Makes perfect sense that you'd study the actual biological info, as much as we have available. Reliable sources, too. You have a very rational approach to how the brain reacts to and processes trauma, for example in your understandings of why EMDR has been so powerful. Good for you for using your innate curiosity and research drive to find out more about this damnable virus!
I'm tapped out on my appetite for more bio-detail at this point, and have decided that whatever the government, country or different groups do or don't do, my own strategy is pretty simple (and easy for me as a privileged person with food, shelter, and some social interaction covered). It's just one: AVOID.
Read a good article by an immunologist who said not to forget the reality of airborne transmission, especially when forced to be indoors with others. So that makes me feel more serious about mask-wearing. Not when friends come over and sit eight feet away, or in my car. But maybe I will start wearing it full-time on walks. Most of the time on my street close encounters are easy to avoid, but the occasional runner can mess that up. I'm not downtown or on crowded streets, though, so I have it easy. It's a broad street with yards easy to step into if needed.
It seems that the basic cloth masks don't protect US much, but do protect others from our own moist breath, much less coughs or sneezes. To avoid inhaling damp runner-breath, for example, it'd have to be the kind of respiratory mask (N95?) health professionals wear, and I'd rather walk in circles in my yard than try that. I also have an indoor exercise bike I have used mostly to hold damp laundry. !!!
I am just extremely grateful that everything I need can be safely delivered to my door, and easily disinfected once inside. It's been critical to ask myself firm questions about the difference between my WANTS and my NEEDS. So far, there's nothing except a prescription (drive-up, no-contact window) or getting gas that forces me to go anywhere so far (except for my knee x-ray but they managed distancing seriously there). Even my potting soil was safe drive-up pickup. But I don't buy food outside any more, or anything else. Haircut? Forget it. I can think of rationalizations for excursions, but unless they are absolutely no-contact safe pickup (I did that for free plants)...I'm skipping it all and hunkering down.
Probably until I'm 100. Might as well accept it, and look for happies in other ways.