Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 108158 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #345 on: October 02, 2020, 10:06:19 AM »
Lighter, search for "Solo stove Bonfire" and you'll see it. There's a larger one too. I like their looks and they're portable, so you don't half to walk/sweep around it the other half of the year.

Tupp, he does have it, and the first lady. Schadenfreude. After his terrifying rampage of a debate it's a mercy he may be a tiny bit quieter for a while. Boy, it's a real test of whatever traces remain of my childhood religious training....not to think of karma. I'm trying to channel "When they go low, we go high" except that may have gotten us this sociopathic president in the first place. The U.S. has been asleep at the wheel for too long (that's karma too). The damage done is heartbreaking.

I'm still reading with my jaw on my chest. Time to write more postcards to voters. I voted early, curbside (like a drive-thru restaurant!) a week ago and in this small city it was a breeze. But in other places like Texas, one side is doing all it can to suppress the vote--the governor there just ordered only one secure outdoor ballot box per COUNTY (you can drive almost 2000 miles from end to end of one). So seniors and/or the disabled who really need to deliver their votes outdoors ... how can we have sunk to this? Okay, I'll stop. I apologize for the politics, that's not our VESMB custom. And that's wise. It's just a really tense time until the outcome.

Back to cozy patio lawn guy is going to deliver some split seasoned firewood and there's a super-cheap way to build a sturdy rack: four steel brackets made for the purpose. You insert two treated pieces of lumber lengthwise for the bottom, and four regular ones that stick upright from each corner. You choose the rack dimensions based on how much firewood you'll get (about 250 lbs for me for the season is my guess, not much) and buy 2'x4' lumber cut to suit. Even I could assemble this thing!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #346 on: October 02, 2020, 10:41:40 AM »
The cheap rack sounds perfect Hops, I'm glad there's a way to do it without spending a fortune.  Good omen, I reckon.

The thing that struck me most about the Trump news was whether or not I could believe it.  How have we go to a point where we can't trust anything we see or hear anymore (at least now without a decent knowledge of the source or the topic)?  Kind of scary.

And yes, voting.  I kind of don't want to watch, here or there.  I'm still looking at eco retreats in out of the way places and wondering if I can break son's internet addiction and get him into coppicing or something instead :)  Lol x


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #347 on: October 02, 2020, 01:22:42 PM »
Coppicing! Brilliant! I loved the documentary about that...

Even in high-end media (just the commenters, not the reporters/opiners) there's some speculation about T's diagnosis being a hoax. I have a feeling it's not, but doubting that sort of news is a symptom of what he and his ilk have done to us.


PS In case I didn't say, I bought the fire pit. It'll be here end of Oct. and I'm glad.
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #348 on: October 02, 2020, 07:50:19 PM »
:: kicking back next to burn barrell::

I think a lively fire Pit is a most excellent investment, Hops.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #349 on: October 03, 2020, 01:21:10 PM »
Just walked into emergency care center to ask about Covid-19 Rapid Test.

First avail appt is Monday.
Rapid Test is $179.00 without insurance and $200.00 for regular test.....should have asked about timeframe for results, but so upset over crap poor planning, high expense and lack of care I had to turn on my heel and walk out.

I guess the policy is.....go home.  Spread whatever you have.  If you can afford the test, come back and get an idea of what you've been giving to those around you, bc....
that's a plan.

My brother found the rapid test at a little mom and pop emergency clinic for $120.00 a person.  I guess price gouging is up to the provider, and their sense of entitlement to profits.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #350 on: October 03, 2020, 06:43:56 PM »
What spurred it, Lighter?

Have you been exposed?
Or feeling any symptoms?

I've worried about your mingling/hosting etc....

Fingers crossed,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #351 on: October 03, 2020, 11:39:50 PM »
Not me.....guest tested regularly before meetings with care team.  At least I know he doesn't have it.

Brother felt he might go to island, but alas...
no power or water so all that money wasted....$360.00.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #352 on: October 07, 2020, 07:19:12 AM »
400 more cases in the last week in our county, almost all in the area our University is in.  They should have put all teaching online, this is just a crazy risk to take - I understand it's different with younger kids but adults can stay home and learn from their laptops and with online seminars and so on.  The death rate is still mercifully low (I think because it's mostly affecting younger people so they're recovering from it) but that's still a huge jump in numbers in such a short space of time.

Lighter, I hear you on the testing!  It's an absolute shambles here; they miscounted thousands of results because they were apparently just using a normal Excel package - like the one you have on your own computer at home? - to run the database???????  And the numbers got too big for it to handle so tens of thousands were unreported until the following week.  People are finding they can't get a test at all and of course, a lot of people can't afford to take time off work so I'd lay money that some people have symptoms and aren't going for a test or self isolating because they just can't pay their bills if they do.  I did find out that our local osteopathy clinic is doing private testing for about £100 a time - our chances are low but if either of us got sick I'd rather know sooner than later.  Absolute madness.  A friend's son is doing a work placement with a pharmaceutical research company - all staff get tested weekly as standard - smart move, I think.  Teachers, on the other hand, aren't even considered a priority for testing and many are having to stay off work for two weeks at a time because they can't get a test to find out one way or the other.  Crazy bonkers madness.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #353 on: October 07, 2020, 01:57:54 PM »
This may be bonkers too, but I'm not concerned about testing.
If I ran a fever for days and especially felt short of breath, I'd assume it's Covid-19, and my ticket would be punched (by me) pretty soon thereafter.

I have read so many accounts of the long-term damage and the PTSD and what ventilation is like, etc., that I'd just as soon skip the hospital part.

Also, it seems clear that people are relying way way too much on testing as though it actually offers anything protective. It does for those around you if you're not self-isolating, but it is after the horse left the barn. Also, from reading for hours about DJT and the White House...they were using a less reliable test, and according to experts, negative tests do NOT mean Oh goody, in the clear. They just mean that this time, this test...didn't detect it. You could still be contagious, asymptomatic. There's a particular timeline for when enough virus blooms in your system to register on a test, and some of the tests are better than others.

Same with masks. They lower the risk, absolutely, and a lot. But it's not 100% because so many wear masks with gaps around the edges where virus-laden breath can escape anyway.

I think people just latch on to the magic fairy safety tools, and forget that the ONE sure way not to get it (if you have this luxury) is to stay home. Period.

Americans especially just don't know how to endure it. Socializing is a huge drive for me (hence my pricey fire pit) but with all the reading....I know complete lockdown would be the safest.

Then again, I'm a coward, and I really don't want to go this way or make anybody else go this way if I can help it.

The current DC saga about infection, risk and especially consideration for others, as though we're actually all in this overwhelming. Hope I make it to the election without a nervous breakdown. Already voted, curbside, easy as pie, and wish everyone who possibly can would vote right now.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #354 on: October 07, 2020, 02:51:41 PM »
Aw, Hops, well hopefully it won't come to that as you're taking so many precautions.  Our risk is pretty low due to not going out much and not being around people when we do (booked cinema tickets for Friday; you can see which seats have already sold when you book your tickets and it's completely empty again).  It's all just such a shambles.  I was watching one of the comedians here do a spoof sketch mimicking Johnson doing one of his 'announcements' and the comedy version actually made more sense than the real announcement. 


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #355 on: October 07, 2020, 03:14:50 PM »
Here's my current favorite:

(I can imagine the Boris thing...oh my Lawd.)

Not freaked out really, just recognizing how deeply serious it is and accepting how differently people respond....all beyond our control.

So glad you and son are among the rational!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #356 on: October 08, 2020, 03:51:08 AM »
Eeew Hopsie, I watched it, the belligerence and arrogance just make me cringe, that lady's lovely voice seems to pure to be alongside it!  Lol.

Much is beyond our control but oddly I am feeling more in control of my life than I do usually.  I'm still quite overwhelmed at how much easier things are for us if we don't go out too much and don't arrange too much to do (either at home or elsewhere).  I'm starting to realise how much of my rushing around has been based around accepting other people's invitations in the past - their need for company and/or something to do rather than my own.  I've people wanting to meet for coffee next week - I don't really fancy it?  I'm enjoying being home.  I have started going for a long walk first thing - the lockdown weight has really piled on and I need to do something about it.  But other than that our weekly excursion for a film and new books is plenty just now.  I would like it all to be over, though.  I think the waiting for what happens next is difficult for everyone xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #357 on: October 09, 2020, 05:36:34 AM »
Cases are increasing by over 100 a day where we are at the moment, assuming these are actually being accurately counted this time.  We're still a lot lower than other parts of the country which is a blessing but given that they're only testing people with symptoms I guess we can assume there are plenty wandering around who don't know they have it because they're asymptomatic?  We're doing very little anyway so we still fall into the 'pretty safe' bracket from my point of view but it's still definitely something I'll be keeping a close eye on and if we go from green to amber (which is how they're colouring the maps at the moment to show the numbers of cases - green very low, amber in the middle, red very high) I think we'll be doing our own lockdown again - which looking at the terrible weather forecast wouldn't be a bad thing anyway!  The good news is that we haven't had a Covid death in our area for about a month now which at least means the people catching it aren't dying but it's still a pretty worrying time xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #358 on: October 09, 2020, 10:00:47 AM »
I think the medical treatments are improving Covid outcomes....I saw early treatment with blood thinners was helping a lot, Tupp.

I'm glad C19deaths seems to have halted, for now, in your area.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #359 on: October 10, 2020, 10:15:47 AM »
I think the medical treatments are improving Covid outcomes....I saw early treatment with blood thinners was helping a lot, Tupp.

I'm glad C19deaths seems to have halted, for now, in your area.


I've read various things, Lighter, they apparently have a few things now they can try to halt it in its tracks and apparently there is a thought that the mask wearing and social distancing is keeping the viral load down so people just aren't getting as strong a dose of it.  But ............ it's looking pretty bleak in some ways here.  Businesses are going under and financial support is being withdrawn and/or if granted, isn't adequate to keep people going.  Doctors on Twitter are describing wards filling up and more and more people being admitted with medical staff having to work 18 hour shifts to cover everything.  People in some care homes have apparently not seen anyone they know for seven months now, horrifying effect on mental health for some of them.  I'm literally only skimming through main points just to make sure there's nothing there I need to do anything about but even so, it's not pretty reading.  I think I'm just going to stock up on good books to get myself lost in and spend the next six months in a fantasy world as much as possible :) xx