((Hops)) the whole way through your description I was thinking.....
1.Hops is buying into the Poet's criticisms and ....
2. The Poet has no ability to follow through with the strategies to keep herself occupied on her own. She was doing her best, but her needs unhinged her reason.
The fellowship is the round/soft/comforting side of this relationship.
The sharp/cutting/hurtful side is about the wounded and protective parts....of you and Poet.
Poet seems to have fleas.....I think, from her relationshit with her abusive h...I think. Or maybe this is all about her AND you placating difficult parents/people from your childhoods? Familiar and practiced pathways.
Maybe she can't see it? Nose on her pebbles, and all that.
You can see it. You can sense the edge of your boundaries, discuss them, attempt remedies proactively. See it coming. Watch Poet crumble as her wounded parts lose sight and ability to correct her boat.
I think that's similar to what happens in relationships with her h.....she goes into survival mode and behaves irrationally. Buys into his criticisms. Makes bargains with herself to avoid the darkness of feeling abandoned and alone.....even though she has friends and she has you, as her vessel to place and hold darkest truth.....the verbal/emotional abuse and her inability to choose self care and boundaries over verbal/emotional abuse cycle that's her "normal." Familiar to you both. Perhaps she sees this as a bargain between you. Unspoken, but binding?
Terrible thing, but familiar and perhaps it's still in her uncomfortable comfort zone.....but way outside yours, imo.
I think both of you put up with hurtful parents and weren't allowed boundaries. Both deal with boundary transgressions as crisis, shifting into survival mode, bc of unfortunate buy into the criticisms, used against you like a surgeon's knife.
If there's no buy in.... the energy/reactivity dissipates and it's easier to see what's really there, IME.
You see more than Poet sees, but it's still her stuff rubbing against your stuff.....raw and reactive. You can get your nose off the pebbles to see what's there. You can.
Reviewing boundaries/enforcement of same coupled with clarity around your entitlement will go a long way to define how to handle your relationship going forward with Poet, IME.
You're mixing up caretaking her feelings and the word enmeshed pops up. It's not your job to caretake her, her feelings, her darkness to preserve connection.
I wonder if there's some stuck unconscious belief for you...... that's your job....you felt worthy of love IF you kept your end of that horrible bargain in your FOO. Caretake others at your expense. That's love.
Poet, when not in survival mode, wouldn't want you to do that.... wouldn't want you to give up your boundaries and surrender them unto her to preserve her comfort.....I think.
Funny how the world shakes down into those comfortable with boundaries and those not comfortable, IME. Poet isn't allowed boundaries with her h. She trounces yours, just the same.
It doesn't have to be profoundly sad and unchanging.
I wonder what would have happened had you spoken to her as you would speak to a child....with compassionate authority. No shaming. I'd like to think both your inner children would be comforted and calmed, a bit.
Our boundaries keep us safe. It's the best intentions, those outside our lane, confusing and complicating things, IME. Sometimes we don't need to understand the why of these things, IME.
We take care of what's ours and give others the opportunity to respond/react/tantrum and correct or not correct, but we can't control them or the relationship through sacrifice of self care and boundaries. That's just repeating old uncomfortable and destructive patterns that never worked, IME.
Time for something new and hopeful.
Modeling healthy boundaries for Poet gives her framework for her relationshit with h, imo.
Sure, it'll be uncomfortable. It won't be easy to state with compassion, bc of your stuff rubbing against her stuff, but maybe writing it out will help.
If you draw up, far enough, and see the situation with emotional distance it's not so scary, IME. Nose off pebble isn't an easy maneuver under fire. You've been under fire, Hops.
Some distance will help and judgement around this should be suspended, IME. This can be catalyst for clarity and change.
If you view it as bad/threat/proof you're X...
it's not helpful, IME.
Just see what's really there and try not to judge it, ((Hops.))
Stand in your boundaries and trust you're worthy of them.