Thanks, Phyll. That was an amazing image: only knowing how to be taken hostage. I love the power of it but am very sorry it's so long felt that way for you. Damn.
I'm doing much better. One key thing has been to arrange for some kind of contact with a human every day. Could be Zoom, or a call, or a visit. I really need to do that and when I do, it halts my slide.
The Scot responded "alarm bells are ringing" (to my message about I would like this and that). I felt instant guilt (oh how controlling I was) and then thought: well, maybe any assertive woman stating preferences would be "alarming." It was interesting that he used lots of ambivalent language, still. Words he closed with included "maybe" "in due time" and "for now" and stuff like that.
I knew the last thing I needed was no closure. He might be fine with endless ambivalence but I'm not -- not without harming my own peace. I replied a last time with emotional truth (which I knew would scare him allllll the way away, and am fine with). I said I'd felt hurt that he didn't call as he said he would simply because I'd believed him. And was slow to realize he didn't mean it. I invest time in friendship, but if he only wants quick and casual, there's nothing wrong with that. It's just not what I'm looking for. And that I've learned not to daydream about "maybes." In the end, we were "two stubborn lonesome old farts who can't compromise on how to get together" and, imo, both lost. Then wished him well, genuinely. And that's that.
It is too bad, but I'm relieved. I appreciate and have compassion for his fears and defenses, but I'm never again going to pursue anybody who's not reciprocating interest, and not with vague language I could hook myself with if not super careful. I know my weaknesses and I'm too old. My own comfort may get mellower and I may be less edgy about these things in time...but I'm not there yet. Might as well just be honest and damn the torpedoes. Beam me up, Scottie, I'm outta there.
For an interesting diversion, my first love is coming by later. He lives far away but comes to the area every December to go hunting near his family's old place. We've had dinner at this time of year several times -- last time he called I was with M and felt uncomfortable about it so declined. But now I'm not and I'll be happy to see him. Friends ONLY (he's married) but we do have tender feelings for each other and nostalgia we share. He's handsome as ever and it does my heart good to see him.
We have little in common and wouldn't make an appropriate pairing now even if he were single, but I loved him once with all my heart and vice versa and it's a nice reminder. (After the last visit he had "run away with me" fantasies but I thought: hmmmm, move to Wyoming and help you open a gun business? Cough. LOL.)
Every single human relationship is a chance to learn and to find some light even when you must turn away from someone, I think. I'm feeling better. Life will present more people, or pooches or heck, birds to love.