Author Topic: daily affirmations  (Read 8543 times)


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« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2005, 12:16:31 AM »
I was fortunate several years ago to be friends with a true "Medicine woman" of part Cherokee descent.  She was for real.  I saw her do things quite beyond what we could consider normal.  She said that when we focus on anything, we immediately bring that to us.  The universe does not hear the negation though.  She was very ill at the time and she said people would pray for her to heal, and their prayers would make things worse because they were not seeing her as well, only ill.  She said dodging their energy was like playing a Nintendo game.  The intentions were positive, but their methods were detrimental.  She said it is all about vibration packets.  Like attracts like.  See the goal as already accomplished.  This seems to be the rule.

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2005, 09:43:08 AM »
Phillip.  I found your story so ironic. One of my nieces is going through a rough time (years actually).  Self abuse, drugs, alcohol, horrible stuff.  I decided that feeling sorry for her was sending her images of herself as diseased and sick and this was not helping her at all.  Now I do this for her:  I first bless her divine path (as in, accept where she is on that path now) and then I visualize her as healthy and happy and healed.  She had no power to see that for herself, so I figured sending her more images of what she feels she is (damaged beyond repair, suicidal) would not help her find another vision of herself.  Growing up Catholic, I really thought only men in dresses could "bless" others.  I believe differently now.


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« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2005, 12:49:14 PM »
Hi Phillip:

re:  the Cherokee decent lady's statement:

She said it is all about vibration packets.

Is that like telepathy?

Did her health improve?

Sounds like a very moving/enlightening experience for you?

Mum:  Best wishes for your neice.  
I first bless her divine path.

What an amazing gift you have given me by sharing this.




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« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2005, 01:12:59 PM »
There are a million different ways to describe how energy works, but the energy healer who showed me the opening to my newfound healthy path might describe it this way:  We all have our own personal energy vibrations, unique to us.  When we think something, it is one dimensional, when we feel something, it becomes two dimensional and that sets up our vibrations to extend out to the universe.  The universe, in it's perfect state of unconditional love, gives back to us what ever it is we need, based on those 2 dimensional vibrations.... thus creating or manifesting our experiences in the 3 dimensional world.
It has been said a million different ways, but it comes down to: you get what you give.
I, personally, couldn't understand why I was getting all this pain in my life.  I knew what I though should happen, but I was "stuck" feeling and focusing on how I wasn't able to  attain my goal, how "stupid, mean people" were responsible for preventing that.  I was thinking: this will be great, but I was feeling VERY pissed off....and underlying that were some core beliefs about my own unworthiness.  I see now, how in staying angry, I GAVE away my personal power (blaming does that).  
Now this all made sense, but the biggest door opening she showed me was HOW to let go of the anger and replace it IN MY BODY, feeling wise, with how I want to feel.
I am happy now, and mostly good things happen...and even though I have  pain,  I decide and choose whether to keep it or let it go.  I don't squash it or deny it, I acknowledge it, and try to discern what it it trying to tell me.  I use it.  I keep the power that way.
Then I can decide to let it go, and then feel what it's like to have what I want (affirmations certainly help with that).
Once several years ago, I was sick with strep throat.  While waiting in line at the pharmacy, I placed myself in the aisle a bit to avoid others and closed my eyes for a second or two.  I was feverish and quite focused on how awful I felt.  Someone shoved me HARD and I almost fell over.  A very angry young man turned around as he ran by and yelled: "If you're having a bad day, well I"M GOING TO PUSH YOU!"   He then ran out of the store.
I was stunned, and I'm sure the kid was nuts, but I think that may be a really good example of energy output and creating experiences. Interesting really.


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« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2005, 08:33:15 AM »
Thanks for the explanation, mum.  So it's sort of...think good thoughts, feel good stuff, send out good vibes and what goes around comes around type of thing then?

I knew that (heehee).

Actually, I did.  And I think it works a whole lot better than the opposite (well, I suppose the opposite does work by bringing the opposite results).

I have never thought about it in terms of energy packets though.  That is interesting.  I wonder if anyone has ever bothered to study this scientifically and measure it?  Wouldn't that be something?

Your story reminds me of what I've personally seen/observed happen in places like stores and other public places.  I have found that if I keep my own face rather emotionless, no real expression, when I meet people, they do the same, or some even frown or look miserable.  But if I smile, and keep my expression bright, most people smile back.  You get what you give I guess, most of the time (not always--I mean I didn't abuse anyone, yet was abused as a child...but for the most part, I agree).

So Phillip, is this the same basic explanation you would give for energy packets?  I'm just wondering if the Cherokee lady might have taught you any other descriptions?

Thanks again,



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« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2005, 09:01:10 AM »
Hi.  I wasn't raised by N parents.  In fact I had a wonderful childhood thansks to my parents and siblings.

However, when I am embroiled in battles with x N, I find myself saying persoanl affirmations all the time.  The last bout with which lasted almost a year really had me a nervous wreck.  For the first time in my life, I experienced a severe panic attack.  By the grace of God, my Mom was at my home (as my hubby was traveling for business) and she knew what was happening to me.  I thought I was going to have to go to the ER but I was able to get through it somehow.  Now when I feel one coming on I try to talk myself out of them.  I noticed all this panic and anxiety presents itself when I feel x N is breathing down my neck.

As I posted the other day, I won the court battle and I am hoping that he will be quiet for some time now.  Since court on Tuesday it has been quiet and I can see a change in his body language and expression when he picks up the kids.

I must say that the self affirmations do help.  I also pray and always try to let go of my anger/hate towards him.  That stuff can really tear you down and age you beyond your years.  

Best wishes.


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« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2005, 11:05:19 AM »
Mia:  Although I think I have grown quite a bit in the last year, I admit that dealings with my exN, and how he treats our children is the place that I feel most challenged in not being afraid.
I do indeed use affirmations constantly, and felt empowered in mediation with him (he had a raging fit that I did not comply with his wishes....)
I really have a great life, but there are things I need to tie up, but avoid based on not wanting to deal with the jerk.

Anyway, I feel like I need to be cautious with my next step in the visitation issue that is coming up.  My children express to me frequently that they wish NOT to HAVE to go to dad's so much, and that when they are there, they feel imprisoned, as he will not let them come over to see me on "his time".  What they want is to have some choice.  We have discussed and I have demonstrated with action, that if they would like to go to dad's on "my time", they certainly may. It is not reciprocal.  He is probably concerned that they will not choose to see him if they had a choice.
Child support is also a huge concern to him (he has the money, it's not that) , he sees it as giving money to ME, not them.  I am willing to allow him to not increase payments even if they are at his house less...
The bottom line (and the mediator told me she felt this was indeed the case) that it is not about the children for him, but is mostly about GETTING BACK AT ME, because (in her words) "how dare you leave an N!"
(too bad mediators cannot testify in court..she saw it all)
The kids are afraid of him (he is a "punisher" and manipulator) that as recently as two nights ago, my crying daughter said: "I'ts no use.  He won't ever let me make a choice."  My kids also love him, as he is their dad, half their DNA, and all that.  He is capable of being charming and fun and they feel and see that too.

That's the background: now the question: Did you say you had an evaluator?  If my kids thought they could tell someone uninvolved how they felt about the visitation without dad getting the direct quotes, they might actually talk about it.  Not with a shrink, been there, not where my younger one will go again (not right now)....but with someone who could "actually do something" (her quote).
How did that go?  I know you won your case, but I have lost a major one to him and that has me leery....but you can't lose em all, right?
Any insights on this are welcome.


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« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2005, 01:05:44 PM »
Quote from: Naomi
Has anyone ever noticed that they have forgotten how to laugh? I mean, those really hearty belly laughs, the kind that would hurt your tummy....yet they felt so good, the chemicals from that joy would course through your entire body and psychologically lift you....

Well, there have been times in my life where I could manage to laugh out loud, and for some reason, I feel like the longer I live, the harder it is to laugh like that, maybe I was better able to cope somehow in my earlier years? But that can't be, because I know I am healing now, and am healed more now than I've ever been before. So where has my laughter gone? How can I bring that out in myself, where laughter comes so easily to me, and things used to be funnier than they are now...I don't know if anyone knows what I am trying to say...

How can it be, that the more whole I become, dealing with my traumas, the less I am able to laugh? Is it because I am getting older now...or pre-menopausal?

There is this young man, he comes over to play video games with my son, several times a week. He has ADD, (attention deficit disorder) and he is on Ritalin. This boy simply cannot stop himself from laughing. He laughs so loud, this high shrill, and it rolls out of him so easily, yet he is the extreme and cannot stop himself from this hysterical laughter. You tell him over and over, to keep it down, because it really gets annoying and gives you a headache after hearing this for a few hours.

Yet, part of me wonders how I can be a little more like him, and find my laugh.

I read in the paper the other day that kids laugh on average 400 times a day, with adults only managing 15!!!!!  I think this is terrible as I myself laugh constantly - I have a very funny husband, friends and workmates.  Maybe we need to get a TV channel showing Monty Python, Fr Ted and Frasier all day long.

Laugh more everybody!!!  We should have a joke thread!


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« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2005, 01:56:57 PM »

My daughter spoke to and confided in the therapist who was the court appointed custody neutral evaluator.  She stated during the interview that she didn't like visiting Dad's overnight.  She did tell her that she liked going there as long as she didn't have to stay for a long time.  My daughter also said that she never sleeps well over there.  

Unfortunately, the therapist advised both parents of what my daughter said with her intention that x N would help make daughter more comfortable over his place...especially at bedtime.  Well, x N didn't take well to this and used it against my daughter and later during a visit told her she was a liar and punished her (early bedtimes from here on out).  According to my daughter, he told her that not only was she a liar but no one believes her including the therapist.  I used all this when we got back to court this week and that is why the Judge court ordered therapy for the children.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to tell the mediator that your x N has a tendency to use information gleened from the children's therapy sessions/interviews as weapons against them as opposed to using the info as tools to help improve his relationship with them.  In the same breath stress that you do recognize how important it is for the children to have a stable relationship with Dad and you want them to have such a relationship.  Always focus on the children and what is best for them.  Avoid saying N is this and N is that.  I would simply describe some of his behaviors that concern you and believe me, the therapist will begin to put his/her own puzzle together.  It's hard to do but I have found that by not "bashing" N the mediators/judges will view you as the more reasonable person who IS looking for what is best for the children.  

I have also found that I really don't have to do anything b/c x N ends of sabatoging himself time and time again by his own lies and constant contradictions.  Don't get me wrong, I know how to push certain buttons but I will do so in the most discreet matter without anyone else picking up on it except N of course.  Be careful b/c you don't want to get into his game.  I now know how far I can take things without them being detrimental to me but that has been learned after many years.

Take care.


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« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2005, 02:39:32 PM »
We should have a joke thread!

Good idea!  Why not post them in the "anything" thread?


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« Reply #25 on: February 06, 2005, 12:13:29 PM »
Quote from: phillip
She was very ill at the time and she said people would pray for her to heal, and their prayers would make things worse because they were not seeing her as well, only ill.  

See the goal as already accomplished.  This seems to be the rule.

This makes a lot of sense to me.  I am a Christian, but I am very hesitant about getting others to pray for me, especially in specific terms, because it is often about what they want to say, and prescribe, for me, rather than about what I need, or even what God might want for me.  I have been on Christian sites but rarely say anything about my health, in case I get lots of prayer, which I would find oppressive, to be honest.

Similarly, if I pray for others I do not use words.  I light a candle and then visualise the person in my mind surrounded by light, and safe.  From then on it is up to God what happens as a result, but I would not like to start making a wish-list for anyone.  Very dangerous thing to try to do, imo.


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« Reply #26 on: February 07, 2005, 06:21:20 PM »
"Whatsoever things are lovely...
                               think on these things."

                                  Philippians 4:8

"Keep your face to the sunshine
                               and you cannot see the shaddow."

                                  Helen Keller

"Even if I knew that tomorrow
         the world would go to pieces,
                 I would still plant my apple tree."

                                 Martin Luther

Just a few quotes I like.   GFN


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« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2005, 08:28:50 PM »
Guest-Look up Dr. David Hawkins.  He has done decades of research with "Kinesiology".  The book title is Power vs Force.  He has even set up a rating scale to calibrate a myriad of emotions and thoughts and actions.  You might be interested to know that the wag of a dog's tail and the purr of a cat calibrate higher than most humans normally operate.  Seems these pets are bringing us some lessons concerning unconditional love.

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2005, 08:45:06 PM »
Phillip: well that makes sense!!!  I have heard that animal's vibration levels are similar to the earth's, and much slower than ours.  

What I know is that when I meditate, (or do anything for that matter) I end up with a dog under each hand/arm.  Domestic animals are learning from us, I believe...that's why they are so darn happy to see us...(teach us something!).  And we learn so much from them!
Long day, stress filled....doesn't matter to my dogs...."who cares about your rotton day...I'm so happy RIGHT NOW."
Yup, those pups know how to BE HERE NOW.

I once read a kid's book (have not been able to find it again for years) about a boy who wishes his dog could talk...he gets his wish and is sorely dissapointed, as all the dog will discuss is FOOD!  Hilarious concept.


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« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2005, 09:18:14 PM »
MUM-Yet we hear these stories all the time about pets who are lost thousands of miles from home and find their way back to the loving family that misses them.

My sister is a vet.  I have lived above her clinic for the past 19 years.  I have learned that the love we give is interchangable.  It does not matter who or what one loves, just that one loves.  I believe that all of creation responds to this energy and brings it back to us.  

I had a cat years ago that had bad glaucoma.  Eventually the cat had to have both eyes removed.  The sockets were sewn shut.  As he was losing his sight he was memorizing the apartment layout.  He used to walk around on the roof outside just like before and jump off furniture to the floor.  He taught me faith and courage.  Not a small thing for a "dumb" animal huh?

                                               HASAN PAL