Hi there Mum:
I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better! Thata girl!!! Part of the great power these people have is removable......as much as I hate to admit it. We don't
have to allow their behaviour to wreck our serenity!!! I react when the behaviour first surfaces.....but once I get over what feels like initial shock (which why in the heck I would
EVER feel shocked at the behaviour...it's so typical....it's so predictable.....it's not going to quit..so I have no idea except that I haven't developed the skill of not doing that yet)...still, once I get over that first blazing blow....I try my hardest to think:
"I'm not going to let this wreck my blank (day, weekend, night, life, vacation, whatever)".
You've done that and so...... way to go, Mum!

Now, you will be much better able to deal with a plan, as it comes.
In court cases......fact...not emotion.....is what carries the weight. So...if you can possibly get proof that your x has been offered, or will be offered a better, higher paying job.....and if you can get that information before a judge......I will bet you my left ear lobe (which isn't much of a prize...but still....I like it-when it's all dolled up with earings)....I will bet big time..that the judge will...get this:
.....the support payments!!!! I'm not kidding!!
That happened to me!!! My x refused to pay support payments, according to an agreement we had, and the judge.....increased them and garnished his wages to boot!!! He begged for him to have another chance, to pay me directly, yadda yadda, and the judge said: "You had your chance buddy!"
Now.....it may not be possible to prove that his income will be highter....not yet....but it is worth looking into and it's worth getting that idea infront of a judge. Are there emails? Reliable witnesses who could attest to this? Anything???
Anyway.....it's a nice possibility to think about! Enjoy your week end Mum and keep not letting him have any power over at least that much!!!