Yes, I have been thinking seriously along the same lines myself. For example, yesterday, my friend came over for the evening. We do this every Wednesday evening. Sit, eat Bagels, eat chocolate and watch trashy tv. We are both mothers and it's nice to touch base and catch up. (Plus, how good is Desperate Housewives? !!LOL) We stayed chatting until gone midnight. About 10 minutes after she'd gone the phone rang and I answered thinking it was her. I mean who else would phone that late? Yep, you guessed - him. He wanted to know why I hadn't contacted him. I said that I was sorry but I wasn't going to discuss our relationship any more and was tired so would be going to bed. He then proceeded to rant and rave at me saying that I had more time for my friends than for him. BEaring in mind I broke up with him in October! I remained distant and ended the call. He was by this time swearing etc. The phone rang agin and I answered feeling sure it would be my friend this time (she normally lets me know she's home ok). And it was him again asking if I wanted to meet him for coffee today as it was the anniversary of when we first met. When I said no, he went off again saying how he meant nothing to me.
I feel bad because he seems to try and turn it all around in to a case of my behaviour being weird. But the way in which he can shout abuse at me one minute and then ask me out for coffee the next is weird to say the least. It is that I think I need to document to show how unstable he is and so unsuitable to have our baby for any length of time.
I find the constant abuse so hard to deal with. I have unplugged my phone, changed my mobile number and made no contact personally. I get worried as he will turn up and almost force his way in and then tell me I'm weird if I threaten to call the police. I know I should carry out my threats, but because of his past calling them once could mean he loses a lot more than just a couple of hours of his time. Even after all he has done I don't want to destroy him. Is it worth writing him a letter asking him to leave me alone and sending a copy to a solicitor or something?