I'm not baking much this year - just not interested. I'm waiting for the inspiration to strike, I guess. I still want to make some goodies for neighbors again - but I'm leaning more toward bread right now. It's going to be a "different" kind of Yule around here - altho B is supplying some exciting drama. There is an interesting, somewhat big, present being delivered here on Monday - which he said I might have to try to find some room for. Shipped out of Maine. So the guessing game is on...
Deb & her roommate bro are still recovering from Covid. She got the antibody infusion last week and it took a few days, but she's starting to feel human again. Between her & B, some days my phone is just constantly dinging at me with messages.
We appear to be doing better this year in sales at the company than last year; but it's still small progress and extremely fragile.
Kids are doing pretty good and starting to think about how much infrastructure plateau they now have under their feet and next phases. It comes & goes. But when I push her too hard to decide once & for all about her commitment... well, it's abundantly clear she has a different process than I do and I let it go.
Invites have gone out for solstice bonfire and gathering - depending on weather, people's health & schedules. But that's mostly Hol's "doins" unless B gets an appt with the infectious disease doc (new referral has fallen thru the cracks for a month). Then I might have my own fire.

Rip Van Winkle reflection days are back again. Until we get all our construction stuff done here, I'm not anticipating any new projects of the same sort - although I must get an estimate & schedule my house's roof replacement. Studio is looking rough too - but that's a contractor job because of the decks. So I have time to think real thoughts - not just respond, react, or do. To ponder & muse over all kinds of things.
Change and how it manifests - the many ways it manifests - seems to be a central theme. And it's occurred to me, that letting go old stuff - ideas, self-images, etc etc, along with physical "stuff" - is a functional mechanism within change. It can be a spontaneous, intuitive letting go... even can happen without noticing... or one can set an intention and pursue it. Maybe all things are possible - when it's time for those things.
But I don't have a lot to say about anything these days as even with the best of intentions and empathy - there is too much going on, too much "noise" for people to always hear it as it was meant - instead they hear what they've surrounded themselves with (by choice or not). And I can CHOOSE to be silent and conserve my energy. Doesn't mean it's something that needs to be fixed.

My chatty persona will undoubtedly return refreshed and just as irrepressibly smart-ass as previously... have no fear. I think it's perfectly good & natural that I have "seasons" of being right along with mother nature, too.
Wishing everyone fun & love & the simple joys of the season most sincerely!