Last night........I dreamed my parents were mortgage brokers, who also ran a landscaping company on the side. They would do outdoor work in an area and somehow find out who was having trouble making their mortgage payments. Then they would talk those people into having landscaping done, that they could not afford to pay for, and somehow take possession of those people's properties. Finally, my parents would set up a bogus mortgage, on those properties, and some other unsuspecting family would end up in their debt and eventually unable to pay. My parents were getting richer and richer. Then I woke up.
If you dream about a house or a building, it symbolises yourself. (I dream about houses all the time, usually with leaky roofs; no protection from the world

In your dream it seems to me that your parents are providing financial security for you (the mortgagee) to become who you are, but that as part of that they have strings attached - it is not enough to be a house (yourself) you have at the same time to fulfill their expectations of what is going to look good for everyone else (the garden), and keep them happy (they decide the landscaping).
The only person who is winning from this set up is your parents; they end up owning both you and your image/profession/status in the world.
It sounds as if you feel that they own you, or at least that they believe that they own you, and that therefore you are in debt to them. Not just a bit of debt, but 25 years of debt - effectively a lifetime. And they are doing this to others as well, not just you. Maybe anyone they can find.
I don't know about your situation, but a friend of mine says that every gift has its price. It sounds as if to your parents, any gift of money or support they give to you has 25 year long strings attached, and they control you during those 25 years. Just like a mortgage company does.
I think perhaps your dream is telling you to metaphorically sell up and move out. Live in a garden shed in a concrete yard if you have to, as long as it is not mortgaged to your parents.
Or not.