Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 107683 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #120 on: April 08, 2020, 05:26:44 PM »
Well. I ordered a bark collar for baby girl pug then went back into the yard. 

It's sad to think of our dogs watching us and worrying.....
"I know you're watching the fear box."

That's so sad. 



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #121 on: April 15, 2020, 07:41:57 PM »
OK.  The dog shooting discussion on neighborhood message board devolved into a caveman vs indignant posters using words like psychopath and active shooter......

Political, of course.  Some of it funny.  Most of it tedious and designed to poke rather than find understanding. 

The update is.... there's a police report and detective on the case.  Hopefully, they'll find the person who shot the dog, and arrest them.  I have to tell you.... the court system here has been shut down... or it was when I last checked.  I assume they'll let the person out on bond, then what?

Things are unlikely to get better on their own, particularly with all the nutsy rocksy statements being made.  I think a lot of it's racial, to be honest.

I'm not worrying.  I'm looking at it with eyes unclouded by hate and it's not a good view.

Oh... did I say I ordered a bark collar for baby girl pug?  I did. 



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #122 on: April 15, 2020, 07:59:59 PM »
A man pooped in the woods near a ritzy neighborhood... .wooded area with trails, then started masturbating.  Cops were called.  A man shouted at the guy (caucasian, 40s or 50s) and sent him running. 

A naked man (caucasian) was arrested near the same area, not sure if it was the same man. 

People are really losing their minds around here and we're not in a big city.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #123 on: April 15, 2020, 10:35:45 PM »
This is the most devastatingly beautiful-while-horrific piece of journalism on the coronavirus I've read yet.

This newspaper leaves me speechless sometimes.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #124 on: April 16, 2020, 02:23:15 AM »
These sort of situations bring out the best and worst in people, and unfortunately the worst get a lot more press coverage here than the good actions.  Kids have been making face guards on 3D printers  - domestic violence deaths have doubled.  NHS staff are dying because they don't have the right protective gear - politicians are claiming it's because they're misusing it.  Horror and glory side by side.  Madness.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #125 on: April 16, 2020, 11:05:49 AM »
Horror and glory.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #126 on: April 17, 2020, 09:36:42 AM »
You're right, Tupp.... lots of really tragic things in the world right now.  I think I need to stay off the neighborhood message board EXCEPT I found 2 new mossing buddies.... women who cultivate and love moss like I do AND have outdoor showers they can go on and on about.  I can block certain posters.... and maybe threads.   That's just what I'm going to do.

Hops, the ER doc's story changed the way I moved through my day yesterday.  I was IN my head... not so focused on surfaces and disinfecting in the usual way.  Almost like I couldn't focus my vision or breath right... walk right.  Just very IN my head and not in my body...  that's how it felt.  Very threatened and vulnerable and the ER doc's fear ..... his feeling of being overwhelmed inhabited me.
I figured it out when I was all done and sitting in the car.... NOT feeling the way I had before, which was wanting to get away from my clothing.  THIS time I was focused on breathing through the mask and seeing through the splash guard..... like they weighed many pounds... so weighty.

It didn't help to see many children shopping with their parents, sans protection, and there were 2 young 8ish yo boys running around bouncing balls..... touching things, sitting on things, no masks or gloves.  I don't know if they were with a worker or a shopping parent bc they were on their own, roaming the store the entire time. Lots of people without gloves.... most had masks.

The healthcare provider I loved in Atlanta thinks the virus is a hoax.  She's seeing patients without wearing any protective gear or requiring patients wear any. The friend with heart and lung problems sees her twice a week, which is super alarming, even if the office is getting wiped down between patients. I want to say..... years ago that provider had that friend on supplements for his heart and lungs, which weren't an issue (with his Western med docs at that time.)  Now he's been in and out of the hospital with alarming symptoms and plenty of evidence his heart and lungs WERE a problem years ago..... but Western medicine requires problems become alarming symptoms THEN the treatment of prescription drugs begins. 

I don't understand or believe in that.  So, his choices are to stop all Western meds, and figure this out with more Eastern methods, OR continue with the Western medications and the Eastern.... see how that goes.  Instead of wishing he chooses one or the other, I'm upset he didn't deal with the imbalance in his system BEFORE he became very ill.  I just don't understand the logic AND THIS FRIEND received a lot of relief and help from this practitioner for other things, actual symptoms of course, when he was seeing her.  He started feeling better, tipped his hat, thanked her for her help and stopped going, which is the experience that practitioner normally has with men in her practice. 

 My youngest dd said she's lost all respect for that provider, bc of the hoax belief.   I suspect her man is a conspiracy theorist... and she's been contaminated, bc she's normally very level, no-nonsense kind of woman.  That's a huge heartbreak for me.... the people in my life who're contaminated by the talking heads.  I'm expecting more of an explanation about that particular belief from that particular health care professional.  I really want to know why she believes that.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #127 on: April 17, 2020, 12:54:05 PM »
Remember, Lighter that this woman (the ER doc) was in an overwhelmed system in NYC. That doesn't mean that the situation couldn't become equally fearful in clusters in less-populated places, but the threat haunting you personally is likely not to come to pass.

What you can do is continue to rationally protect yourself and your children, to the best of your ability.

What you can't do is: 1) change people's ignorance or politics, 2) change other people's behavior, or 3) make any of it better by making yourself feel worse.

I'm sorry the NYTimes article was so haunting for you. I shared it because it's so profoundly REAL and I was very moved by her courage and writing talent, but I apologize for not adding some kind of "trigger warning." Fear and panic are contagious, and I don't want to either feed the fear furnace or do anything to undermine anyone's hard-won calm.

I know yours is hard won; hope your furnace can be banked down again.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #128 on: April 17, 2020, 03:11:56 PM »
Just stopping in after a long absence to check in on how everyone is doing. It's lovely to see so many of you still here. I hope you are all doing the best you can & are safe and healthy.

"Enjoy every sandwich." -- Warren Zevon


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #129 on: April 19, 2020, 03:50:44 AM »
Just stopping in after a long absence to check in on how everyone is doing. It's lovely to see so many of you still here. I hope you are all doing the best you can & are safe and healthy.


Hello Lollie, it's lovely to see you, I hope you are well :) xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #130 on: April 19, 2020, 10:49:25 AM »
Hi Lollie,
How are you doing?!?
Any chance you would like to start a thread and remind us and catch us up on you?

Hope all is well with you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #131 on: April 20, 2020, 05:25:26 AM »
Welcome back, lollie: )


I feel asleep reading the ER doc article, then woke up and finished it before heading out to the store.  BEFORE heading to the store I was waiting for the boy's mom to show.... she was over an hour late.  I wasn't set up to have the best shopping experience that day.

I bought a new washing machine at Lowe's today.  They let their appliance people take the month off, so we had to wait an hour just to speak to someone.  That someone was from another department and worked very hard to take us in order.  I noticed at least half the shoppers and most of the workers didn't have any protective gear on.  There was one family with 4 children... 10 and under.... NO GEAR. 

A neighbor drove me, along with his little trailer, and we took the washer with us, then installed it.  SO HEAVY, but got the job done and he took away the old one to scrapper. 

It's raining like crazy so I'm glad the washing machine problem is solved.  Now... to solve the cook top problem.




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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #132 on: April 20, 2020, 05:40:25 AM »
I'm glad the washing machine is sorted out now, Lighter, it's no picnic having to hand wash or use the launderette, especially with so much going on.

I'm cross on your behalf that the boy's mum was an hour late.  Very thoughtless.

Our supermarkets here only allow one person in to shop, no families, unless single parents and the children are too young to be left at home or in the car.  The queue lines are clearly marked into six feet sections to show where you need to stand and all the shops have been made one way.  People do ignore, but staff are there to remind them.  They are limiting the numbers going in to shops as well, so if they reach their limit then they implement a one in, one out system.  They'd have avoided a lot of deaths if they'd put that in place sooner.  There is a hilarious picture going round the internet of a cat taking his place in the queue and sitting two metres behind the person in front, and even funnier is a lady who is standing two metres behind the cat.  It did make me laugh :)

Can you use the cooker at all at the moment?  I hope that problem gets sorted soon and that you're all doing okay  (((((((((((Lighter))))))))))))


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #133 on: April 20, 2020, 07:02:33 AM »
I have a little counter hot plate that works well enough.   

It might be as cheap to purchase two new burner units... I really want to replace the grill side of the stove top, rather than replace that one burned-out eye AND buy the new unit.  That;s confusing, I know. 

My neighbor said he'd help me if I wanted to try to fix on my own. I think we could figure it out with Youtube.  He's good with electronics.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #134 on: April 22, 2020, 08:21:37 AM »
I have a little counter hot plate that works well enough.   

It might be as cheap to purchase two new burner units... I really want to replace the grill side of the stove top, rather than replace that one burned-out eye AND buy the new unit.  That;s confusing, I know. 

My neighbor said he'd help me if I wanted to try to fix on my own. I think we could figure it out with Youtube.  He's good with electronics.


It's a pain dealing with those big problems, I find, trying to balance out cost, time, practicality and so on.  It's good that your neighbour can help!  Hopefully it will be sorted soon.

The Covid related problems here seem to be getting worse rather than better, not least because the Government seem to be making up numbers and facts and hoping people won't notice.  They're still not recording care home deaths in the overall numbers so although the 'official' figure is 17,000, 20,000 seems to be more likely and possibly higher than that.  It's looking quite possible that son and I will be in fairly permanently until they find a vaccine or cure, or eradicate completely.  He has agreed to come for an evening walk wearing a mask so I've ordered those and they should arrive next week.  I was thinking that if they open up the cinema and library at some point we could possibly use those if we go as 'first customers of the day' as everything should be clean and we can walk there and back and minimise the risk.  The same could be done with the osteopath and acupuncturist if they re-open at some point (I am feeling the effects of not having my regular treatments and it must be the same for son).  It's very difficult thinking about ways to balance the risk of getting ill with the risk of goodness only knows what not leaving the house for eighteen months does to you.  Just pondering things at the moment, nothing's definite, but having seen the way these people have manhandled the situation (and are now all jumping up and down blaming each other instead of bloody well dealing with it) I have no faith that anything is going to be resolved soon.xx