Has anyone ever noticed that they have forgotten how to laugh? I mean, those really hearty belly laughs, the kind that would hurt your tummy....yet they felt so good, the chemicals from that joy would course through your entire body and psychologically lift you....
Well, there have been times in my life where I could manage to laugh out loud, and for some reason, I feel like the longer I live, the harder it is to laugh like that, maybe I was better able to cope somehow in my earlier years? But that can't be, because I know I am healing now, and am healed more now than I've ever been before. So where has my laughter gone? How can I bring that out in myself, where laughter comes so easily to me, and things used to be funnier than they are now...I don't know if anyone knows what I am trying to say...
How can it be, that the more whole I become, dealing with my traumas, the less I am able to laugh? Is it because I am getting older now...or pre-menopausal?
There is this young man, he comes over to play video games with my son, several times a week. He has ADD, (attention deficit disorder) and he is on Ritalin. This boy simply cannot stop himself from laughing. He laughs so loud, this high shrill, and it rolls out of him so easily, yet he is the extreme and cannot stop himself from this hysterical laughter. You tell him over and over, to keep it down, because it really gets annoying and gives you a headache after hearing this for a few hours.
Yet, part of me wonders how I can be a little more like him, and find my laugh.