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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #810 on: May 11, 2022, 05:31:56 PM »
Just when I thought the Yelly Guy was done jogging down my street  made the mistake of turning on the garage light and opening up the fridge in the garage where I saw YG running through the retired nurse's yard..... and darnit.... we locked eyes....... just a very odd thing.  No wave.  No smile.  No shooting the bird, just...... him jogging sideways for a minute turned in my direction.

Youngest dd wondered how things got so odd.  I'm done thinking about it. 


BIL just tested positive for Covid in Canada.  My sister tested N but she'll test again and will  likely test Pos.

I don't think my girls will get it as they just had it.

I feel fine IF I don't count my bruised and sprained left arm which is healing fast after a little stool, meant for hiking oneself into a very tall poster bed, flipped sideways in a nanosecond while we were building the doorway at the bottom of the stairs at the lake.  It hurt so bad  Obviously I shouldn't have been standing on that stool.  One second I was way climbing up the wall then I took that stoop onto the stool and planted hard on the carpet.  My face is a tad scuffed too.  I was sure my arm would be folded in two when I rolled off it, but I have the bones of a cave woman, so..... just some soft tissue damage which I'm managing with antiinflammatories, ice and zero movement..... reminds me of healing the foot up.  So difficult to NOT DO things I normally do, but that's the way it is.

The doorway looks amazing!  We found the rest of the Pecky Cypress paneling 3 stories up in the out building and got it all down, which was good bc we needed almost every stick and used it to finish the walls off to match existing walls.  We had an extra 36" door from tearing out a closet AND the drop ceiling and carpet are completely unblemished!  Whoo hoo!  We're so close to finishing up the upstairs renovation.  My contractor can't come back right now, so...... once my arm heals I'm going to attempt to finish off the flooring on my own then find a plumber and electrician to wrap it up. 

I feel like I can finish the trim work...... will need help to mount the big barn door..... will grout myself. 

I've been walking every day in this glorious weather.  It's breezy and cool out..... just amazing weather right now!



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #811 on: May 12, 2022, 09:43:01 AM »
Ai yi yi! So sorry about your fall, Lighter. Dang it. Wasn't that the same side where you previously had a shoulder injury?

I felt my chest relax when I read that YG's toxicity is out in the sunshine and has now been seen by others, too. That's protective, I think. I'm so glad you maintain your YG boundaries without worry now.

You've been seeing bear cubs? Dunno how I missed that. We have bear pix and accounts on a neighborhood website again. I used to post and re-post the info about not feeding birds while bears are out of hibernation -- a few folks are now saying they bring feeders in at night, so that's partial progress. But a couple say bears destroy their feeders to get the seed in broad daylight. Bears: 1, Humans: 0.

Every spring I've posted and re-posted the Dept of Wildlife's fact sheet about human responsibility for drawing bears into residential areas where they naturally wouldn't go, and all the ways to stop it. I guess you can train a captive bear to perform for humans but you can't train humans to stop wanting every pleasure I enjoy because I enjoy it exactly the way I want to enjoy it when I want to enjoy it. Their natural habitats are captive to developers, who are ravenous.

Bear encounters will increase and some won't be so picturesque. I keep asking, why don't more people do something different to attract birds? You can plant nothing but native shrubs and trees and other plants for landscaping and ensure that birds (and Monarchs) will begin to recognize a little paradise on your property. You can hang little net bags with hair from brushes and dryer fluff tweezed partway out of the holes (just here and there to show birds the purpose, then they figure it out) on shrubs, branches and fences and enjoy watching many birds collect the material for their nests. You can position multiple birdhouses and birdbaths (including a few ground ones) to watch from every comfy chair. It's so delightful to watch, and especially when it's hot, the baths are clean water to drink are bigger benefits to them than feeding. Cleaning baths regularly and refresh the water for free also is better than spending on wastefully-harvested birdseed.

Ah well. We all got our rants. I think I often focus on this because I feel so helpless in the face of climate change, vanishing species (including so many birds) and yet our consumption just grinds on like a massive devouring unsustainable machine. We have eight years to turn it around and where's the urgency? Small good changes happen and then are politically undone. For the first time, I'm facing the idea that humanity really is going to succeed at destroying the planet for future generations. No wonder mental illness in teens is reaching pandemic proportions.

I can't remember where I told the pooch story, but I've reluctantly disallowed myself to become a "foster fail" with tiny Newpooch. She will be readily adopted and loved, I am sure, because she is so petite, gentle and charming. But she also is nearly impossible to housebreak (for me). I've worked with her for 3 weeks and she nearly gets it 90% of the time, but that 10% means she pees so often (common to very small breeds) that the amount of bending and cleaning, and especially having to block off two doorways to keep her off rugs which means I can't move freely through my house, has defeated me. If I had a true "spare room" I could.

Two thoughts were the final Cons in the Pros/Cons list. One was Pooch, whose sadness got to me terribly...I'd hoped they would bond and Newpooch would add to Pooch's pleasure in life. They're better together now and Pooch has lightened up a little, but it really affected our connection. She got her heart broken by me and I felt awful! I think she will be confused but relieved when Newpooch goes away.

The other was winter. Newpooch would need coat and boots on and off and on and off and she's needed to go out on average every hour and a half all day long. I don't want to live with puppy pads or dog diapers and our winters are not made for a fragile little creature from Texas (or Mexico). I imagined going out with over and over her on winter nights, as I head into my 80s (Newpooch is a lot younger than I'd had in mind, only 5, and likely to live 10-12 years more. It's high maintenance though zero fault of her own, but in my case, it's taken over my life. And Pooch's.)

And she's also gentle, funny, sweet and delightful, and I will really miss her. The amount of guilt I've felt has been quite painful at times. She trusts me utterly, has decided I'm Her Person, and tomorrow morning I take her back to prison, where she'll either be spayed or possibly have puppies (I'm not sure, but I think it's possible she's pregnant). Because of her size, she'll go to another foster to recover from either -- the shelter will just be too much for her. And then she'll be offered for adoption and I'm sure she'll be readily claimed and loved.

I just feel terrible FOR her, the new trauma she's going to go through, and what she will be feeling. I may just not be cut out to be a dog foster parent! I know absolutely that dogs psychically pick up what's going on in our minds, especially when it is sad. She had never done this before (she's quite shy) but last night on my bed she came nearer and laid her head on my leg and just looked at me, full eye contact, for ages. OWW, the guilt.

Still, in the long-term view, I know it's the right decision for her and for me. Somebody else with ability to manage all the pee needs will be able to snuggle her for a decade. She deserves that, not an aging person who's just not up to her energy. She is so FAST she can whip through an opening and take a quick pee by the time I turn. But I've learned a lot and have enjoyed her so much. I hope one day when the timing's right I'll have the chance to adopt a lazy old smallish dog who has previously lived in a home, and is house trained and mostly wants to hang out and be company. I'm sure I will; the SPCA team loved the adoption-post description for Newpooch I wrote for them.

One big thing is that I believe she might've been in a rancid puppy mill. She's never been on a leash that I could tell, and ducks as your hand lowers to pet her (she's learned my hands are always gentle, but you can still tell). Such a SWEETIE.

Whew, felt good to write that down! Although I suspect my longwinded posts chase Board posters away sometimes. I miss everybody.

Glad to read your updates Lighter, and especially about your capacity to work with joy and seize the happiness every moment it's available. Bravo, you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #812 on: May 13, 2022, 05:49:00 PM »
The shoulder was the right side.... THIS injury is the left.  I forget which foot I injured, but it's clear I need to be more intentional and slow down.

I've had no pain today with the arm...... tested Positive for Covid last night as did my sister who's suffering much harder than I am so far.  Difficult walking she's so weak.  More symptoms for her.  BIL is on the mend, I'm told.  My youngest dd is in her room, depressed, afraid she'll be sick again.  The weather is still beautiful.  It rained, blessedly, so I don't have to water the new things we planted recently.  I hope all the things we planted with my brother are still alive.

Yelly Guy ran thorugh again today and I was out of view in my far side yard so just had a glance.  I realize I don't care if he's told another story and if anyone bought it.  It crossed my mind to pull up the texts between us....then I just forgot about it, which is better.  I don't care about proving anything to anyone.   I don't even know what that means, but I think it's signifigant.  Not HAVING to deal with something I felt was very important at one time.....but don't any longer.  it feels like that in many aspects of my life.  Not having to do things I thought were necessary, but turns out they just aren't.

My arm pain has been replaced by weakness, more than anything.  I'm sure doing something quick and sharp would bring pain, but I'm moving more carefully and with intention..... hoping to continue that once I've healed. 

The little pooch is  better for your care, however much time it lasted.  The shelter will seek out a wonderful forever home. 



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #813 on: May 13, 2022, 10:48:14 PM »
Lighter, I am so very sorry you got covid. I am really sad to hear it.
It's just a huge bummer but I can imagine you weathering it within a week.
You are so strong and robust I feel confident you will, but it's real and hard.

Hope your daughter can stay clear of re-infection, too. I didn't realize she'd had it before.

All that and a hurt shoulder too.

(But it's neat to hear you have acquired immunity to YG!)

Hugs and cheer,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #814 on: May 14, 2022, 03:55:17 PM »

I'm sleeping well and keeping up with meds.  NyQuil leaves me feeling flat....stops nasal drip, solidifies mucus so I have to work a bit to dislodge in the morning.  I'm pretty gross right now, truth be told. My voice is fried.  Sister on the mend.  BIL recovered. Hoping no one else gets it.

Youngest DD has calmed down after testing N.

I'm eating leftover roast chicken with rice, bone broth and parsley and a big custard made with half chic pea half pumpkin....very yummy.  I can still smell and taste.  My symptoms seem milder than sister's and BIl symptoms.
::Knocks wood::.

I have no desire for coffee.  That's weird.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #815 on: May 14, 2022, 08:49:17 PM »
Eating well despite the grossitude sounds healthy!
Soon you'll be Ms Bunyan again...

Glad to hear everybody else has recovered because that's a good signal too.

The custard sounds awesome!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #816 on: May 15, 2022, 08:21:23 PM »
OK, so at the celebration of life youngest dd and I attended there was this gentleman who put his hand on dd's side arse.  He did so while stating his father, had he been alive and present, would have actually patted her entire arse, which was shocking.  I'm not sure I heard that, but I certainly didn't know he put his hand on her WHEN he did it. 

No one said anything.... there were several men around, but perhaps they didn't understand the situation was creepier than it appeared and it was creepy.  My buddy knew it.  I don't know if my brother or his friend noticed. 

That said, dd suggested she had been let down by the older people in the crowd, me being one of them and esp the men.

I explained she has to protect herself and should speak up.... should assert her boundaries and enforce them.

I DID ask the guy just how old he is...... instead of answering her put his hand on DD's shoulder and asked her how old she is.  She said 19 and he said "I'm as old as the woman I'm toching."  It was creepy so he put his hand on a friend's wife and asked her the same question... she's in her 40's, and he said the same dumb thing.  I'm guessing he's 45 years DD's senior. 

When I DID hear him talk about his father and putting his hand on dd's arse again I threw out a chin jab while stating dd had a mean chin jab, which sent my buddy's eyes flying wide open.  DD said I was the only one who said ANYTHING at all and I hope this is a point where she learns how to feel empowered to stand up to entitled men who're used to taking what they want and not suffering consequences.

I guess creeps are everything and nowhere is safe.  No gathering is free of their unwelcome advances and innapropriate words and acts.  THIS is a lesson dd has learned.  Good men WILL and do stand by and do nothing all the time....but good men can't be responsible for protecting her or any other woman.... that's not the way the world works. 

It piles onto the lesson her father, Paternal Grandfather and uncles aren't safe..... are thieves and criminals and bad guys are everywhere under the protection of the systems in place to protect her, supposedly. 

DD has to learn to protect herself and that's just a fact.

In my own family my father an brother watched as my grandfather put his hand on my arse and jiggled me around while I stared at them to DO something.  What they did was to raise their voices AT ME.... to move.  To get out of  his reach.  All those years my sister and I kept our coats on when we entered the house during his visits so we could better fend off his hands..... and my Grandma told him..... "B, the girls don't like it when you love on them that way."

It didn't slow him down and at the point where he was older and asking for alcohol I told him he couldn't have any bc he coldbn't keep his hands to himself.... and grandpa was astonished..... just SO surprised to hear me and 2 other women chime in how wrong it was and how we weren't going to put up with it any longer... grandpa said he felt he was in an upside down world, and of course he was, bc no one every stood up to him or told him to stop or said it out loud BEFORE that. 

No protections, but what we afford ourselves and that's complicated, esp where the power dynamic is in play. 

And there was a tremendous amount of pressure, maybe we put it on ourselves, to keep everything OK.... to make things go well, to not make waves within the family... for my mother before us and my sister and I...... I guess all the women grandpa put his hands on and it was likely every one he came in contact with.

Why did my brother and father say NOTHING?  I mean, grandpa touched their girlfriends and wife.  I guess it was sort of like a party favor...... the dirty grandpa putting his hands on everyone who got too close....... and I admit it..... I laughed once when one of my brother's gf's saw my grandfather standing alone on a New years long ago...... and said "that sweet little old man didn't get a new year's kiss." She didn't understand he was alone bc of consequences.  In the middle of her hug with him he showed her WHY were ignoring him at New Years...... and maybe that's how my brother and father saw it.... as funny, but I know in my heart it was the wrong thing to do.  Laughing. 

I will say this.... my brother used to order that girlfriend to give grandpa a hug.... and I'm conflicted about that, bc I don't know for sure IF he expected her to allow touching to her breasts and arse.... or not. 

We're raised to be compliant and not make waves.... to allow touching and boundary transgressions and to be told we don't feel how we're feeling and to just do whatever is required to get along and keep the peace.

I'm not raising my girls that way.

THey have voices and they're allowed to take up their own space and feel worthy of opinions and care and protection.  I only wish the services and traditional protectors were protective.... but they aren't IME.  They never have been.

And what really gets me...... is the social contract.... the unspoken social contract to be silent so the the world can go on without a hiccup.  Society prefers things to go smoothly and people who speak up have to suffer consequences..... likely ore often than the people DOING innapropriate/criminal things TO them.

Just very sad....... and it's a double bind I've never escaped.  I'm cuious if I can teach my daughters how to escape it.

At the celebration of life my DD would have been mortified to speak out.... to draw attention..... to OUT the pervert, bc our friend was having a lovely day celebrating the life of her beloved late husband and THIS gross guy was there to "help" her DO that and who would we have been to TELL her?

Even now, I haven't told her how creepy that guy IS.  I know she wouldn't blame anyone BUT him, but here's the social contract part, for me, to allow her to have the celebration she deserved without tarnishing it with this icky story about her friend being such a creep..... and also of his father, her "friend" being an even bigger creep, supposedly.

Rich white men and their entitlement are so toxic and get away with so much harm, IME.

There's power that begs us to be silent..... silence, head down...... to take it and not let on how it feels or what it does to us and this is just a tiny little thing considering the terrors of this world and what people do to the most vulnerable.

I'm trying to see it without judgment.... to just SEE it.... what's there, but it's difficult, I can't lie.  It's very hard.

I feel like I still haven't sorted it.  I haven't. 

I'm going to try to never ask my girls to dim their light, to silence their pain or hush their discomfort so evryone else is comfortable.

I know that much. 

This ties in with another topic I don't want to go into.... I'm still not feeling well and today has been a very taxing day with the Airbnb site, dealing with the guests and getting the housekeeper's calendar updated...... discussions about the lake....... guessing what's the best decisions,  helping a neighbor catch thier big naughty dog who got away and wanted to play with the pug.  The pug got away from me this morning too... forgot about that. 

Just feeling sweaty and hot and a tad weak.  Ready to feel normal again.  I think I might have a tiny fracture in my arm, based on how it feels when I bear any weight in a certain direction, which wasn't intentional, btw. 

Whatever it is, I'll heal it up, but I won't enjoy it.


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #817 on: May 16, 2022, 11:34:26 AM »
Yoicks, that incident brought up a lot. I remember dawning heartbreak when I realized that the women's liberation movement I experienced in the 60s meant little, when things only changed SOME, for SOME, and SOME of the time. To see it also happening to our daughters is a particular kind of pain. To see it ignored by males who should be allies is another.

Black parents go through the very same thing, when they have to have The Talk. Seeing their children begin to understand they are second-class citizens to many of their fellows...same thing.

And of course, our country seems unfathomable but here it is. If I had the energy and money, I'd rather live in Scandinavia (well, during half the year...the other half? Nowhere's free of it but maybe the U.K.).

Don't mean to be tedious, but dog-chasing and doing business (all with a possible fracture in the arm) doesn't match my image of how one gets through Covid convalescence??????

Stupid TV and soup, maybe?

hugs and take CARE of yourself, the world keeps spinning if you skip something....glad you scooped up the pug, back to bed now?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #818 on: May 16, 2022, 09:24:07 PM »
I sound better today, Hops and there's so many incidents of being touched under skirts for me, my sister, my friends..... I can't count them.  At clubs, on escalators at the mall, on creepy dates...... just awful and how it is and speaking up means upsetting everything, at least in those moments. 

I'm not as comfortable with upsetting moments as I'm going to be, I'm thinking.

I haven't found the balance yet.

I feel like I will. 

Part of it is the power dynamic and what is gained and what is lossed....... and everything shifts.

Speaking up doesn't have to be anything in particular, but I realize I have  an image of it.... an idea of what it has to be..... and it always  includes escalation, but that doesn't have to be how it goes... maybe.

Mayne it can be something else.

Still searching for the balance.  Youngest dd admitted defeat today when I asked her if she had ideas about dealing with these types of problems... she said she'd given it a lot of thought and "there are no answers."

I hope that's not true, just bc we can't put our finger on them.

DD19's throat is soar, but both girls are testing N so far.

I think I'll be back up and running around tomorrow.

I love Scandanavia and esp the women.... they're not so invested in cutting each other's throats.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #819 on: May 16, 2022, 10:06:24 PM »
I can't smell anything.  That's new.

I think my brain thinks I can still taste, but I don't think that's true.



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #820 on: May 17, 2022, 10:30:44 AM »
I realize I have  an image of it.... an idea of what it has to be..... and it always  includes escalation, but that doesn't have to be how it goes

This sounds very perceptive, Lighter. When I studied assertiveness we literally practiced scenarios over and over, role played is what I mean. I think we can shrink the interval between the shock and the speaking up immediately, until it gets better. Heartbreaking to know your D believes there's nothing she can do.

Highly recommend The Gift of Fear for your D, which has been updated. IME, it didn't increase fear but increased confidence. Plus, an assertiveness training course. They're not as common as they were in the 60s but would be worth a drive.

Meanwhile, why rush your covid recovery? Relapse can happen with any virus if you don't genuinely take it easy and focus on letting your body get all the way well.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #821 on: May 20, 2022, 02:51:17 PM »
How are you feeling, Lighter??

A friend around the corner just got it. The Post has an article about people in covid denial. I think we need to keep the measures going whether or not we enjoy them. A longer life and later me are worth simple effort, imo. My church requires N95s and I can't breathe well enough in those to enjoy it, so I am out for now.

I hope you're smelling, tasting, and feeling your lungs work okay. Do you have a pulse oximeter, the fingertip thing?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #822 on: May 20, 2022, 10:20:50 PM »
Hi, Hops.

I'm up and running today...... took the pug to the vet for bum and paw maintenance, washed all the bedding, roasted a 6 lb chicken, walked a good mile with the Pug, gave her a bath and worked with her new sunglass goggles to ensure a good experience, meaning.... I popped sauteed chicken livers into her mouth as she sat with the glasses on her face.  I made sure to take them off and not let her paw them off, which she really really really wanted to do.  I'm hoping she'll leave them alone if we're moving at a rapid pace in the forest.  IF I bring tasty morsels the first few times I have a better shot at gaining her acceptance.

So, during my movement I noticed I'm still a bit weak AND I can't push on anything with the left arm STILL.  It clicks and explodes in pain...... like a little bone comes apart and back together but it's not a bone.  It's swelling and nerves and picture bumping your elbow with a little force.  I've done something more forceful and I can feel the pins and needs and a bit of discomfort at it goes through the process of healing..... it will heal.  I know it will.  It's soft tissue an nerves and swelling and I can't even push my little Honda door open or hold an onion with my left hand to cut.... but I can lift any amount of weight.  it's the pushing muscles not the pulling muscles that are involved.

My lungs keep producing interesting chunks of phlem.... very solid things.  I don't know what color they are.....I never remember to look, but it feels like I'm through the virus and on the other side.

I've had a couple moments of feeling very angry about not being able to just do normal things,but that's what comes up when I don't want to acknowledge the sadness of being injured or understanding things will eventually change for me...... I won't always be climbing onto steep rooftops and moving heavy things by myself.  Acceptance around those things isn't on my radar right now, but I'll deal with it when it's time.

It's not time yet.

DD19 is sneezing her head off.  She felt she might have Covid but keeps testing N..... it's allergies, has to be.

I spoke to one of my nieces for an hour tonight....she reminds me so much of myself. She's happier and settling into her 5 mo old job she hated at first.  Competence and uplifting co workers are making a difference.

My oldest dd received a much smaller raise than she deserves and I can't say anything about it, so I don't, but...... it's not fair and she knows it. 

My back is unhappy...... where I had some pain during the Covid.... it's just there and a bit sensitive.  I'm going to floss and brush my teeth then it's into bed for me.

Thanks for asking: )



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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #823 on: May 21, 2022, 12:01:34 AM »
Taste and smell is returning... forgot that.  I had a tangerine earlier and could smell it!  Whoo hoo!


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Re: Mindfulness and codependence thread
« Reply #824 on: May 21, 2022, 09:16:24 AM »
You are a functioning, working human, for sure, Lighter.

Have you considered a simple x-ray in case a cast or sling
might stabilize the arm for faster healing? Just in case it
would heal better with less risk of future pain or weakness.

Then again, I ignored PT after it made the frozen shoulder
hurt worse and it got much much better on its own. So far.

Glad taste and smell are back and hope all systems are soon
covid free.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."