Author Topic: Narcissism Part II  (Read 50717 times)


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2005, 01:22:22 PM »
What is your point? With all due respect you come across as holier than thou and somewhat of a know-it-all. If that is the case why bother with this group?

sorry i have to agree.i was kinda sorta with ya anony-- until your last message

you've said your piece--made your point very well. so?  

did you visit here to give your view, or to try to convert and/or chastise the other side of the coin? we all got your message and it was respectfully dealt with.if there is other stuff you want to talk about then fine but why the need to keep drilling in the same dam thing?

there are differences, there are exceptions, we are all happy for you. so whats next?


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2005, 01:41:01 PM »
questioning the validity of my own thoughts and feelings- e.g.,

no one is questioning the validity of your thoughts and feelings.consider that it could be your bedside manner at times that leaves room for improvement, and this is where the replies more in the negative are coming from.also since you are *expecting* flak [your words not mine] at least merely consider that you could be expressing yourself in an overly guarded way and with an unfriendly attitude.


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« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2005, 01:49:30 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
I thought I might not make it through all that; cried every single day for over a year, lost all kinds of weight, did not sleep more than 5 hours a night, needed anti-anxiety meds to get through the day even marginally.

Then you understand those who are in this place now.

These conditions excuse nothing, but they do go a long way to EXPLAIN. While explanations are not always clear or as straightforward as these examples, largely they are there somewhere, if obscured by denial and fear.

There are even more specific explanations that describe how some people stay stuck in these places. If you ever look up Otto Kernberg, Peter Fonagy, Robert Karen, J. Reid Meloy, David Celani, et al., you will get a clearer picture.

A couple of other boards out there give striking evidence of the perils of obsessing on NPD. After four years, when I occasionally look in, I see the same names, still telling the same stories (no worse than mine) - even though the dreaded "N" is more or less gone (and if not, they are still not looking at "I" enough to figure out why leaving a horrible relationship is so impossible). They have not made progress within themselves, instead opting to continue to puzzle over "why" and "what is HE doing now".

First, that isn't this board. Second, there are people who will always be stuck in the same place. There are reasons for this. If you understand the reasons, you can move past these people and basically ignore them. Or you can observe them and learn something about psychology. But it doesn't take away your voice. It's just the way people are on newsgroups.

Sometimes there is no explanation (not apparent, anyway) - and that means that the challenge is simply to change your own life and behavior, regardless of who did what to whom and whether or not the "doer" is NPD (and most cases do not include an official diagnosis of anything at all, so is all layman conjecture).

Okay. And trying to pass along your epiphany to others rarely works. Everyone has to reach their own epiphany.



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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2005, 02:05:24 PM »
when I occasionally look in, I see the same names, still telling the same stories (no worse than mine) - even though the dreaded "N" is more or less gone

Holy Crud. There are far more issues for some people then the small or large amount of time the N was actually in their lives.  With all the intricacy you approached other messages with, I'm surprised you are looking at this one thing so simplictically.

Some people are in offline therapy for years, and if I am not mistaken, I think you included yourself and/or your husband in this lot! So what is the difference??? These boards are a form of "therapy" for many.

The board is also not only for N issues, which you yourself have brought up as a reason you were attracted to it. So again, what does how long N has or hasn't been around have to do with people remaining here and continuing to talk about their voicelessness or other issues?

You sound awfully a lot like another recent poster who had a big problem with how long the same people remained on a given message board.

A word of advice: If it bothers you so much, quit checking in all the time!!!


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2005, 02:14:37 PM »
Why the last message, particularly? Is it the part about criticism? The response of the previous poster WAS a criticism. I cast no blame for the delivery of that criticism at all - I did not think it was wrong of the poster to deliver it  (I thought that was clear, but sometimes I don''t communicate as well as I'd like to).

In my defense, I am not chasing anyone around on the message board trying to convert them. I am responding to posts within this thread with the assumption that if someone responds, they wish to engage in the conversation.

For me, ideal responses would be conceptual rather than defensive, and some have been more objective than others.

I guess I am also assuming that if you do not wish to explore the notion of, um. let's call it "Humanizing Your Narcissist(s) as a Means of Humanizing Yourself and Achieving True "I" Voice", you will probably just not visit the thread. Also assuming that if you believe your position justified than you don't really need me to tell you you're right, ageee with you, or accept chastisement to support it.

Although it may seem like it to you, I am chastizing no one. I am, however, noting that the capacity to de-humanize and marginalize is one that is in all of us - and risky, especially if one subscribes to the "contagion" theory of Narcissism. If you want to look at it from a Demonic N perspective, this is just the sort of thing a Narcissisist would love to see - for the rest of us to lose our capacity for compassion and objectivity. That's what Demons do, according to lore - tempt humans to behave badly toward one another, whispering justifications in the ears of the vulnerable and disenfranchised.

I think in that respect, Vaknin the Big-Self-Important-though-completely-uncredentialed-N  is doing his job well - encouraging intolerance and lay-diagnostics, dooming any and all who harm us or betray us to the hell of hopelessness, telling us our best defense is to not accept the Humanity of our (possible) Narcissists, but instead to hate and loathe them because they deserve it - and by doing so, give up our own humanity. I don't doubt he chuckles at the way the "N"-victim phenomenon has spread like wildfire all over the net. What better "supply" than that?

As for re-hashing, that is true and not true at the same time. New ideas, such as my take on "I voice", have been introduced gradually as the thread unfolds, and often as I develop a new idea I relate it to an older one.

Many of the ideas I am presenting, especially as concern the affirmative "I" voice, are directly inspired by the essays and articles associated with this board, which unlike those of Vaknin, are reasoned, thoughtful, inclusive - and above all - hopeful.

This is just one thread mixed in with a whole host of others. As it was more or less said to me, you don't have to visit where you risk being offended.

I tend to bail out very quickly when I read angry "N"-directed words at the beginning of a post and just don't respond and rarely read further, since it does not serve my conviction that true voice cannot be acquired by focusing on an "other". If this thread is contrary to your convictions, then you would be well-served, probably (your call, really), to simply write me off as misguided and ignorant and move on.

You might be right, even - but my objective, as spelled out above, is somewhat just to articulate to myself - and if I'm lucky, find someone who feels similarly enough to explore the ideas with me.

I think we all post largely in self-service of some sort - whether it is to vent,  grieve, commune, explore ideas, or simply share our opinions and experiences.

I am no different.


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2005, 02:21:06 PM »
Plus, as I've been through so much myself, I also have some very passionate feelings about my experiences.

Guest, I think we are all passionate about our own experiences. As has been pointed out, each person's journey is their own. Water seeks its own level. Why try to change the current or tide for others? To take this water analogy a bit further, your recovery may have shown that you are ready to swim laps while some of us are still learning to wade in and splash around a bit. Me, I'm approaching dog paddle status, perhaps! :wink:



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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #21 on: January 18, 2005, 02:47:47 PM »
If this thread is contrary to your convictions

My exiting this thread for good after this message is not at all for the reason you state. You just don't realise you'd get a lot further in your sharing and interacting if your expression were different. If that were the case, in agreement or not, I for one would have stayed, heard you out a lot more, and probably would have found it interesting to interact with you.

If you really believe your message is a valuable one worth being heard, work on the delivery and as opposed to hearing the antagonism in it and replying to that, a lot more people {including myself} would be open to really hearing the message you intend them to, and considering it.

then you would be well-served, probably to simply write me off as misguided and ignorant and move on.

Unfortunately, done ...and... done.


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2005, 02:59:40 PM »
Wow - I'm frankly kind of surpriesed at how many responses came in and how quickly. I'm afraid that I was only able to respond to the Guest immediately folowing Patz (thanks again).

But a few quick points in response to the intervening posts:

 I don't think that "N" boards take away my voice, but  I am saddened to see so many people trapped in what appears to be a dreadful, painful lockstep and even more sadly, often encouraged to remain so by others also embittered.

True - passing on epiphanies rarely does any good, but it is helpful to me to articulate the ones I have, whether anyone reads or agrees or not. (see the last post - probably missed in the rapid influx - for the way in which my ideas evolve through the course of repeated posting).

Uh, actually, no - the focus on Narcissism on this did not attract me to this board. The content of the essays did, which do acknowledge Narcissism, but do not fixate on it. I was surprised by the focus on Narcissism, given the tone and content of the articles (also see last post for specific commentary).

I did not say that the "critical" poster was questioning my validity - I said that "I" avoided that response in myself, which was a good thing. My experinces inform me to, erroneously, punish myself  if others criticize or disagree...Just sharin' that I, personally, dodged a bullet from my own gun. Yea!!

I don't expect "flak", exactly, but I don't expect to recieve nothing but roses when I know I'm challenging ideas. To be challenged in return, I guess, is waht I expect - and maybe even to find a like-minded party or two. Maybe. Looking like not, but at least the debate is open.

Same poster - You may be absolutely right about the "bedside manner" thing. In my defense, I am not a doctor, just a person with opinions, but I am guilty of writing as an essayist. This is probably because I strategize ("I" voice stuff is a strategy) and explore best when I demand that kind of thinking from myself - depersonlizing my ideas a little for my own benefit and clarity. The reasons for that are complicated and legion, and the act is useful, but your point is good.

Lastly (though I'm sure I overlooked a couple more important points/criticisms), Bludie:

Here, I may be very evolved and swimming laps - conceptually, that is. The ideas are finally getting right. The application? Hit and miss. In other ways, I'm in horrible shape and trying to come to terms with a lifetime of self-defeat and self-sabotage. Regardles of what my collection of loony Narcissists may or may not have done to help me arrive here, I am here - and given that this board is a place where others suffer from not dissimilar malaise, I am seeking my own level.


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2005, 03:07:33 PM »
think in that respect, Vaknin the Big-Self-Important-though-completely-uncredentialed-N is doing his job well - encouraging intolerance and lay-diagnostics, dooming any and all who harm us or betray us to the hell of hopelessness, telling us our best defense is to not accept the Humanity of our (possible) Narcissists, but instead to hate and loathe them because they deserve it - and by doing so, give up our own humanity. I don't doubt he chuckles at the way the "N"-victim phenomenon has spread like wildfire all over the net. What better "supply" than that.


i agree but even if there is some value-- most narc. boards are already vaknin savvy enough to know to either take him with a boulder sized grain of salt or leave him altogether.i hope you don’t think *he* is what is driving the messages of narc. experience here!  lordy-lordy-no….    i'm not saying you said we were-- but just voicing that we are not vaknin ignorant here or brainless enough to blindly follow someones words.we have our own life experiences with n's to draw from and can make up our own minds about how we view them.i can tell you that even most innocent newcomers to narcissism have trouble believing the drama of vaknins words.


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #24 on: January 18, 2005, 03:12:43 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
I don't think that "N" boards take away my voice, but  I am saddened to see so many people trapped in what appears to be a dreadful, painful lockstep and even more sadly, often encouraged to remain so by others also embittered.

I wonder whether you're annoyed by them as well as saddened. Sure it's annoying (if there's any truth to what I think). There's one individual on here who drove people crazy by being stuck. But I think people now accept that he's stuck and they are okay with where he is. He's been given every possible insight and epiphany. But that isn't going to move him. It's going to be a choice he makes to change something or other. Maybe even a small detail about his thinking. Maybe your posts will influence him, there is a slight chance. I wouldn't hold my breath or anything.

There were a couple of books that were life-changing for me and I bet no one would have predicted that these particular books would have influenced me. So you never know.



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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2005, 03:14:37 PM »
Thank you for that clarification re: Vaknin.

Unfortunatley, in the time I was visiting those boards with any frequency, there was a significant obsession with "Dr." Vaknin, which I found alarming and still do. I did notice a link or two to his "work" here, which may have caused me to believe that there was more of a relationship than there is.

The experiences I have had with the Vaknin-worship crowd of yore do certainly color my thoughts, especially when I happen to know that my Narcissists are human.

Hearing this from you certainly helps; Thanks!


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2005, 03:15:42 PM »
Uh, actually, no - the focus on Narcissism on this did not attract me to this board

"The board is also not only for N issues, which you yourself have brought up as a reason you were attracted to it."

Uh, actually, no- you misread. Note the word "not". You didn't answer the question either. Oh well--


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2005, 03:17:31 PM »
No, probably not so annoyed as a liitle horrified for the stuck one - and maybe not a little afraid of my own potential to be stuck.

Potential? Who am I kidding? I am stuck - in my twisted miasma of self-inflicted brutality. So I guess any "stuck", anywhere might be alarming to me.


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #28 on: January 18, 2005, 03:22:28 PM »
Since you were planning to be gone, I thought the question must have been rhetorical...I'll gladly answer to the best of my ability if you wouldn't mind re-posing it?


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Narcissism Part II
« Reply #29 on: January 18, 2005, 03:59:11 PM »
Thank you for that clarification re: Vaknin.