Holy guacamole, Hops.
I tried to write this out, long hand, and it just boils down, for me, to the Professor's use of words. Both of you understand what the word empathy means?
Empathy vs. Sympathy. Empathy is the ability to experience the feelings of another person. It goes beyond sympathy, which is caring and understanding for the suffering of others. Both words are used similarly and often interchangeably (incorrectly so) but differ subtly in their emotional meaning.
The Professor chose the word EMPATHY with care. He topped it off by emphasizing it..... and I think he knew you'd respond well to it, which you have. His entire message was positive, and hard to find fault with, right?
Hm..... he's looking for a companion with the ability to experience his feelings..... to the point of caring and understanding his suffering, and also his apparent interest in the literary arts. I say this, bc I didn't get that he was extending mutual empathy during that first date, as priority, if at all. You were there, I wasn't. Maybe he did.
I admit I'm judging him more harshly, regarding word choice, than you are. I don't think he's confused "empathy" with "agape, and attraction." I think he chose his words carefully, aimed them at you, specifically, and that it's likely HIS truth.
Whether it goes both ways, I don't know, but I agree he's not choosing words that in any way point to his seeking "marriage."
Companionship, and friendship are words that mean NOT MARRIAGE, IME.
On the upswing, I think it's good that he's not coming right out and claiming interest in marriage just to get your ears to the table, or you in the sack, whatever it is he's seeking with you, and I think he absolutely is interested in spending time with you. I'm just not sure if he's interested in spending time being heard and seen by you, to the exclusion of all other relationship.
I'm glad he's an interesting chap. I'm glad his eagerly seeking your company feels good, and gives you confidence about what you have to offer, bc it's A LOT, IME. You're a beacon of happy light, and companionship, Hops. Don't shine it on unworthy or otherwise unsuited suitors.
If you do, it'll be more lessons about what you want. Nothing more or less. Not good or bad. Just information.
Listen to what this man says, bc I think he's choosing his words with overt care. Maybe ask him what his definition of empathy is.... in an IM, or something?
Have fun on date#2: )
It's not time to worry about his plans for the future. You're still trying to figure out if they include a companion/friend at this point. First things first.
And have FUN!