Ongoing therapy is just that....ongoing therapy. When a patient begins to see a psychologist/psychiatrist, the first thing the professional tries to hone in on is identification of "the problem". Most individuals seeking treatment "realize" there is a emotional problem internally which is interfering with the day to day activities. Many here can attest to the fact that when they sought a 3rd party, i.e objective information, it was to help sort through, manage, understand, recognize......what "the problem,problems" are. In doing so, it is not a one shot deal. It requires a realtionship with your therapist, a trust, if you will, to help establish the hard psychological work to "recover" from whatever problem is going on. Your narc brother would maybe last 2 visits IF he decided to see what NPD is and what it meant to him. I hope this makes things a little clearer.
I also think using the diagnosis from the DVM would be counterproductive. What you actually need is where his narc behavior in a direct way has actually caused harm to others he has come in contact with, exclusive of you. You need actual specifics, dates, circumstances, individuals, and results. I seriously doubt the rest of the individuals who have bought his bs are in a position to prehaps change their minds.
The reason I say "in a position". Your brother weilds a certain amount of power in his business, with business associates etc. A fine example of this is the Tokar case in Atlanta, GA. A very prominent lawyer, Fred Tokars had his wife whacked by some hoodlums. The wife found out he was dealing drugs with some of his "clients" and was going to blow the whistle. The police department had a very hard time going through the twisted pathway of Fred Tokars to finally bring him to justice. He was a very connected, rich lawyer........but he did pay after locating his accomplices. He still to this day denies he had anything to do with the death of his wife and children. Does your family owe any money to this other brother? Are any employed by him? What kind of business deals does he do with his other business associates in town? Does he contribute to charity to look good? I did have an aquaintence who is a multimillionaire (he has solid gold bridges in his teeth!) who contributes to charity to look good, not for the motivation of doing good I assure you.