forumposer: hate to dump on your field, but you must know its teeming with N's!!!?
I used to be in theater and was once married to someone in performing arts. Hard to find a genuine person amongst the posing. Critics? Please! Beyond the beyond.....can't even DO, just talk about it!
My second husband IS his image. That's it. Nothing more, pull back the curtain and there's nothing there. Empty, alcohol fried void.
The anger you feel is normal. Learning how to express it and finding healthy ways to process it is key...not ignoring it or wishing it didn't exist.
Your "friend" is a jerk. Sorry, I have one like that too. It's all about her. Still trying to figure out why I'm her friend, but I have to tell you, setting MY boundaries on what I will and will not take from her has changed things somewhat. She is either "learning" (doubtful) or just adjusting to me....and I am in control of ME now, not her. You'll get there. You might want to find some friends out of your field though
Don't mean to offend. I'm right there with you. Once on this board (can't rmember when....oh, GFN, can you help

) someone said something about closing the lid, as in "the trash receptacle you once thought I was is now closed. You own your deal with it yourself." You are angry (rightfully so) because you took on his pain (which is what crappy behavoir usually is). Close the lid. He will go somewhere else.