I'm going to try really, really hard to focus on my own health and just making myself feel as well and healthy as I possibly can, and to try not to focus on what other people are doing and saying - what do I want to do, what do I think, how do I feel? I want to try and focus more on that and not what I feel because of things other people say or do (or don't do!). And as phase one I am still in bed three hours after waking up! Have been listening to meditation music, eating toast, drinking tea, cuddling the cat and reading (and coming on here).
This is outstanding, Tupp. I think it's a big shift in your compass and will help it move North.
I think something popped up for me....that I'm at my most miserable when I'm grieving (or angry) about yesterday -- OR -- fearing (grief or anticipatory anger) tomorrow.
What you did instead sounded so real, alive, and experienced in the present moment of being in your own existence, nobody else's. I think finding a balance between reacting to past/planning for future (which nobody can avoid entirely) with this exact kind of present self care (not just driven by a "how to do perfect self care" list but honestly by what you said: What do you want to do? How do you feel now? -- is fantastic.
You keep trusting yourself, Tupp -- your compass is a good one.
Hops, thank you

It's weird when these big shifts happen. What you said about being your most miserable when you're reacting to something in the past or something in the future really rang for me. Yesterday I realised that I've spend all my time since I had son waiting and trying to get back to where I was before I had him. Pre son Tupp had a good job, a good income, her own flat (apartment, I think you guys would call it!), a decent car, a good social life, lots of friends, work colleagues, family (albeit a messed up one but I was still in a state of ignorance and denial then so it didn't matter) and just lots of hope for the future. Promotion at work, bigger property, more friends, travel etc. Then I fell pregnant, wasn't in a relationship with the dad (think two weeks of falling out of pubs barely able to stand and you get the picture with that situation) and it didn't phase me. I just thought I'd have the baby, go back to work and after a couple of years start teaching abroad. I pictured having this truly international life, where I could work a year or two at a good International School (which son could attend), and then do voluntary work or just travel with him for a bit, and keep doing that. I honestly thought that was perfectly possible and attainable, and do you know what, without his disabilities, and/or my mum's constant abuse allegations and general nastiness, it would have been achievable. And through out everything since then, that's more or less what I've kept trying to get back to, at least in terms of working, earning and getting abroad a bit.
Yesterday I realised that I can't go back. I can give myself platitudes and encouraging comments but the truth of that matter is that part of my life is well and truly over and I've spent the last eighteen years working towards something I can't have. I've been rowing in the wrong direction. So the direction I need to go is forward, but I have no idea how, why or who with. Which I find terrifying. So I think that, for the time being, I'm best off focusing on myself and nothing else at all, just to give myself a good point from which to start now and to hopefully be healthy enough to enjoy opportunities as they come along. I'm trying really hard to focus on how things make me feel, rather than what I think I should be doing. It's very difficult!
But last night we went ferret racing

It was a charity event in a nearby village; we'd never been before so in the spirit of trying new things we went along. We parked near the beach and walked into the village, lots of holiday makers about, the pubs were busy, people are chatty and friendly. And I thought, I do need to try to start getting out, just for the sake of getting out. Organising care for son is still a problem but if we just go for an hour or so early evening he'll be fine to sit and have a drink somewhere. So I'm going to try to get out each weekend to just sit, enjoy a drink and just not be sitting at home on my own. Feels a bit scary! But it's part of my mission now to improve my health (the loneliness and isolation doesn't help me at all, I find it very hard now). I will let you all know how it goes! xx xx