Ns never look for information; they already know everything there is to know. One thing you will never hear them say is 'Well, I never knew that! How interesting! You learn something new every day!!'
More likely is a disgusted tone, saying; 'I thought everyone knew that!'
October, you've met my mother haven't you?
...sorry out of sync here... Patz, I think you're being reasonable, what else can you do?
No, Patz, you are not being unreasonable. You are doing what you can, even if you can see that it is not having much effect. What else can any of us do?
Portia, if your mother is anything like mine, then I feel for you!!! (Not in competition with you on this!! Just empathy.

My mum, when she hears something she doesn't want to hear, goes all spaced out. She stares into space, with a martyred look on her face, and disappears. She keeps that up for as long as it takes. So usually I keep asking and asking for a response, to not allow her to space out.
Her best response then is very vague. She will say. 'Well ..... ' and never find the end of the sentence. Or she will say, 'Think what you like.' or 'Do what you want'. Passive aggressive.
I mentioned to her recently that her hearing is going. This is very evident to the whole family, but she will not admit it. Her responses were similar to above. First she blanked me. Then when I continued to ask about this, her answers (all avoiding the issue) included; 'None of us are getting any younger!', 'Well, I don't need a hearing aid yet!', and 'I am not in my dotage yet!'
Each time I replied, 'That is not what I said. What I said is that your hearing is not what it once was, and that you could get this checked out.'
She cannot do this because that would be admitting that she is less than perfect. She is the only person in the family not to have glasses; not because she doesn't need them. She does. But she will not admit that she does. In her fantasy world she has 20:20 vision. And hearing.