I think it's very difficult to be happy and apart from a parent completely
I think often that it is the opposite, it is very difficult to be happy and togehter with some parents.
The longer I have my mother out of my life, the better I feel. She is just a horrible person, mostly she just made my life sucking. Sometimes it took me even a week to recover from her attacks. Something I am still upset when I think how hard I worked all my life and she did nothing. NADA. Just let my father do everything, everything. She did a little housework, that what it was. My father mostly raised me after work. But unfortunately, he became N too, because of living over 40 year with my horrible mother.
With my parents, I did it step by step. First, I did not celebrate holidays with them anymore. I saw them less and less. I rarely visited them or told them any important about my life. The less they knew the less my mother could hurt me.
No, I do not feel incomplete, I feel free and happy without her in my life. Hopefully, she dies early, then I have her out of my life for sure and she can never get in anymore.
I discovered that if kids are unable to cut the cord if the parent continues to abuse them, mostly the parents hold some ties out. Mostly, if the kids are older it is definitely money. And the Ns they love to do that. Torture you with money especially if they know you need it. Sometimes they have other strings they pull out.
If the being togehter with the parents is so unbearable and you are still feeling attached to them, I guess it would be worthwhile
to find out what still is making you attached to them even if they abuse you.Samantha