Author Topic: Getting away from Pollyanna MOm  (Read 5401 times)


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« on: January 27, 2005, 08:53:14 AM »
I have never really thought that my mom could POSSIBLY be narsissistic in any way because she is just so GOOD. I don't know that there is any use in labeling her that way, actually i admit that I want to because I have a big urge to cut the cord and it feels like her very goodness is like a trap ------ it is hard for me to explain and I want to try because I feel like it is eating away at me. This is an example of how I feel CRAZY about our relationship. She wrote down a lot of the things that me and my sister said when we were little --- and I always felt greatful to her for that for caring enough and you know... but she recently gave me some things she had written down that were what I said and in ALL of them I was refering to myself as RICKY (Ricky dumps water in the tub, Ricky in a bath.... ackkk!) who is the man who sexually abused me and my sister everyday --- the son of the woman who took care of us when our mom went to work. It made me feel like an emotional orphan that I felt so unsafe with my mom that I felt like if I called myself Ricky that would protect me., I have talked about this with my therapist and she says that that I am an emotional orphan, but I could never really reconcile that with having the type of mother who takes the time to write down what her three year old twins say in the bath. When I told her about what happened to me every day upstairs, she kind of got a stony type of look and after a while she said "can't we just pretend everything was okay?"
Right now I feel very angry like I want to punch a hole in the wall and like I am carrying this families shame in me. SHE was blind but I don't have to be blind she may have left me alone at the age of three with her "everuything is just FINE" attitude but that was just her trying to keep it together for herself and it has nothing to do with me. I don't know if it is really appropriate for this board, well i don't know but anyway I feel like I desperately need to sepereate from my mom, please don't tell me to grow up already, . I am wondering if anyone can relate to the feeling of feeling subservient to someone else's truth at the expense of having your own, and wanting to come out of the shadows. The way I have tried to do that in the past has been dangerous, I don't want to do that again but I am a little tempted to.


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2005, 09:51:33 AM »
Your mother was capable of writing down what her twins said in the bath but not capable of understanding what they were telling her! And she wants you to pretend that everything was okay after what you revealed to her??!?

I would want to separate from her too. Keep up the therapy. How often do you see your therapist btw?



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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2005, 11:14:25 AM »
Right now I feel very angry like I want to punch a hole in the wall and like I am carrying this families shame in me.

You have every good reason to be very angry. I think of my mother's family as her family. It isn't mine. The shame isn't yours, it's HERS. Your mother is a sick abuser. I'm sorry Bloopsy.

I don't know if it is really appropriate for this board

I wouldn't worry about what's appropriate or not.

I am wondering if anyone can relate to the feeling of feeling subservient to someone else's truth at the expense of having your own

Yes. Hang on to your truth and build on it. Guard your truth as your life. It will protect you and give you courage!


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2005, 12:28:10 PM »
Oh yes bloopsy, I relate. I really do.

Even with a moderately distant relationship, I still feel the effects of being overshadowed by the pretense of others. In fact, the rest of my family reinforces her truth by not disputing or correcting her, then acting as her proxy by telling me "how hurt she is that we aren't close".

They want me to pretend and be the one to make her happy, so they can stop listening to her, so they will not be victimized by her distortions as well. What they don't really get is that it won't work.

She actually uses very powerful carrots to get me to forget and pretend so she does not have to be responiible for the past (she keeps trying to get me to let her help me buy a bigger, nicer house that I do no0t truly need), all the more so as she gets older.

Your Mom probably does not want to hear you ask her why she failed to protect you. The problem is that she is already asking herself, really. If that question had ever been answered in her own mind, or if she had already accepted and forgiven herself her errors in judgment, she would not be afraid to let you talk about it now.

Sometimes the people who hurt us are really running and screaming trying to avoid guilt and responsibility. I don't think we can make people take responsibility, but we don't have to pretend for them either.

The consequence she has to suffer beacuse she will not talk to you about this is your withdrawal. You should withdraw if you are unhappy with the pretense, but I'm guessing because she can be so "good" that guilt is a powerful weapon both she and you can use to keep you from creating and maintaining distance.

Distance may be the only thing that helps you come to terms with your own feelings.

You can try being realy frank with her one time: "I need to talk about this to be able to be comfortable in tour relationship." this way, you have given her an opportunity to meet your need, which is more than reasonable, and to take responsibillity and deal with your pain and hers too.

But offer this only once. If she does not give you what you need, then remember that refusal every time you start to feel guilty for withdrawing. That way you may be able to take small steps toward separating in a self-affirming rather than desperate sort of way.

I really em/sympathize.



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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2005, 12:54:26 PM »
Thank you guys so much for being here and taking the time to be here. Thank you for acknowledgiong what I feel is treuth in my heart of hearts --- which is that she is as much of an abuser as anyone was to me for acting like it was okay. I have had enough of seeing her side, that she grew up in a small town  with LOVING parents and picked flowers and loves to talk about her magical ewxperiances of snow, you know? I felt so dirty because when I was a little girl I was in NYC and would walk around the block thinking that I was the ugliesxt girl in the world well maybe one day I will find some happinesss but I have a hrad time believing that when your daughter is calling herself Ricky in the bathtub that you are a present mother to write it down and give it to her, I feeel like no wonder even then I was pretending and she was laughing about what a " c


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2005, 01:45:00 PM »
Bloopsy, because your mom said this

"can't we just pretend everything was okay?"

I reckon she feels dirty and ugly inside but she won't look there, so she pretends that she's okay and magical, living in a false world, not a true world. That's her problem, not yours. Not your responsibility, not your problem.

The truth is beautiful. When you speak your truth, you are beautiful too. I think so.


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2005, 02:08:25 PM »
Amen to that.



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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2005, 07:06:42 PM »
Thanks guys. It helps me so much to feel less alone but I admit I feel alone and I have this nightmarish feeling that maybe she did know what was happening to me and my sister. today i was so angry that I said a very mean thing to an aquaintance just out of spite and drank two forties. I have pretty much written myself off at this point and I feel like a stupid ugly jerk and the person I was a creep to responded to me in a very humane way which I feel like I did not deserve , I know that I get meaner when I drink and I did it anyway. I know this is not really a response to anything anyone said. I just felt like I had to tell someone what a creep i was today and it feels scary to have my truth because I remember being very lonely and scared of everyone and pretending I was Ricky so I could feel safer in the playground and stuff. My therapist told me that I took on his shame, that fees about right because i feel like I need to be punished, andI am a big oozing puddle of darkness that is stinky and dusty and swollen. I try to act cheerful sometimes but mostly I retreat to my bedroom and lie there. Love, Bridget


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2005, 07:13:17 PM »
bunny, I talk to my therapist every day. Thank you everyone for telling me to hold on to my truth. I don't know if i can separate from her physically but emotionally I can try to start doing that.


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2005, 07:20:39 PM »
Can you call your therapist right now? It seems like you're in a really dark place and could use a grounded voice supporting you.  Keep posting, too.



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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2005, 07:30:32 PM »
Quote from: Bloopsy
Thanks guys. It helps me so much to feel less alone but I admit I feel alone and I have this nightmarish feeling that maybe she did know what was happening to me and my sister. today i was so angry that I said a very mean thing to an aquaintance just out of spite and drank two forties. I have pretty much written myself off at this point and I feel like a stupid ugly jerk and the person I was a creep to responded to me in a very humane way which I feel like I did not deserve , I know that I get meaner when I drink and I did it anyway. I know this is not really a response to anything anyone said. I just felt like I had to tell someone what a creep i was today and it feels scary to have my truth because I remember being very lonely and scared of everyone and pretending I was Ricky so I could feel safer in the playground and stuff. My therapist told me that I took on his shame, that fees about right because i feel like I need to be punished, andI am a big oozing puddle of darkness that is stinky and dusty and swollen. I try to act cheerful sometimes but mostly I retreat to my bedroom and lie there. Love, Bridget

I felt exactly the same as you... A moment happened in my life where I had to choose whether to live or to die.  I chose life - I went to a therapist - I spent 9 years of my life going to see him three times a week.
Please try to do the same.....

You are full of anger and pain and you have every right to feel this way...  Please find a healthy way to get all of this out.

Abuse, neglect, sexual abuse:  all of us on this board have one or more of these 'scars' to bear.  

You are not alone, and I hope you draw strength from this friendly place.

My kindest regards to you.


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2005, 08:05:31 PM »
Guest, how did you choose to live? I feel like I don't have the strength. I push away everything that is there to help me.  I feel like the people that are helping me are going to hurt me.


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2005, 08:20:41 PM »
I just tried to call my therapist but she is busy. I acted like everything was okay for some stupid dumb reason. hi.


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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2005, 09:15:51 PM »

Does your therapist have voice mail or an answering service? Can you call again and say everything isn't okay and you'd like her to call back?

Keep calling her and keep posting...we're on your side.



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Getting away from Pollyanna MOm
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2005, 02:47:41 AM »
Quote from: Bloopsy
Guest, how did you choose to live? I feel like I don't have the strength. I push away everything that is there to help me.  I feel like the people that are helping me are going to hurt me.

I realised that if I did not get help, I would commit suicide.  When faced with such a stark choice, thank God I took the positive one.  I was virtually housebound with depression and now I live a happy, fulfilled life having gained a degree at age 38 in Psychology.

I was the same as you - I made negative choices, I was full of self-loathing which caused me to refuse help and beat myself up.

I hope you can get in touch with your therapist and talk about how you feel.  Early on in therapy, I 'wasted' so much time waxing lyrical about how 'wonderful' my mother was and how I had no reason to be depressed...

It wasn't easy but I am a very happy person now - happy inside where it matters and no longer putting a brave face on for the world!

Good luck and keep us posted.