October, just

to that.
I'm mulling over the latest email I've received which includes:
"You are certainly in a very serious minded phase of your life. I remember when I was there. I don't mean that in a patronising way but now I've moved on to..."
Can I just say here, because I'm not going to say it to her: I am not a carbon copy of you! I am not you! I am a separate individual with my own VERY SERIOUS thoughts, feelings, experiences and perceptions and I will not allow you to belittle me like this!

I scrape it off and throw it away! I have every damn right to be serious, this is about my survival as a person! I count, my thoughts count to me, even if not to you!
Thanks. Do you think I over-react? I do wonder. Also, I have to read the email several times to even understand and react emotionally. On first reading all I feel is confused. Mind you, at the point where she asked me what did I study at college, was it x or x, I did feel a bit sick. She did come to the stupid ceremony etc. Yeuch. I should hit 'delete' I know.
Editing in: it comes down to this: any hint of hearing anything that remotely smells of "I am better than you" (and the 'you' here needn't be me, it could be on behalf of anyone) and I do tend to hit the roof. And the 'better than' could be 'more {anything} than'.
October, your ex saying that, to me translates to: I'm not to blame, it's not my fault, I take no responsibility because the world is wrong and I'm right, therefore I am 'better than'! Sheeeesh. These people. At least the anger subsides quicker these days (lop-sided wry smile)