There are a million different ways to describe how energy works, but the energy healer who showed me the opening to my newfound healthy path might describe it this way: We all have our own personal energy vibrations, unique to us. When we think something, it is one dimensional, when we feel something, it becomes two dimensional and that sets up our vibrations to extend out to the universe. The universe, in it's perfect state of unconditional love, gives back to us what ever it is we need, based on those 2 dimensional vibrations.... thus creating or manifesting our experiences in the 3 dimensional world.
It has been said a million different ways, but it comes down to: you get what you give.
I, personally, couldn't understand why I was getting all this pain in my life. I knew what I though should happen, but I was "stuck" feeling and focusing on how I wasn't able to attain my goal, how "stupid, mean people" were responsible for preventing that. I was thinking: this will be great, but I was feeling VERY pissed off....and underlying that were some core beliefs about my own unworthiness. I see now, how in staying angry, I GAVE away my personal power (blaming does that).
Now this all made sense, but the biggest door opening she showed me was HOW to let go of the anger and replace it IN MY BODY, feeling wise, with how I want to feel.
I am happy now, and mostly good things happen...and even though I have pain, I decide and choose whether to keep it or let it go. I don't squash it or deny it, I acknowledge it, and try to discern what it it trying to tell me. I use it. I keep the power that way.
Then I can decide to let it go, and then feel what it's like to have what I want (affirmations certainly help with that).
Once several years ago, I was sick with strep throat. While waiting in line at the pharmacy, I placed myself in the aisle a bit to avoid others and closed my eyes for a second or two. I was feverish and quite focused on how awful I felt. Someone shoved me HARD and I almost fell over. A very angry young man turned around as he ran by and yelled: "If you're having a bad day, well I"M GOING TO PUSH YOU!" He then ran out of the store.
I was stunned, and I'm sure the kid was nuts, but I think that may be a really good example of energy output and creating experiences. Interesting really.