Laundry room back together.
Looks amazing. I have some cabinet trim to finish and a hole to drill for electric power strip to be mounted in shelving. Youngest said it's too nice a laundry room for our house, but it is serene and beautiful.
I think we'll work outdoors the balance of the day.
ICD friend will help me organize and put in systems next week....hopefully ones I can sustain.
This is great good motivation for a brutal edit.
I'm glad you have a pleasant garden area, Tupp. Maybe look at photos of gardens you love, and think about the garden you will have. Research the plants and growing conditions so you can visualize the next property garden optimize joy and planning.
I taped a picture of the laundry room I liked...that was 6 years ago, then, BAM! It was time to make it happen when it was time. I have to tell you....I had details figured out ahead, like how to remove cabinet doors, caulk and trim out to make it look like I had built in shelving....its all the difference for 10.00 in trim and a tube of caulk, just about.
Anyhow, shade vs sun gardens research would brighten my heart during a dreary dim winter season : ) Maybe yours too!