
What's the most important things in a vacation rental for you?

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Author Topic: The island  (Read 36849 times)


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The island
« on: June 21, 2019, 12:41:45 PM »
I'm overwhelmed, predictably, but moving forward.  At least I feel that today, despite worker with truck blowing me off.  The yard look s like a bit of a dump just now, and needs a day's worth of attention, or more.  Pines need cut down.  I have access to lovely palm trees through local botanist and conservationist artist historian I reconnected with.  He gave me and my girls and Auntie P a walking tour about 14 years ago.  Since then he's written books, and built an oden to the ocean and it's creatures in cement and found treasures.  I love his museum/home.  He has a garden he shares and gifts his knowledge.  Implanted oregano plants yesterday after digging good soil from interior of island.  The pine needles make the soil acidic and that's a bad thing for planting.

The cottage is in pretty good shape, and I have someone I believe can handle the Airbnb  business as boots on the ground.  She has a good reference I trust, so fingers crossed.

The yard and trees are vexing me....so so hot.  So buggy when wind dies down. 

I really liked the new T.  She's stripped all the thinking my way out of this box away, and addressed the problem amygdala from my lower brain. 

I've felt like the devil's chasing me for 15 years.  Just bc it got a bit better I felt like I could handle it, get over it, be strong enough to beat it back.  I really notice the thrum of distress in the background, running like a record in my nervous system.  I think this T is a piece of the puzzle.  I really connected with her.

The journey continues.



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Re: The island
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2019, 03:44:55 PM »
Oh Lighter, being chased by the devil is a feeling I understand!  Are you back at the beach house now or is it home you're talking about?  I hope the yard gets cleared, wherever it is, and I'm glad it seems that you have found an AirBnB person to sort things out for you xx


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Re: The island
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2019, 04:26:12 PM »
Lighter, that is such good news about the new T.

I'm sorry you still have to worry about the island cottage. Hope the B&B is soon up and running and will prove worth it. Is the cottage still up for sale, and the B&B just a placeholder plan?

Fingers crossed,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The island
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2019, 07:53:52 PM »
It's the island yard, Tupp.  Much better now, but whew boy.....a roller coaster of emotions, and many surprises. 

Will update when I have my feet back home.  So many good and unexpected negative things to unpack.

Hops, I've been breathing into my blue dots, and pushing on walls, which is super helpful when feeling the urge to DO Do DO!

I'm profoundly grateful to have the new T's help.  She's really nice, and usually I talk and the Ts cry.  Not the case with this one.  She seemed to have answers, where most want to help, but feel helpless...... that's my take anyway.



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Re: The island
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2019, 08:27:03 AM »
I just couldn't deal with property that far away from "home" Lighter. It would give me whiplash, feeling like I was always at and working on the wrong place - and that the other one needed me. I don't know how you do it.

I guess there's some strong "meaning" or memories to the island?
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Re: The island
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2019, 12:46:07 PM »
No strong meaning or memories, Amber.

Just a financial investment I'm going to preserve for my children, and hopefully enjoy with them, and the rest of our family.  It's possible my siblings will build and improve the property, and we'll share it.... build a compound of sorts.  The South island is being improved, and there are indications things are getting better.  Of course, there are things, like the partially burnt down electrical station, that say otherwise, but I'm doing my best. 

Right now it's all work.  Has always been all work for me.  Other people play though.  Other people have enjoyed it, so I know it can be done.  I bought patch kits for the big raft with motor.  I've never been able to motor around the water while there.  This will be a gamechanger, and my brother is working on ways to get the raft to the water from the sea can, without damage.  The last time they took it out, with 2 people carrying the great large thing, they tore a hole in it on sharp coral rocks. 

There's water and ice machines at the end of my drive now, more or less.  I used to have to walk, take cabs, and 2 ferry rides to get water..... now ICE AND WATER CHEAP HERE!  WHoo hoo!



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Re: The island
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2019, 01:37:21 AM »
Wow LIghter, it sounds like a sort of Robinson Crusoe escape island home!  It's amazing how we can all take things like water for granted, and amazing how you can be somewhere surrounded by water but not have any to drink!  Maybe you can end up running it as a sort of recovery retreat for people who want somewhere quiet to knit themselves back together (is it quiet there?  I've always assumed it's quite because it sounds quite out of the way).  It will be lovely once it's all done, I'm sure, can you see an end in sight now?  Or do you think it will be one of those constantly ongoing projects that always has something else to do? xx


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Re: The island
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2019, 10:30:04 AM »
Oooooohhhh Tupp. Yes, owning property is an ongoing struggle against mother nature's natural bent to take over. Whether mountains or oceanside. The trick is knowing when the effort is "good enough for now" and you can actually take that time to just enjoy the place and it's magic, and the results of your efforts. Sharing it with others is also a benefit of the efforts.

Lighter and I are kinda working on the same kinds of projects, just in different settings. Maybe when she tires of hers, and me of mine, we can trade for a bit! Maybe we should schedule some Amazon gathering on the island or here? (Dulles Int'l Airport handles British Airways flights, Tupp. That's a couple hours from me.)
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Re: The island
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2019, 11:38:43 AM »
Would absolutely welcome company, or a trip.... the Island NEEDS people staying at the cottage.  A trip, if possible with this gang, would be SO WELCOME!

I know I'd love to see your farm, Amber: )  All those projects, and plans... very exciting.

Right now I'm feeling OK about the island, bc new gal handling stuff seems to be on the job.  She sent pictures, and the kitchen is back in order, the outdoor kitchen area was installed, and the sofa taken apart, nad put back together, if I didn't update that yet. This means she's showing up, letting workers in, and closing up.... tidying, organizing, cleaning.  Honestly, writing that sentense about reduces me to tears.  It could have gone so bad in so many ways.

The awnings need to go up, and pine trees need to come down.  That's the big stuff left to do, I think. 

I'd be honored to host or attend an Amazon gathering: ) 



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Re: The island
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2019, 04:21:11 AM »
Would absolutely welcome company, or a trip.... the Island NEEDS people staying at the cottage.  A trip, if possible with this gang, would be SO WELCOME!

I know I'd love to see your farm, Amber: )  All those projects, and plans... very exciting.

Right now I'm feeling OK about the island, bc new gal handling stuff seems to be on the job.  She sent pictures, and the kitchen is back in order, the outdoor kitchen area was installed, and the sofa taken apart, nad put back together, if I didn't update that yet. This means she's showing up, letting workers in, and closing up.... tidying, organizing, cleaning.  Honestly, writing that sentense about reduces me to tears.  It could have gone so bad in so many ways.

The awnings need to go up, and pine trees need to come down.  That's the big stuff left to do, I think. 

I'd be honored to host or attend an Amazon gathering: ) 


She sounds great, Lighter, it's such a help when you have someone who can just get on with things and not need to be told what to do or hand held through every process.  I hope she carries on getting things done; it would be nice for you to get this to a point where it isn't a huge amount of work for you.

Yes, imagine a Voiceless retreat!  Would probably have to call it "No-one ever stops Talking" instead, lol, can you imagine!  Gosh what a lovely idea to hang on to.  I hope the work goes smoothly now (or as smoothly as it can; it does sound as if getting things done easily is difficult just because of where it is and getting supplies and so on).  But I hope it goes as smoothly as it can now.


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Re: The island
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2019, 07:13:47 PM »
So, the flight attendant on Toronto leg saw pics of island and commented.  Turns out she's from town where I was born AND she wants to go to island on vacation with work mates. 

I told her I'll give her a deal BUT she has to gently point out problems, then give me a good review.  She's way on board, and ready to refer tons of travelers asking her where she goes!

Seemed like fate.

Now I have to finish website, and get this airbnb show on the road.



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Re: The island
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2019, 09:14:30 AM »
Handyman finished putting up kitchen ceiling fan, re  building sectional sofa, and installing sun shade awnings over back patio, and space between cottage and guest house.  I sent money yesterday, sans 200.00 to weed eat yard twice a month.

The "renter" asked for the keys to the sea can so he can weed eat the yard.   The thing is, he never takes care of the yard, but has access to all tools, which he sometimes keeps in his house, which I have no keys to.

THIS IS A PROBLEM, and I don't trust him to do the yard work.  Renters are about to begin arriving, and the yard needs to be kept up. 

This means I
1.  Reassure renter I trust him, but find he's not been reliable enough to keep keys.  His sister will be that person going forward, and that will have to be that.

2.  If he wants to continue staying at the guest house he needs to keep the beach clean of pine needles, the drive clear of garbage, and for goodness sake THE SPACE AROUND THE HOUSE clean of garbage.  Sometimes it looks like HE's the one littering around his space.  It's cultural, not just him, so that means the road is littered... disgusting.  The beach always has stuff washing up, sometimes cool stuff, but mostly water bottles, and flip flop sort of stuff.  It's not beautiful.  It robs the beach of it's pristine glory.  It's a problem. 

So, that means I'm 200.00 in the hole, along with the high electricity bill, and he's not paying rent, which honestly, he should be doing.

I don't want him to get his feelings hurt to the point of doing something stupid.   He USED to have all the keys, and access to tools, and that's changing. I have to figure out how much of a change.   I mean, he used to pay rent too,  but fell behind, and seems to never have money, sometimes not enough to have minutes on his phone, or to help with his mother's health bills, etc. 

This is worrisome bc it costs him nothing to live. 

I have to figure this out, today, and phone him.

The good news is I met a flight attendant on the way to Toronto who's from my little town in Ohio.  We clicked, and she loves the cottage... is planning to go in September with friends, give me a good reveiw, and a list of things that need improvement as she sees them. 

I'll give her a deal, and she'll send folks she meets on flights... they ask her where she goes, and where they should go.  She thinks she'll send me tons of people, and I'm hopeful.  If she goes in the fall the bugs will be better, and it won't be so darned hot.   All seems lined up as well as it can be, IMO.

Once the electric grid is back up consistently, S (housekeeper), will be offering homecooked meals, and cocktails to guests as an option.   I think she's great, and I love her majestic stature... she's a true Amazon, with lots of experience, and I don't think anyone's going to mess with her.  A woman who commands respect, and gets the job done is a glorious thing to behold.

She also lives just up the street, and passes by the cottage at least twice daily.  Will be close by in bad weather, which is important.  I feel pretty good about this.

Now, to deal with her little brother.





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Re: The island
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2019, 09:25:08 AM »
The flight attendant and housekeeper sound great, Lighter, the brother, not so much!  I hope you are able to find a way to deal with him.  Has his sister got any nuggets of wisdom where he's concerned or does he perplex her in the same way? Great to hear that you've got so much done there and that the end is on the horizon xx


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Re: The island
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2019, 10:53:04 AM »
Sister seems to be the kind who jumps in, and does things herself... to MAKE them OK.

I haven't discussed her brother, beyond NOT giving him keys to the cottage again.  I told her "just you" have keys to the cottage now,  and she looked perplexed about that. 

I'm not sure about honest discussions around her brother's short comings.  I can 100 ways for that to go badly.

I'm more interested in problem solving, and going forward with solutions. 

Like..... telling her little brother needs to do A, B and C every week, and particularly before guests arrive, so the Airbnb is successful for us all.  He can't keep up with trash and beach cleaning if he lets it slide for weeks.  It just gets too big a job, and he does other jobs as a priority.
 If his sister tells him, weekly, and holds his feet to the fire... maybe things will be OK. 

I have anxiety around this, and will do some work around it before making decisions. 


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Re: The island
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2019, 10:55:17 AM »
Lighter, would a little web cam or two help you feel more on top of how well he's performing the job?

Likewise, can you make clear that pay comes after such inspection of results, not automaticallly?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."