Author Topic: Getting away from Pollyanna MOm  (Read 5402 times)


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2005, 11:22:31 AM »
How are you Bloopsy? Bridget? Good to see you posting.

I was wondering if you've seen websites set up by people who were abused as children? Or if you've talked with people who have been in similar situations.

Because you're very much not alone. Other people feel the same sorts of things.

I found this website and it might be of interest, might not. See what you think, take care (((Bloopsy))) Portia


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2005, 03:09:50 PM »

I feel like a stupid ugly jerk

You are not.  You are human being in great pain.  You have good traits and weaknesses, as do we all.

 I need to be punished

For being abused??  For needing help?

I am a big oozing puddle of darkness that is stinky and dusty and swollen

You've done good things sometimes, right?   Try to erase this awful vison of yourself  from your mind.  It isn't doing you any good to think of yourself this way.  You feel upset and have a right to, but you must stop summarizing yourself using these terms.  There may be things you would like to improve about yourself.  Try to think of one thing you can do, one small change that will be in the right direction?

A big hug to you!  You will not and cannot expect yourself to be perfect and act perfectly, all of the time.   It is impossible for anyone to do so.  We have all done things we regret.



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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2005, 04:36:30 PM »
Early on in therapy, I 'wasted' so much time waxing lyrical about how 'wonderful' my mother was and how I had no reason to be depressed...

(sorry to steal your words! Thanks!)

Bloopsy -

Those steps of going over the good parts are important too. Our disturbance and upset is not because someone is just all bad, it's because we are trying to make sense of their good and bad parts - and ours -together. This is never more poignantly true than with your mother.

Please remember that you are not the same thing as your experiecne. Your experience with Ricky was bad, and feeling betrayed by your Mother is bad - but Bloopsy herself is good parts, bad parts and in between parts.

Please get the help you need to really apprecaite your own good parts, nurture your in-between parts, and teach your bad parts another way.

Sometimes, when our Mothers fail us, we must become our own Mothers. Usually, if we recognoze that, it turns out we're actually Very Good Mothers.

I think you can be that kind of Mom, if you will embrace yourself when you are sad, be patient when you are mad, and dance and play and sing with yourself when you are glad.

All of your parts deserve love and respect. Give it to them and they will give back. Children always do, even the ones inside.