OK. The contractor pulled out the zero radius mower we could get started in the out building and showed me how to run it.
I DID run it, while he was looking, then it shut off, rather embarrisingly, when I turned downhill and found myself going too fast for comfort, hit the breaks and it sputtered out....... I'm sure we were both shocked and wide eyed. Contractor terrified watching me o the thing....... offering to cut the property, bc he doesn't want me harmed trying, etc.
So, the great huge thing sat in the yard all yesterday afternoon, evening and overnight, bc every
it shut down.
over and
And it didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason as to why. I'd done the exact same things to make it GO. Why was it shutting down?
Conractor texted this am to see how mowing went. I joked I couldn't move it an inch..... the girls said it was God sending me a powerful message about mowing. He's an uber Christian and thought that was very funny.
He came by this morning, close by bc working on another job, and started the thing. Ran it around, showing off...... sure it was ME not disengaging the parking break, but was it?
I hopped on and took off, going around the yard then onto the driveway.... I thought I heard the deck scrape the drive and stopped to raise it.... I know how to do that. When I raised the deck the thing sputtered out. Again. Contractor walked over and was puzzled. Again.
He I tried to start the thing, over and over and he had me get up. He sat down and started it right up. Same thing I was doing.
So...... about the time we suspected I didn't have enough weight in the seat to engage the weight switch consistently the thing puttered out on him, for no reason.
At least it's in the garage, safe until I get back from Atlanta. I have my ear protectors, gloves and hat on the seat waiting.
The reason contractor a little terrified for me is bc he knows baby girl pug is in the house.... could be terrible if she got out and under the mower, but also bc there's a lot of slope near the lake and he's unsure how a machine this big will run for anyone, much less a complete novice having trouble going 10 feet in a straight flat line.
OK, that's the yard.
Contractor and I went over kitchen sink improvements and backsplash install. To install over old tile or remove it. Sicne the tile was put in with the really sticky white stuff.... chances are we'd have to replace the sheetrock if we remove it. I have a piece of tile used in the second bathroom tile floor that is thin enough to be perfect installed over old tile. That's the plan there.
The sink, however, is a different matter. I wanted to replace the old triple sink with big dish drying area with a 500.00 double sink that's modern, sleek, deep and has those grates and fancy drains...... just a lovely thing, but the old sink is HUGE. So. Huge. We got up under it and noticed the counter was cut out under the drying area as well, which means it's staying.
That said, we're on septic so I'm having him remove the garbage disposal we were never allowed to use, bc my father would yell from his chair every time someone unfamiliar with the rule turned it on. Why did he put it in if we couldn't USE it? I'll never know, but there's a small centered sink JUST for the garbage disposal and the drain trim says In-Sink-Erator so decision made to remove the gd, the trim and to install a regular drain there.
I got a great deal on an instant hot water dispenser for the sink and it matches the faucet perfectly. Faucet cover will go over the existing 3 holes of current broke down dripping faucet, check.
If I don't put the instant hot water unit at my house, contractor will cut another hole in existing sink and put it there.
It's such a huge sink..... I think it would be cool to have it then we don't have to have a kettle, of any kind, for renters to mess with.
How to bullet proof everythign that can be bullet proofed?
The bedroom we've created out of a closet and office space will have a barn door installed at newly created bathroom entrance.
The one thing I'm not happy about is the placement of the light switch when entering the room in the dark. I'll lable it, perhaps put in a lighted switch, but it's on the other side of the closet on a different wall than the bedroom entrance is located on. It's odd, but I don't want to change it.
I can put a small console table to the side of the entrace door with a lamp. That would resolve that issue in my mind and provide a place to drop purse, wallet, change, etc. Something with drawers would be functional too.
I have lots of furniture and tables and lamps to select from.... beautiful things, tall things, short things, narrow things, large things I picked up at the re store and goodwill for 2 and 5 dollars........ some things are amazing and glorious so I'm excited about the process.
That my brother would rather get the renovation done, sans ANYTHING in the house, THEN make selections at retail stores for exactly what's needed is a difference in our styles. He's busy working while I have more time as I deal with my girls, the renovation and other projects....... I have the time while traveling to stop, find great deals, throw them in my truck and drop these things on the job site as I go back an forth. I have the door to close off down from upstairs waiting at the bottom of the stairs, where it's going to be installed after the upstairs renovation is complete. Once that's in, we can begin renting out the 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath upstairs as an entire house. Hopefully in the fall. I look forward to that. I can SEE it.
Brother said he has plans for the exterior. He's happier with the drive than he was. That will stay. It's the plants and planting really needs attention and I'm not feeling like tackling it. He said he is, but does he have time? I'm not sure about that.
I'd' hate to have the place ready to rent, but the landscaping is still where it is. Torn out, mostly and overgrown with weeds.
Not good photo op moments. Not special.
Once the kitchen sink is handled.....once the 3 pendant lights have been changed out...... the kitchen can be what it is till I get to painting the lower cabinets. I'd like to have a spray shop set up in the garage, which requires more work in that area.
I want to install 2 fans on the covered porch. Add party lights and I'm looking to source those now. SOmething festive but worth the time and expense. The ones on my back porch go out to quickly. Do LED lights last forever?