In the fall, there are a series of bug "invasions" - as they look for warm places to try to survive the winter. Not many stinkbugs this year. Not as MANY ladybugs. And a handful of wasps. When they sealed the outside logs, the nests were all removed. But a bug is persistent. I found a large hornet's nest next under the deck too. It's cold enough now, to spray it and knock it - and all the other beginning wasp nests I can reach - down. But the trick that will defeat them is going to be caulking on the inside upstairs. If there are no air gaps - they can't get in, unless they come in on us or the dog.
I've been dogsitting Knuckles, while Holly finishes up this movie. She should be home by the end of the week. Then she's back for the winter... trying to decide what's "next". All my baseline med tests came back fine - except of course, cholesterol. So I did some digging, having read something recently that turned "conventional wisdom" on it's head. I wanted to make sure I knew what I thought I knew - before I decided to fight for "my way" of dealing with it instead of the usual statin Rx. Seems that after 60, taking statins actually INCREASES the risk of heart disease. This conclusion was based on assessing the results of many, many studies over many years in Great Britain. The re-evaluation also suggests that a higher level of cholesterol in older people, than the "accepted range" actually protects cardiac health somewhat. Either that - or for some people, a higher level is NORMAL for THEM.
He wants me to do bloodwork again in 3 months. In February. LOL. When we're most likely to have 3 ft of snow. But then - all I am, is a case file of data to him. They have already added Lipitor into my file - althought I've never been prescribed it. Had to explain to the LPN, that it was suggested ONLY and I am not taking it. So, because of the rote, one size fits all "system" and fix it with Rx mentality... this exercise in making sure there's nothing "happening" in my body that I'm unaware of (for Holly's peace of mind, too)... has now made me subject to the "accepted medical wisdom" and the "system" that feels it is entitled to TELL ME WHAT DECISIONS ARE RIGHT FOR ME, based on a "one size fits all", very strict and small range of data.
Boy did they pick the wrong person. I did not remove his head in the office visit - but I did rattle off all the things I've been doing (including not remembering the blood test was supposed to be fasting)... that I'm aware of will help keep me as healthy as I am. It was something I discussed with him in the very first visit too - but of course THAT'S not IN my file, so he doesn't remember. Then, I got into the online test results.
Validation really feels good. My cholesterol number that bothered him (it was just triclycerides) wasn't that high. It very well could've been the chicken soup I had 2 hrs before they drew blood, creating that situation. Most of America is OVERmedicated. Throws a person's metabolism, energy flow, and chemistry completely out of whack - needlessly. And then the body becomes dependent on those medications... and entropy takes over. NO THANK YOU.
I think the thing that irritates me the MOST, though... is that the reliance on blind data (with no other factors considerd) and the basic ASSUMPTION that they then have the right to tell a person what they WILL DO -- as if we were all children, and it was for our own good; and that we have no choice or autonomy in the matter. My response is and will remain a giant FU to that mentality. I didn't decide to go through this... because I didn't feel well. I did it to prove to Holly, I know my body - and while my methods don't provide immediate results - the slow and gradual way is healthier and longer-lasting... than getting artificially "fixed" and facing a lifetime of poisons needlessly.
You know how I'll fight to be believed. LOL. No, I'm not as fit or strong as I was at 40. But I'm in damned good shape for 62 and the fact I'm taking no medications whatsoever, is still one of the big shockers to the people looking at my chart. Yes, I'm becoming more active all the time. Yes, I'm learning more about nutrition and how that fits into the balance of health. Yes, I have vices to control.
I'm a human being and I ain't putting those chemical poisons in me, when there are other ways to get the same results. I GET TO DECIDE THAT. Not THEM. I didn't GO THERE... for HELP. I went for the tests to prove I knew what the hell I was talking about.
Heh... heh... I don't "have to" go back, either. They can't make me. So there.