Amber.... what did Mike store away in bulk that you've packed and moved with you to the farm? I simply must know!
And.... what is it about pink you've had a lifelong aversion to? Is it the perceived PINK is for (vulnerable) girls and BLUE is for action oriented men who can protect themselves and do?
Or is it the way you've seen it used? Barbie houses and little girl ruffled clothing? Maybe? Ways going against your style?
Since Pottery Barn used it successfully, maybe it's just that you never saw it used in a way that pleases the eye before? Tastfully and with restraint... zero ruffles, ribbons and bows?
Not sure.
About Hol breaking things when she's angry.... and in your presense, I assume. I have an aversion to irrational violent lashing out with words and actions. It disrupts my Nervous System, sends me into survival mode, esp years ago, so I have a visceral response/reaction to it....... I think I've had it since I've had children, to be honest.
My children weren't too violent, thank goodness, but my niece and nephews were, pretty much unchecked, and then there's been the children my kids went to school with who bit, hit and bullied...... just a zero tolerance thing in my gut.
I ONLY want/am driven to channel Hol's appropriate anger into something not involving hitting/harming herself, others or property.
That's it. You've boxed and likely have gloves and pads..... that's what I'd try to do, not that you're asking, but there it is. Some people need to hit things. It's just a fact. I was one of those people. Still love it if my shoulders weren't so touchy about it,. but I'd enjoy goading Hol into throwing smashing elbows, punches an open hand strikes till her legs couldn't support her and her bladder gave way.
THAT has the benefit of training her to protect herself AND create more peace/harmony in her life an those around her, which feels like priority to me.
My bar, with regard to what I'd allow in my life and childrens' ......
is it legal?
Can they/I perform the action in a public place with strangers OR is it going to be problematic or illegal, etc? If not, it's not going to be allowed around me. You feel you're absorbing it in a safe way for H? With Hol? Maybe you are. You know. I don't.
If she's not up for boxing..... I'd be the person who said I was walking away until the angry person could speak to me respectfully and without being violent.... then I'd retreat until they changed the behavior..... I think. Kids are tricky and I'm not a perfect parent, so.... take the unsolisited adice with the obligatory grain of salt.
I suddenly understand why the dog shows up on your doorstep, seeking shelter. That's really scary, IME/IMO but then, I'm still struggling with guilt from sharing pretty calm, but urgent verbal processing of problems in front of my younger children, performed in order to remain sane enough to continue protecting them to the best of my ability from monsters.
I guess my internal mommy compass yearns to protect/teach Hol and channel her difficult feelings in ways I found super helpful. That's pretty much that, not that you're asking, but I'd allow those conversations ONLY if she was wearing gloves and I was holding pads during it.
Otherwise..... otherwise.....
My thoughts fly apart in the face of allowing Hol to splash apart peace and harmony around her, including her own.
I think you should see how that pink ish color works for you. I didn't know how differnt blues, pinks and cream would look on Christmas cookies this year, but DD21 mixed and used them to produce cookies any Pottery Barn catalogue would be envious of.
If it's OK....keep it.
If it's not.... it's still OK.
Repaint and you don't have to judge or justify it to anyone, including yourself, IME.