Stay away, Greta. My mother and my sister cost me thousands in psychiatric fees, several suicide attempts, and years of self blame. Nothing was ever good enough, I was NEVER a good enouh daughter or sister. Well, fuck em. I quit trying. I quit being the bad seed, found my own life, and even managed to have a wonderful whole existence--after I started using my tremendous life energy to LIVE instead of support two vampires. After mom died, I cut sis out for ten years. Six years ago, much healther, I let her back in. She honeymooned me for two years, got cancer and got away with emotional murder (she was under so much stress, how could I object?), and then, when she got better, started to play hardball again. After the last vicious attack, I said enough, said goodbye and just walked away.
I know it hurts to do this (boy, do I know) but not doing it hurts a lot more. Remember--you didn't make them they way they are, and you don't owe them a cure or your life. You owe them less than half of what they have already taken from you. Be safe, be happy, be free, and STAY AWAY.