Hi Tupp:
We're better able to care for, and help others when we're taking care of ourselves.
We're more resilient when we're rested and have our needs met.
We're more responsive and able to apply creativity to our efforts.
Today I learned a little calming exercise involving the parasympathetic nervous system. We place our hands over our eyes, and press between our eyes, then press down around our ears, behind our ears, then back into the hollow where our spine meets skull..... massaging a bit. Then down the neck and shoulders... massaging shoulders one at a time if necessary. Then place our hands over our throats, protectively, very lightly. Then our hearts. Then our solar plexus. Then hands in lap.
We do all this while breathing deeply in through the nose, and out through the mouth.
It's helps calm us down before making decisions. We can go through a short version in public before answering more autentically.
It gives us a chance to center and calm our biology, while allowing our intuition to kick in, and guide us.
I'm all about listening to gut instincts right now.
BTW, did you know the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNV) runs from our forehead, down our faces, into our heart, lungs, and digestive tracts? THAT's a huge bundle of nerves! It's also running along our meridian system, which runs from the top of the head down the front, and around to the lower back, or the root chakra.
WOmen have 9 times more tolerance for pain than men, and codependents have more than other people.