Jumping on "finding balance" I want to say there are parts to that, imo.
Simply SEEING my patterns and reactivity.
Sifting through them to find clarity, as Good us doing now.
Dropping judgment so I CAN find clarity.
Resisting the pull of assigning blame bc it just slows me down.
Realizing....no. Wrong word. Accepting/internalizing my emotions aren't dependent on other people's words and actions.....really important. Releasing expectations will free up so much energy. Esp around spending time with other people.
And the Yelly Guy stuff......
Is falling away. For me, though his tone yesterday says he's shifting into anger and resentment..... hopefully acceptanc e around the reality I can't be friendly and civil around him and not be.....
Not be.....
See? I have some resentment around this "Lighter texted with a married man, Lighter walked her dog with a married man" narrative.....making me somehow responsible for the married man losing his mind.
I say he lost it long ago, nothing to do with me. He acted it out bc he's lost his mind, not bc I talked, walked or texted, imo.
To say I have responsibility is to say to my younger self, daughters, niece and present/ future self that I deserve to be assaulted, stalked IF certain clothing choices are made.
I say, just bc attention is desired.....intentionally sought out doesn't mean we're apples on a tree for anyone to pick ( stalk/assault, etc.)
People, men and women, get to decide who's attention they want and who's they don't. That's it. So simple, I wonder what the hell is wrong with people who see confusion.
Very simple for me. Always has been.
So, I don't believe I'll ever stop being civil or kind, bc there are amoral people, broken people, PDs, confused people. I'm not confused in what's appropriate. I'm not responsible for other people.
And so.....Yelly Guy was standing in the Cowboy's yard watching me and sis break down Halloween decorations. I ignored him. Didn't even think about it.
Sis tied the pug to a tree badly. Pug git away. Yelly Guy walked dog back over to us and expected.... to chat? Help us, perhaps?
I saw him coming and said YG us bringing the Pug back, but kept working. Sis was closer to YG than I was....I was high on a ladder, reaching.
Short story short, we both called the dog a little shit and ignored YG.....curt thanks and did took the dog, turned away.
YG said something.....I wasn't listening, frankly, but his tone was familiar. Wounded.....resentful. If he finds a way to retaliate he will, ime.
I have to find clarity around relationships in my community and save the ones I care about.
There's some internal primal drive to be accepted and safe within community. Very powerful during years of trials......primitive us a good word.
I have some confusion around that, still.....needs sorting out.
I am safe.
I can keep myself safe
I'd like to help others feel safe.
The whole blaming women thing is over for me.
Women should support each other and women in this Country are more combative, ime.
I have some thinking to do on it.