Got up at 5am.
Took DD18 to work at 6:45am... DD is doing all the driving with me in the car now. She's doing great, and will take her driver's test in September, along with youngest dd17.
Went home and sweated kafir leaves, onion, garlic, ginger, red curry paste, and lemongrass for Tom Kha recipe, while cleaning out fridge, and doing those dishes.
strained chicken out of stock, and froze till garbage day.
blended carrots, and stock for carrot ginger soup, put in fridge.
Had a bath, went through morning ablutions.
Transferred spices to stock, then boiled in stock for half hour, before turning off, and leaving to brew. We love this soup.
Got to brain center on time, and had a really good day asking lots of questions.
Picked DD18 up from work at 1pm, then headed home to finish soup for early meal. boiled shrimp, rice noodles, then browned chicken jalapeno sausage. Picked fresh basil from planter on front porch. We ate together, which doesn't happen generally. Oldest dd18 was bubbly, and happy to be with us/me. I got a hug: )
Decided not to go to father's lake house, bc of weather. I have paperwork to do, and will see how I feel about it. I need to transfer title of a vehicle, so need to be in that State during business hours.
I feel I've come a long way with all the breathing I've been doing. I mindfully practice at the brain center, then spend time working on it afterwards, and notice I'm doing it without thinking, OR I notice when I'm not, and work on it. When I started the protocol my oxygen level was 95%. Now it's 98%. I was appalled when the doc said smokers typically stay at 95%. I'm not only a shallow breather, basically short breaths in and short out. Taking 5 second breaths in, and 10 seconds breaths out really helps. I notice I'm breathing differently, and that I'm aware of my breathing often.
One of the things that helped with the oxygen levels were two chiro adjustments. Since one of my legs was much shorter, he worked on that too. Afterwards, my left hip said HELLO, a time or two. He said when one leg is shorter, that side is usually favored, and carries less weight. Shifting back to the same length, and 50/50 typically means we'll feel it on that weaker side.
Thought a lot today about how different it feels to NOT live in fear and dread. I can say that I noticed I'm in a great space, then determined I don't want to go back to living any other way. I can't imagine doing that. I tapped on 2 important things today, during the brain cold laser sessions.
I noticed I sometimes have complete relief when I tap on problematic topics. I noticed one thing I tapped hasn't been completely resolved, and I'm going to tap on it some more using different words, and focus.