Author Topic: help!  (Read 7622 times)


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« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2005, 10:59:41 AM »
Now I'm responding to my own posts. :oops:

I wrote,
If you do choose to stand up to her I can give you some ideas on the mistakes I have made and the right things I've done with my brother.

FYI, if I had encountered my brother in a situation like yours, I would not have pursued legal action or wasted my time fighting him at all. I would have avoided him; if that didn't work, I would have sought a transfer; if that didn't work, I would have looked for a better work place. He is grafted on to me, so I need surgery to remove him, this creep isn't stuck to you in the same way. Like mum says you have a baby on the way. A battle like this could turn into is no fun, its stressful and can become consuming. Your commitment to your job and your town are important, but your family is your life.
Whatever you decide, you have the home team rooting for you. :D



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« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2005, 11:44:56 AM »
Hi ya Vunil:

I worked in a place once where a person of power (by position and by her weezling close ties to the person in charge of the "agency"--sleeping with him) acted with great arrogance, cruelty and caused frustrating grief for all those who were under her "direction".

I was one of those of lower position and don't ask me why but I instinctively smelled this rat out the moment I stepped in the door and somehow.....(without knowing about Nism or the tips included in the Oprah magazine post --that dp posted) managed to...and I hate to say this...take the dominant role???

She (I'll call her T) was bisexual and kept making passes at me (and being heterosexual and married---this should have made me feel extreme discomfort--but instead I detected it as some attempt to control me and I found it pathetic) so I secretly noted this to the rest of the staff, who worked there, and then ducked each smooth attempt she made to touch my leg, or pat my butt, feigning how busy I was, while I let out a joking comment, loud enough for others to hear.   They would respond by "seeing" the behaviour and smiling, which sent "T" packing to where ever she "hid" most of the time.

She would always greet me loudly each morning and make some flattering remark to which I would respond by making a truthful, mild flattery of my own to her in response, which seemed to totally confuse her (probably because she was looking to embarass me....make me the centre of attention.....which she probably senced I didn't like.....and since that didn't happen) and the rest of the staff would just smile T went to hide).

She would literally attack people, infront of everyone, and when I saw this...I would intervene by getting her attention, by interupting and asking for whatever I could think of.....and she would then be lead off....sniffing my behind, at which point I might say:

"Oh.....nevermind......."I found it"...or "I forgot I have this to do first"...or some other pleasant but dismissive thing and walk away, leaving her looking like a lost pup.

I may have been manipulative but this is one case in which I thank my N experiences for teaching me, without my really understanding, how to distract a juvenile, twisted, N.  Many people came to me, later, and thanked me for saving them!!!  Like I was sooooo smart but I don't think I was.  I think, I was just soooooooo t'd off with her ridiculous, unfair, cruel, conniving, controlling, dictator-like, sick, filthy behaviour....that I let that anger direct me in the only way I could, in a work tricking her, constantly, into focussing on me......which I hated....but it seemed better than what she was doing to everyone else.

Maybe because of my childhood....I thought I could take her stuff....easier than some of those sweet people I worked with....or maybe, I was just at a point where I found someone I could "pay back" for some of the crap I had learned to detect( :oops: ).

Who cares?  That woman treated me like her pet and left everyone else alone, a lot of the time.   One day, she confided in me:

"Everyone here thinks I'm a".  And I looked at her, smiled and said:

"But T, you are!" and I laughed an walked away.

She thought I was kidding!   :D  :D  :D



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« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2005, 11:48:06 AM »
She thought I was kidding!

Or it seemed like she did, because she laughed too and behaved like I was her most prized pet, that day, more than any other!!

And I got satisfaction from saying it, being honest, and for everyone else who would have loved to have said it too. :evil:



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« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2005, 12:02:00 PM »
And how to misuse the quote thingy!!

 :D   :oops:  :D



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« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2005, 12:11:32 PM »

You're last few posts have me concerned. What exactly is in your coffee cup? :shock:  :?  :shock:



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« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2005, 01:03:10 PM »
You're last few posts have me concerned. What exactly is in your coffee cup?




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« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2005, 01:16:32 PM »
Quote from: vunil
What do you do when someone full-on lies to you at work?  Just utterly says something untrue?  And especially when they do it in a meeting?

It depends on the situation. Most likely I'd do nothing and let them hang themselves. I might contradict or question them but only if I thought the outcome would favor me.

Re: being an honest person at work. I choose the right people to be open/honest with. The rest of the people get my mask of diplomacy, confidence, tact, submission, or whatever mask I have to wear. It's naive to be too open and honest at the workplace.



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« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2005, 01:49:26 PM »
I just saw an interesting looking book on

Working With the Self-Absorbed: How to Handle Narcissistic Personalities on the Job by Nina W. Brown.


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« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2005, 03:03:37 PM »
You're last few posts have me concerned. What exactly is in your coffee cup?


Sorry I asked.



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« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2005, 03:22:16 PM »
Hi Vunil,
I haven't read this whole thread but I just have to say:  When I read your post I could swear you were describing my previous job!!!  The bully has been able to get rid of all the folks who don't go along with her (there were 3 of us).  She is actually very competent, which of course makes it harder.  I tried to go along with her, compliment her, etc., like one of the posters said, but I just couldn't stomach it.  Sorry I don't have any suggestions because I never figured out a way to deal with it other than leaving, but I FEEL FOR YOU!!!


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« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2005, 03:35:07 PM »
Sorry I asked.


Thankyou for you concern anyway Mudpuppy.  I really do appreciate it.  I just don't know what to say.  I think Vunil's situation caused something that was bound up to come out.  :shock:

I hope it wasn't too inappropriate. :oops:   If so, I am very sorry.



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« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2005, 03:54:12 PM »

I hope it wasn't too inappropriate.  If so, I am very sorry

I must be losing my touch, first on another thread you think I believe Brigid is brutalizing me, now you think you have offended me. :lol: My wife is very down to earth. It would take a lot more than that to make me blush.

Actually I'm sorry I posted that thing about your coffee cup. I had somehow missed your post right above that about your workplace experience. After rereading that page I thought maybe you thought I was referring to that post when I said that about your coffee. If that last sentence confuses you as much as it does me then you have no idea what I am talking about. :?

Anyway, thank you for your insights. How did that situation where you worked ever resolve itself?



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« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2005, 04:22:55 PM »
Hi again Mudpuppy:

...first on another thread you think I believe Brigid is brutalizing me,

Never thought that for a second but wondered if you might.  Shoulda just asked eh? :oops:

Quote you think you have offended me.

Wasn't in my head either.  I just thought that devulging my behaviour in that situation might be inappropriate because of the Nishness of it ...and to be honest.....I do feel guilt about it because T really got a dose of her own from me, which was not my place, and it was not kind of me to "lead" her on like that.  :oops:

It was me acting out of anger that kept her from hurting others but what I did was equally underhanded.  That woman thought I liked her!!  And many of the staff thought I was some brave person!!  When the truth is....I was weak and acted rather Nish out of anger. :oops:  :oops:

I had somehow missed your post right above that about your workplace experience. After rereading that page I thought maybe you thought I was referring to that post when I said that about your coffee.

I did think it was that post you were referring to and that's ok too because the ex-lax stuff needed to come out too, so don't fret.  I do feel better having confessed, so thanks.

Anyway, thank you for your insights. How did that situation where you worked ever resolve itself?

I had absolutely no need for that job and so I could risk saying or doing whatever I felt like, without worrying about her power to have me removed.  It's so ridiculous that she actually seemed obsessed about "winning" me and everyone there got a big laugh (and much relief) when she "moved" to a new agency.  They said that I:  "Finally broke her heart by not sleeping with her and so she couldn't take it and had leave".   :shock:  :shock:  

I don't think that's what happened.  I think she just got tired of that lot of prey and went on to a new batch, for the fun of it! :twisted:

Who knows???



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« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2005, 04:27:32 PM »
Thanks GFN,

I take it you aren't recommending your tactics for vunil.



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« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2005, 04:56:33 PM »
I take it you aren't recommending your tactics for vunil.

Now that's a darn good question.

On the one hand, I feel guilt for acting in anger and Nish.

On the other hand, my behaviour helped make life easier for others.

The question my guilt worth the comfort my behaviour gave some of those workers???

I can get over it but what would have happened had I tried to run instead of "take her on", as many people said I was doing.  People would have been abused more thoroughly and more frequently.  Some might have had breakdowns (one person did!!!).  I might have even been abused by her myself and then I would feel guilty for allowing that, maybe???

So, in the long run...I am not really suffering a whole lot because of what I did.  Maybe.....I need to pay more attention to that! :shock:

I still feel angry when I think of T and the horrible things she did to people....made them cry at work, had people unfairly dimissed for nothing, totally defamed and belittled some, slept with anyone she could manipulate, bribe or scare into bed, etc, ...the hurt she caused....the torment she inflicted on people who were so desperate to keep a lousy job and she did it so well!!! :twisted:

That still brings up very angry feelings in me still and makes me think.......I might do what I did again!!! :(
It also makes me think......the guilt is not so bad because at least I do feel it.   I just needed to express it.

So much depends on the necessity of keeping a job and taking risks.
Timing is everything.  These people act like, as you said Mudpuppy:


They are slithery slimey snakes.