Hi Everyone,
Brigid and 2cents, I didn't think you had hijacked the thread, so please don't apologise...no need at all. And Brigid, I'm very happy for you that you feel you have had a breakthrough;you so deserve to feel a bit better after all you have been through.
Bludie,it was so good to see you posting again on another thread;I have been wondering how you were doing the last few weeks.
I had a very strange dream last night, a dream I've never had before, and I'm wondering if it came to me because of the title of this thread. In my dream my ex and his girlfriend (the people in the dream looked nothing like them, but I knew immediately who they were) were asking me for favours, wanting me to give them shelter in my house and provide for them. They were both being charming to me, but at the same time being more openly abusive and exploitative than my ex ever was in real life. In the dream,and this is the part that felt good, I was telling them very strongly that I would not help them;in fact I was sending them away, over and over again. My ex was trying to get round me by being loving and complimenting me, but I knew that really they were working together to use me. The feeling I had in the dream, of standing up to them and not agreeing to being taken advantage of, was new in this relationship.In real life, when I ended what was left of the friendship I had with my ex, it was all done in a very calm and civilised (on the surface anyway) manner. I have never in real life raised my voice to him, or challenged him much at all.
I have been looking forward to sharing that dream with you;thank you for listening.
I wish to God that I hadn't stayed with my ex so long, once things had turned from so 'happy' to so painful. Why didn't I have the courage and the determination to walk away? If I had done that, there would be so much less to get over now. It feels like now, I have to recover from the pain of the memories, AND the memories of the pain. Does that make sense?
With love to all the great posters here,