Longtire, I think you nailed it pretty eloquently, at least for some (and maybe most) cases.
Although I still think there are some "accidentals" (Mum's story is a good example), where there was an absence of information about or modeling of abuse to the point where the abusee is just simply unprepared to anticipate threat, I think most others are looking for something.
Back to re-creation theory:
In my own experience, I was not a little frightened by the prospect of having a child. Pretty scared of the potential to repeat the past. I did have a couple of good things going for me, though: having spent several years in the field of developmental disabilities (MR/ED/Autism) and effective, humanizing behavior management (this, I swear by as having made me a better parent than I would have been without it), a partner who WANTED (even initiated) to be a father, and fan-damn-tas-tic genetic potential between the two of us.
However, I was still a nervous wreck at the thought. I had always believed I would not have children, but I had to admit that I really did want to, were I to be honest about it. I talked to a therapist about this, though, and he said he thought it was a good idea, as it would give me a chance to re-create my past as it should have been, if I really wanted a child and was up to the task, as he thought I was. I decided to heed his words, and I'm very happy about it today.
In this case, it has really worked. My daughter and I are close like I have never been with my own mother, and she's confident, lovely, and getting on quite well despite the usual pitfalls of childhood.
This CONCSIOUS re-creation strategy worked (so far, so good, anyway).
I thknk we can get sucked into and remain longer than is healthy in situations where we are seeking to re-create and ultimately revise on some level, but are not yet conscious of what exactly it is we're trying to accomplish/learn/gain.
That's the hard part, I think.
If you brought that question to a therapist: "What could I possibly be trying to gain by staying?" you might get some good and useful help in reaching an answer. Or you may, now that the question has been raised within your own mind, be able to draw a solid conclusion on your own.
In any case, this question is an excellent one for any person who feels trapped or is a repeater to ask of themselves. Thanks for bringing it around.