Ai yi, yi, Lighter, I'm sorry about your friend.
I'm no longer sanguine about anyone of any age just "getting over it" completely, unless they do. Information about that seems all over the map, with some 9-year-olds dying and some seniors surviving, and everything in between. I especially worry about the weird syndromes appearing in kids. Lord knows how that will affect their future health. (Reminds me of the shock I felt when an older friend, who'd had polio and "recovered" long ago when young, and then came down with post-polio syndrome in her 70s. She wound up losing a leg.)
What I find most fearful about the virus is first, the PTSD-inducing torture of an ICU/ventilation experience, and then, should I be "lucky"--the "recovery". Seems to me that once "lucky" people are well enough to be discharged, the statistics are adjusted and bingo, add one to the "survivor" column, happy-happy! But long-term lung or other organ damage path and other issues are still uncharted and unknown. Like permanent emphysema. I just know I wouldn't cope well with either getting OR surviving Covid-19. Not at my age (or mental state). Don't wanna die from it either, but survival is no cupcake at a picnic, as I understand it. How doctors define "recovery" is a very different animal from how I would, with quality of life mattering a lot more than simply continuing to tick.
(All this has a lot to do with the fact that locally, we're still marching steadily upward on the FIRST curve. It's nerve-wracking.)
And how are we going to manage the medical needs of all these "recovered" patients as unknown after-effects kick in later in their lives? With dying economies and civil unrest, and politicians gutting health care? Fingers crossed for November.
Whew, quite a rant.
I was actually coming onto this thread to whine a bit. I'm having a harder time than before breaking up with M, in coping with the isolation. Doing my best to rally myself, but the loll-in-bed-all-day pernicious retreat-behavior has crept up again. I'm pushing back a little and not panicking (I'm up and dressed now, first time in days) -- but it's concerning.
I'm trying to schedule more Zoom chats with friends. I think the biggest temporary problem is that my closest friend's weekly outdoor visits have been shut down by us both for a couple weeks because the heat (high 90s) is just too much for our old selves. So I'm missing that regular connection and support. Heading to the neighbors' for takeout Mexican food outdoors this evening, which I know will help.
Meanwhile, drinking more than I should, and have emotionally-eaten so much I'm up at least 5 pounds since the breakup. (Thank god I don't have a scale.) So...I know things will get better. Just wish the quarantine could end soon for everyone. And I know it can't.
Whiney whiney,