Author Topic: how to leave your narcissistic husband?  (Read 24680 times)


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Re: how to leave your narcissistic husband?
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2007, 03:11:17 AM »
Men who can't feel don't feel real inside.
Their love was stolen by their parents
and they are hurting and need someone
to help them feel.

My husband is a working machine
and he can't have fun.
I just go about my business and
stay away from the house so he
doesn't have anyone to manipulate
or ignore.
In his family they ignored you to get their satisfaction.
They hurt him deeply and he just works and works.
He was fine until he got into a mens bible club and so
those hard core mens' feelings are all over him.
You woman, me man................smell my socks!!!

Ha, ha.....the joke is on my husband.
He takes good care of me financially and I love
him but if  he doesn't change and give me love
my heart may go looking for love.............

I want real love and a real fun man that wants
to do things.
My N husband doesn't even know how
to love his sons and guide them properly.
I am glad I read the Bible to my kids every night
for over 12 years because they are talented
and have lots of friends.
They come in a hug me all the time and my N
husband is missing all this love.
Once they are all grown if he hasn't changed
he is losing this good woman.
I have done my part, the laundry, cleaning
etc. I have even saved him tons of money
to put on the expensive he had to have
so his friends would think he has made it.

I am happy listening to my music, hanging
w/my kids and visiting my friends.
I take 1-2 day trips in the car to visit
friends in the country and it works wonders.
He can't get to me and he is alone in the house.

He is so miserable because he is trapped.
He can't live w/me and he can't live w/out me.
It is true girls, they don't feel and they are angry
inside because they've "Lost those loving Feelings"
whoa oh oh!
I am not making light of the fact that it is painful
for some and I know others are not like me.
My mother stayed w/a hard working, fisherman
alcoholic for over 65 years because it was the
right thing to do.
She was most cheerful and she went out a lot
during the day.
One time she almost ran me over when she was 65
while driving 65 mph down a 35 mph country road.

I live in the city so it was a shock to see it was MY mom
driving so insanely. She took Ritalin for over 40 years for
Narcolepsy (falls asleep) so she was always high!

She couldnt' bond with us because she was zooming
but she took care of us.  She cooked and used coupons
to buy groceries and he had his booze and cigs.
He finally stopped smoking at 55 and he stopped drinking!
Miracle!  I guess her prayers worked but she should
have make him stop today God!!!
Maybe he would have stopped sooner.

Anyway, look from some good articles on dealing
with a narcistic mate and see if it helps.
I found  one great article and it tells you how
to shut him down.
I know how to do some of it and it works.
They are just big boys that can't feel
so they strike out at others.

I do not have many answers but I am
at peace leaving the house and visiting others
who have needs.
My husband has to make the first move,
as long as he is here I am here for my kids. our kids loads of love
and fun and have relationships at church
or the park and keep  your kids surrounded
by love and people that are kind and gentle.

I pray you will find happiness and that
you and  your children blossom.
Raise your chilren up w/his money
and keep them involved in music,
art, etc. full time and you go with them.
You are there for them and the big bull
will miss out on so much.........

God Bless,


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Re: how to leave your narcissistic husband?
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2007, 03:22:27 AM »
I just do my thing, have fun with the kids, leave town for a few days
to help others and let him be alone.

Most men are not able to love because their parents were jerks.
They manipulated their sons and used them and lied to them.

I am here and he keeps trying to make me cry
so he feels loved.
So............I dont' cry but tell him the same he is telling
me and I live my life.
It is up to God and I am here to care for our kids.
He works all the time, all the time, all the time.
Did I say all the time.
He is a machine being brought up in a very, very
politically correct family that wanted everyone to bow
to them.

Oh by the way, what are your husbands' parents like?
My husbands' parents were so Politically Correct he
was black balled if he dared embarass them and he
was cut off from the family riches.

They cut us off one year because they didn't like our
plans to help the elderly.
His dad attacked him vehemently and almost destroyed

How cruel................his parents are so controlling
that when we first married my husband would shriek
like a bansee and go hide in the closet floor in a curled
up ball/fetal position because of what they did to him.

It was clear his dad shrieked at him and never cared
about his feelings.  You know military dad......thinks he is a big man
by telling his son not to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well.............Jesus wept and our sons are happy
and I raised them to love God.
They know who they are and their dad is missing
out....................when he gets to those pearly
gates God will ask him what did you do for your family
while on earth?
I can hear my husband now........I worked like a machine
and never spent anytime with them having fun.

God will not be pleased and He isn't now because
a man is supposed to love and cherish his family.
God said it in his word.
So.....................he can be sad but we are having
a ball.  I have been through this long enough and I find
that staying busy keeps my mind off his failure as a husband
and dad.

But wait.....................I only have a few more gallon years
in me to be unloved.
What will happen when my kids leave and I don't have their company?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I know I am praying that God either
changes my husband into a handsome romantic cowboy or He sends me one
that is romantic and LOVES ME AND LIFE!!!!

Who knows what tomorrow may bring..........
Don't worry about tomorrow because there is enough in today
to worry about.


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Re: how to leave your narcissistic husband?
« Reply #32 on: November 25, 2007, 07:47:21 AM »
hi AnnaK.

I woke up from an alarm that I still haven't located in my bedroom yet, but I decided to spend time in prayer and then i came online to vboards.

This is the first time I'm reading your posts and I really identify with all that you've shared here.  My husband, too, works like a machine and also talks like one.  He has rote phrases for anything that have been programmed into his mind, to a point that he never actually has an opinion or view of his own making.  His words are such that i can tell what he will say, not because I know him so well only, but because he is like a robot that spits out anything he has heard on the radio, seen on tv or read in a book.

My therapist has labeled my husband "narcissistic" after meeting with him and watching him go through all his defense mechanisms and hearing him project onto everyone else his faults.  she told me that she sees how he takes our daughters, and gangs up on me with them.  He resents his step-daughter (my child before marriage), because she never turned against me, but instead, will come to my defense every time.  As a result, he was the cruellest to her and still doesn't have nice things to say, nor do her sisters.

I know what you mean about the 'work work work" and the "no feelings" thing.  I have lived with a "husband" who made me drive myself to the hospital when I was in pain and could barely move.  He told me "Oh you'll be fine.  it's probably just the flu."  It was a severe infection that was going into a staph infection which almost KILLED me!
When my daughters got hurt or sick, it was the same rote response "they'll be fine...the doctor is only gonna give them medicine and tell you it's ________________ and then send you home!"  He always thought that, because he watched medical info on television, that he knew better than the doctors and could save us a trip to the ER or save himself money.  Many times I went through guilt of having 'disobeyed" my husband, because I'd ignore him and take my girls or myself to get medical help.  When I'd come back and tell him what the doc said, he'd say ", it's good you took her/or you went...I told you that's what they'd say."  (he never could admit that he was WRONG for wanting me to not go/take my daughters for medical help)

To those on this board who are not married to N's, you have no clue what it's like to have someone that is supposed to love, honor, cherish you, actually be the biggest enemy in your home at times.  Sure, you lived with N parents, but eventually you could LEAVE them.  To those of us for whom divorce is not a personal option, except in cases of EXTREME abuse, we've LIVED WITH THIS FOR MORE YEARS THAN YOU LIVED WITH THE N PARENTS...some of us are still IN it.  I'm not belittling the abuse that you suffer from your N parents either, but I am saying that, when you are married to an N, it's generally "till death" do you part...whether his or yours.  it is the hardest thing you'll ever DO!

AnnaK, I sometimes have prayed like you did..change him or take Him, Lord.  I don't want him changed into a cowboy though...he already is very COUNTRYISH, and I'm a city gal, so I would have liked him changed into a briefcase carrying, upstanding, businessman.  It's not in his genes nor his blood to ever be that though, and some things I just have to realize.  i should have married a city man if that's what I was looking for, but I didn't know that marriage really IS forever...nobody really could have convinced me of just how lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG forever actually is on this earth...they tried, but all I could see was an easy escape from my foster mother, and a chance to BE the wife/mother for once, on my own.  I took that chance, and now, 20 years later, i struggle with a husband who is nothing more at times than a piece of talking metal.

  I watch his children say "Dad...Dad......DAD........DADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!"  till I finally step in and say 'ROLAND, ANSWER HER!"  Then, in a daze he snaps 'WHAT DO YOU WANT???!"  I get to watch my daughters' faces drop, as the dad that they learned to look up to and fear, finally answers them with anger in his face and eyes.  He may be ADD and N...he dissociates NOTICEABLY a he ASPBERGERS?  i don't know...I only know that my daughters have learned to make a joke out of it all, except for the younger one who has learned to say "STOP SNAPPING AT ME LIKE THAT, DADDY!"  then, her sisters jump on her for standing her ground and setting her own boundaries...then i snap at her sisters for not allowing her's a MESS at times, but i usually take all the heat, in order to protect the youngest daughter.  i'm a Big girl and i can take it...but she is an impressionable 8 year old whom I'm trying to teach to stand firm in her belief that women are to be respected by their dads and their husbands and boyfriends.

Sorry to monopolize your thread here.  what Anna said really got to my heart and i want you to know, Anna, that i am where you are and if you want to talk to me, you've run into one who KNOWS.



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Re: how to leave your narcissistic husband?
« Reply #33 on: January 04, 2008, 09:06:58 PM »
reallyME and annak

Your lives sounds so much like mine.  It is so SAD and unreal to be married to someone with No Empathy.  I sometimes think, try to remember, that just because he can't give love, doesn'tm mean I don't need it.

I also try to get most of my intimacy needs met outside the marriage without crossing serious boundaries. 

Mine also works works works works, and mispends SO MUCH $$$. 
He pretty much does what he wants without considering anyone else.

Don't ask me why I stay, I am not young, but I am young looking, in good shape, no children. 
Tired of changes I suppose and I am completely $$ on him.  The worst thing I did was quit work after I married him 8 years ago.  I planned on going back PT, but HE took all of my energy 24/7.  no joke.

I got sucked in and am still in at this time.

I know that God wants us women to be loved and respected.  It's only a matter of time until I have had enough.

He has said to me "What the F*** do you need now?" when I was in major (back) pain. Thing is I really am not the needy one here. 

He 'demanded' that I not go back to work.  Of course so he could control me.

So I know how you feel not getting any softness, or empathy, or anything even remotely close to it, and we know marriage is meant to be so much more, it all seems like such a waste of time.

I think you are doing the right thing enjoying your children, biding your time, and praying for a miracle.  The truth is these guys have lost touch with God.  Afraid if itimacy, with God or anyone. It's a sign of weakness to them. 

Keep yourself above it and healthy, and move on when the time is right.

This is my first post here.  I hope I can understand how to use this board.

I've written a couple poems about this and will post when I come across them. :?



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Re: how to leave your narcissistic husband?
« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2008, 09:46:18 PM »
Great posts, Firecat!  I am so glad you joined us here.  It's always fun to meet someone new, even in text.

Yes, i can relate to what you described.  My H lives in his mind and fantasies.  He will do anything to avoid appearing "wrong"
It feels good to have someone on this board who is LIVING in the situation, so that someone knows that it really IS all that bad!



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Re: how to leave your narcissistic husband?
« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2008, 11:58:24 PM »
Normally I would not read a post with this title as I am not married

I don' know why--maybe anna belle, but I clicked.

The first thing I noticed was that Annabelle said she was posting for the first time ever., yet her count is 29 posts. This thread was started in Oct.2003

Well look at the thread yourself.

so firecat is new and posting to annak (Nov-old 2 posts) and reallyMe

rM why would you post here?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2008, 12:02:01 AM by Izzy_*now* »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"