Lighter here, deal with this as you have with all the other things that have come up.  I think it might be a good thing for him to know it made you feel angry - just to let him know Hops' empathy, understanding and desire to see things from another point of view doesn't equal pushover.

He may have been like this all through his marriage without changing because his wife never told him to.  Perhaps she just accepted it as part of who he is, or genuinely didn't mind or notice it.  Doesn't mean that you have to do the same, or that he isn't capable of changing now.

It's okay to be scared of the future.  It's normal!  Scared of being alone, scared of being with someone and not being happy, scared of being happy and losing the person - so many things to be scared of, I don't think it's bad or wrong that you feel this way and I don't think it should be something you don't like in yourself.  I think it's just part of being human.  You deserve happiness.  But yes, pay attention to the flag, particularly as it's a pattern you've been in before and taken a long time to get away from.  Perhaps he just said it in a way that he didn't mean to - perhaps this is how he is when he's doing what he wants.  Maybe he does see his partner as being secondary to his needs.  Maybe he felt bad about blowing you off and he became standoffish to put some space there.  But yes, I think he should have either spoken to you about it before he decided what to do or just been honest and told you he doesn't want to do the group (if that's what the real issue is for him here).  If he's away for a few days now you've got time to calm down, think about things, talk it through with your T and come to a neutral point in yourself again, before you talk to him about it.


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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #173 on: February 16, 2018, 10:06:55 PM »
Thank you, Lighter. I'm surprised by your positive outlook on it but that was nice to hear. In fact, I'd been thinking about what you've said so many times--Don't make excuses for bad behavior. Believe him when he shows you who he is, etc. So this behavior and tone I'm talking about don't seem "bad" to you, or like I'm seeing behind the curtain kindsa things?

I really appreciate your perspective. (I was happy he went to the first class too. But I feel as though he kind of wiped that out by sabotaging the rest of it...). Oh well, he'll be happy golfing with another executive and maybe this is his own signal that we're not quite a fit. He's going to be in his familiar comfort zone.

Sigh. Thanks again.

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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #174 on: February 16, 2018, 10:16:17 PM »
Tupp, you caught it all. Every nuance.

Except the one about fear of the future being about being alone or not. The fear I carry in the back of my mind that I feel ashamed of is that although I'm anti-dependency, I am afraid of winding up too poor to have help I'll need as an old woman. That fear. (Not just a loneliness fear.) I don't feel good about myself having that thought roll by because I do not want to think of any relationship as a security blanket. I didn't go hunting for a well-off man and never have, B was a spontaneous surprise. But it's been true there's been some relief within happy thoughts in imagining that I'd be "safe now." (My old gent showed me paperwork today for the new assisted living wing we'll move him to in spring. A small 1BR apartment costs more than twice my Social Security. And this is a moderate retirement community. So...I do have fears. They're pretty realistic, unfortunately.)

Clearly, I can walk away from that piece. I have before, and from a much bigger kind of security. It's a principle I can pull around me again. In fact, I probably will. It's just harder now, at my age.

But the most important thing is to figure out how serious this pattern of his is, what it may represent, and whether I want to live with that. I will definitely calm down over the weekend and talking to my T Monday will help too.

I just have a feeling it's going to be ending. I'll be okay if it does, though. Just sad for a while.

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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #175 on: February 16, 2018, 10:22:39 PM »
Amber, yes and yes.
It's the "boss" (or "executive") approach.
It's not amusing to me any more. It hurt and I did feel disrespected. Anger yup, but that passes with me quickly. I just don't like feeling it, and it's also pointless. A calm conversation will happen but for some reason, I'm thinking I've been over-optimistic about all the obstacles. It took this one for me to think, uh-oh, maybe this is too much.

I am positive the class made him uncomfortable and I think his curt, cold, dismissive way of making his pronouncement (with an implicit "deal with it and don't challenge me" kind of tone) was what got to me most. Not just that he changed the plan, but WAY he did it without consideration or communication (he thinks telling me of a change IS communication, but he doesn't get the unilateral thing, and just announcing his decision afterward is different from partnership, two-way, alla that...)

If Valentine's Day was the official end of the honeymoon period, he did a bang-up job of snapping me out of it!

I didn't hear any real regret for me in his voice. The Tone doesn't include that.

Oy. Thank you a lot for seeing the flag wave along with me. Doesn't mean we won't work our way through it, but it is a real flag, I see it with my own eyes. And if I have learned anything, it's that a red flag is not a pretty red curtain.

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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #176 on: February 17, 2018, 02:13:53 AM »
Tupp, you caught it all. Every nuance.

Except the one about fear of the future being about being alone or not. The fear I carry in the back of my mind that I feel ashamed of is that although I'm anti-dependency, I am afraid of winding up too poor to have help I'll need as an old woman. That fear. (Not just a loneliness fear.) I don't feel good about myself having that thought roll by because I do not want to think of any relationship as a security blanket. I didn't go hunting for a well-off man and never have, B was a spontaneous surprise. But it's been true there's been some relief within happy thoughts in imagining that I'd be "safe now." (My old gent showed me paperwork today for the new assisted living wing we'll move him to in spring. A small 1BR apartment costs more than twice my Social Security. And this is a moderate retirement community. So...I do have fears. They're pretty realistic, unfortunately.)

Clearly, I can walk away from that piece. I have before, and from a much bigger kind of security. It's a principle I can pull around me again. In fact, I probably will. It's just harder now, at my age.

But the most important thing is to figure out how serious this pattern of his is, what it may represent, and whether I want to live with that. I will definitely calm down over the weekend and talking to my T Monday will help too.

I just have a feeling it's going to be ending. I'll be okay if it does, though. Just sad for a while.


((((((((((((((((((((Hops)))))))))))))))))))))))  Your fear about ending up unable to pay for care is perfectly justified, reasonable, sensible (oh my days, I know so many people who seem to think they'll never be in a situation where they might need help and they seem to think if they do, it will magically appear out of the sky).  But I don't think it's something you should feel ashamed of feeling or in any way negative about.  You haven't/aren't looking at B as a safety net, far from it - this has been/is an exercise in you jumping in to a whole pit of scary thoughts, feelings and emotions, and you've done it the way you do everything else - kindly, warmly, focusing on those around you and being soooo aware of how you think, feel, respond, whilst still being aware that other people respond differently and being open to that.  If you were in any way looking for a man to fix all of this you'd simply be going along with everything B wants so that you can get that ring on your finger.  And you're not, far from it.  I think I'm just saying please don't see the way that you feel about things in the future as a bad thing - I think your fears are perfectly justified (and sadly real - many people do end up without the care they need in later life) and I don't want you to feel bad about feeling that way.  You're in this situation with B now precisely because you aren't letting those fears dictate what you want out of life.  You're so strong, Hopsie, and that's probably why B's 'take no prisoners' tone has cut such a welt in you.  Hopsie isn't told what to do :)

It may be that this is the ending and do you know what, I'll feel sad about it if it is.  I've been so impressed by the way you've gone into this.  A lot of the things that have come up already would have had me heading for the hills but you've stuck in there, talked, thought, processed and worked through it.  I get that this one feels like a bigger 'uh oh'.  But yes, a bit of time for the feelings to settle, a good chat with the T, a conversation with B.  Maybe a little break without seeing or speaking to him if that feels in order.  I just think whichever way it goes you will make the right decisions for you, even if it's hard one that leaves you feeling that the future might be bleak.  We are all here for you, Hops, we've got your back xx xx xx


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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #177 on: February 17, 2018, 07:06:13 AM »
Tupps is nailing it, lately!

If you were content with a "relationship of convenience" - B might actually work out really well. But I think you owe to yourself - you deserve - someone who is more tuned into the Hops "Channel". Someone who wants to take care of you, and make happy times... as much as they want that for themselves, from you.

Brave Hops. There's a quote attributed to John Wayne I always liked: "Courage is being scared, and doing it anyway". The part I think that lies beneath that... is "because it's the right thing to do". In this case, taking a chance on a "maybe" relationship was the right thing to do for you. Still don't know how it's going to turn out either... everyone has bumps like this that have to be negotiated. This could be one of those bumps.

I have such cold feet about even TALKING to some guy online... because I'm such a blabbermouth about myself mostly, and that can be dangerous... that I'm actually denying myself opportunities to just kinda get to know people. I think the Viking went to the Bahamas or something to avoid looking like such a chicken. LOL.
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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #178 on: February 17, 2018, 02:29:29 PM »

I'm not ringing alarm bells over a conversation you had with B.  You accept and admire him as a human being.  You have a problem with some behaviors, and will address them like you have in the past.

I think the key is to not pass judgement on him, but rather let him jlkniw how you're affected.  If he cares enough, he'll adjust and alter course.  If he doesn't, he'll likely make that known too.

Remember the 3 As.....

You're both doing that, and no matter what happens.... it's OK.



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Re: Heist on Something....
« Reply #179 on: February 17, 2018, 05:24:11 PM »
Thank you, Lighter.
I will try to make AAA my goal, when we talk again.

I'm sure he senses it was serious for me, because I expressed
that I'd rather not talk again for a week. But the truth is I wanted
to take time to recover from being so upset (including angry) before
we talk.

You're right. Assess, accept, act on it. This really is golden advice.

And much appreciated.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."