Praying for someone IS extreme generosity. I believe it is one of, if not the most important things we can do for others because God can effect change in them far more than we can. The problem is God will not change them unless they allow him to. That darned old free will thing that we seem to have such a hard time with.
If your abuser shows up at your door and sincerely says "I'm sorry, what can I do to make up for the damage I've done, help me change" then you can love him face to face and help him in any way you feel led to.
If your abuser shows up at your door and sincerely says "Let the games begin" then you love him by slamming the door in his face, locking it and starting to pray all over again. And perhaps calling your local sheriff.
Love in the sense I am talking about and which Christ meant when he said "there is no greater love than this, that a man lay down his life for his brother" is sacrifice for the GOOD of another. Allowing abuse is not good for anyone, including the abuser. That's not love, that's a pathology.
You or anyone else can frame anything I write. Its not copyrighted. I really doubt anything I write is worth framing anyway. I know I don't have any of my wisdom hanging on my walls. : )
As for forgiveness, that is a whole nother topic. In fact I was thinking about starting a thread on that very subject. I do know this, forgiving yourself is no more selfish than forgiving others, but I do struggle with it. In fact it is harder for me to forgive myself. So lets all forgive ourselves for being trusting fools who wanted to believe the best about others. And lets resist the cynicism that comes from the betrayal of that trust.
GFN does say the nicest things, huh? I wish I could express myself as well.
Now then the hard part,
By the the left button on your mouse....drag it across the words you wish to the right button on your the pointer in the reply box, where you want the quote to appear...right click your mouse and click the left button on your mouse again and highlight the text by going over it with your pointer again......go to the top of the reply box and click "Quote" and voila!!!
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