Author Topic: Dreams anyone?  (Read 57308 times)


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Dreams anyone?
« on: April 05, 2005, 09:50:36 AM »
One of the things that has happened to me, since I've been visiting this board, is that I have become aware of my dreams (or some might say--began dreaming more often).

Before coming here, it has been years since I have remembered a dream (very rarely, at least).   Now.....I often wake up remembering what I dreamed and find myself thinking about it.  It seems this board has looooosed something in my brain and I'm hoping this is a good thing. :shock:

It might be interesting to consider eachother's dreams?  Do you notice a difference in frequency, vividness, or weirdness of your dreams, since coming to this board?

Last night........I dreamed my parents were mortgage brokers, who also ran a landscaping company on the side.   They would do outdoor work in an area and somehow find out who was having trouble making their mortgage payments.  Then they would talk those people into having landscaping done, that they could not afford to pay for, and somehow take possession of those people's properties.   Finally, my parents would set up a bogus mortgage, on those properties, and some other unsuspecting family would end up in their debt and eventually unable to pay.  My parents were getting richer and richer.  Then I woke up.

Any thoughts on this strange dream?  I find it extremely confusing.



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2005, 10:45:49 AM »
I can virtually never remember my own dreams, even after finding this board, so I will be unable to contribute to your thread in that way, sorry.

As to your dream, Its pretty tough to say what it means, as I have no clue what your parents were really like or what your relationship was to them.
I'm not going to ask you a whole series of questions about your family that you may not be comfortable in discussing, so I am not too sure why I even posted, except to say, Hi GFN. Good morning.  :)

Maybe you are giving yourself an opportunity to talk about something that you have been wanting to discuss?
Or maybe you just want to go out and do some gardening. :wink:

I'm sure you have found this post most helpful. :roll:  Glad to be of service.


bunny as guest

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Re: Dreams anyone?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2005, 10:55:47 AM »
Quote from: GFN
Last night........I dreamed my parents were mortgage brokers, who also ran a landscaping company on the side.   They would do outdoor work in an area and somehow find out who was having trouble making their mortgage payments.  Then they would talk those people into having landscaping done, that they could not afford to pay for, and somehow take possession of those people's properties.   Finally, my parents would set up a bogus mortgage, on those properties, and some other unsuspecting family would end up in their debt and eventually unable to pay.  My parents were getting richer and richer.  Then I woke up.

I don't know if this is about your parents or not, but it seems your unconscious feels you've been cheated, exploited, manipulated and intruded upon. The outdoor work that leads to finding out about the indoor financial problems seems significant. Very interesting dream!

I've been having great dreams lately but I can't remember a single one of them. If I do, I will report back.



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2005, 12:03:51 PM »
I always dream, but don't have the discipline to write them down as some of my friends do.  I just remember them at odd times during the day, when something triggers it...
I woke this morning not remembering my dream but knowing something wonderful was fortold...that was cool!  Lately, even though my exN is at it again in a horrible way (not even worth the words to describe it) I have a general sense of well being and believe wonderful things are headed my way.  My dream, whatever it was, is probably a manifestation of this feeling.

My fiance is a "vivid" dreamer.  Dead people talk to him, numbers come to him (he has won lotterys using them....not the big one yet, though). Lots and lots of his sleeping dreams come true later on.  I don't know if I could handle that kind of dreaming, but who am I to question anything?  and I mean ......anything?
Scientists have a lot to say on this subject, as do mystics and philosophers, etc...I think dreams just give us more information about life and how wondrous it all is.  The big mystery.......Life is just so interesting, isn't it?


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2005, 12:28:26 PM »

Are you experiencing any anxiety over financial matters?  I noticed if I'm stressed about something in particular it will come through in dreams in a twisted your parents taking other people's properties, etc could be a reflection of your own concerns.....bills????  Just a stab in the dark.

Mum said:
Lots and lots of his sleeping dreams come true later on.

Some of my dreams come true as well.  Not many, usually about 2-3 per year.  The ones that do are very vivid.  The last one involved my best friend's Mom getting into a car accident.  It's weird.  

Still waiting on the vivid dream where X N falls off the face of the Earth.   :wink:  Now that's a dream I would welcome!

Hey GFN...if you are starting to get into your dreams why don't you buy one of those dream interpretation books.  You can also look up what dreams mean online.  I had some wacky ones during my last legal battle with X N and found some of the interpretations to be right on the money.
Who knows.  At the very least it is entertaining.



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2005, 12:33:31 PM »
Oh, Mia; in that dream (the one about the ex falling off the face of the earth?) It's MY ex, ok? no matter who dreams it, that's my ex. :twisted: Oh, I forgot they are the same guy...ok, dream away!!!! :wink:


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2005, 01:04:48 PM »
Hi. GFN,
I always pay attention to and look for meaning in my dreams. it is fun to analyze them.
What a rich dreamer you are!
Ok, just for fun, here is my amatuer analysis of your dream:

Your parents are an aspect of you, your own internal parents. Yours are practical and shrewd, yet they are undermining a more enterprising, entrepenaurial aspect of you. Your inner parents are over-controlling your decisions and life.

Is there some business venture or career move that you are just dying to try but feel you can't succeed at? Hopes, dreams, and goals for beautification or regarding the natural surroundings, the earth, etc that you feel strongly about but do not pursue?

Let me know how far off I am...



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2005, 02:40:49 PM »
Sorry, I have no words of wisdom on interpreting your dream, but I have noticed a current recurring one of my own.  For many years, while I thought I was happily married, I would dream of my H leaving me quite suddenly.  These dreams were so vivid that I would wake up and check to see if he was still in the bed.  (apparently my subconscious mind knew more than my conscious mind).  Lately, however, he has come into my dreams as someone standing on the sidelines watching my life that I pay no attention to.  I have no idea what that means (other than the obvious), but I like his new role.  Falling off the face of the earth with the rest of the a$$holes would be better, but I'll take this for now.  :lol:

Mudpuppy, I did have a dream one night that you were in.  Interestingly enough, and I am not making this up, you were covered in mud and rolling in a puddle (but in human form).  Even from a distance, you are having an effect on me.  Scary, isn't it?  :wink:

So glad to be back.  I missed you guys.   :D  :D



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2005, 03:08:04 PM »
Hi Brigid,
Good to have you back.
Interestingly enough, and I am not making this up, you were covered in mud and rolling in a puddle (but in human form

I assume you know what a mudpuppy is. For those who don't, it is a large fairly disgusting salamander with large external gills.
Your description of my behavior is one my wife has often suspected, although on laundry day I imagine it is more of a nightmare than a dream to her.  :roll:



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Re: Dreams anyone?
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2005, 03:20:16 PM »
Quote from: GFN

Last night........I dreamed my parents were mortgage brokers, who also ran a landscaping company on the side.   They would do outdoor work in an area and somehow find out who was having trouble making their mortgage payments.  Then they would talk those people into having landscaping done, that they could not afford to pay for, and somehow take possession of those people's properties.   Finally, my parents would set up a bogus mortgage, on those properties, and some other unsuspecting family would end up in their debt and eventually unable to pay.  My parents were getting richer and richer.  Then I woke up.


If you dream about a house or a building, it symbolises yourself.  (I dream about houses all the time, usually with leaky roofs; no protection from the world   :oops: )  

In your dream it seems to me that your parents are providing financial security for you (the mortgagee) to become who you are, but that as part of that they have strings attached - it is not enough to be a house (yourself) you have at the same time to fulfill their expectations of what is going to look good for everyone else (the garden), and keep them happy (they decide the landscaping).

The only person who is winning from this set up is your parents; they end up owning both you and your image/profession/status in the world.

It sounds as if you feel that they own you, or at least that they believe that they own you, and that therefore you are in debt to them.  Not just a bit of debt, but 25 years of debt - effectively a lifetime.  And they are doing this to others as well, not just you.  Maybe anyone they can find.

I don't know about your situation, but a friend of mine says that every gift has its price.  It sounds as if to your parents, any gift of money or support they give to you has 25 year long strings attached, and they control you during those 25 years.  Just like a mortgage company does.

I think perhaps your dream is telling you to metaphorically sell up and move out.  Live in a garden shed in a concrete yard if you have to, as long as it is not mortgaged to your parents.

Or not.   :)


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2005, 03:25:36 PM »
Quote from: Brigid
 Lately, however, he has come into my dreams as someone standing on the sidelines watching my life that I pay no attention to.  I have no idea what that means (other than the obvious), but I like his new role.  Falling off the face of the earth with the rest of the a$$holes would be better, but I'll take this for now.  :lol:


Sometimes if my daughter has a bad dream we rewrite it once she wakes up.  We have the same basic content, but we change it to include a happy ending, and take out the scarey bits.  You don't describe this as a scarey dream, but perhaps if it happens again, you could replay it to yourself once you wake up, and end it by him falling off the earth, as you said, and floating into space.  It might help, I don't know. It would certainly be fun to watch!!!!!!

Just a thought, however, make sure he isn't around, watching you.  Maybe your subconscious has picked up something you are not quite aware of yet.  Take care of yourself!!


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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2005, 05:12:56 PM »
Mum, Brigid (welcome back BTW)

Here's hoping we all have *sweet* dreams about our X N's.

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
bye           bye          bye  to three evil N's



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2005, 10:29:02 PM »
Thanks everyone for all the replies!

I will try to respond to each of you tomorrow.  

For's time for me to go off for another........dream.  :shock:

They just get weirder and weirder lately. :roll:

Hope you all have a pleasant one!! :D



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Dreams anyone?
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2005, 10:57:44 PM »
Hey Brigid,
Mudpuppy, I did have a dream one night that you were in. Interestingly enough, and I am not making this up, you were covered in mud and rolling in a puddle (but in human form). Even from a distance, you are having an effect on me.  

I forgot to ask you; how did you know it was me? Cause I was rolling in the mud? What did I look like?
Scary, isn't it?

It is scary. Did you have Mexican food before you went to bed that night? :shock:  :wink:



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Dreaming about the ex
« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2005, 06:12:24 AM »
I would appreciate any insight into why I have been dreaming about the ex almost nightly.  I have no idea why. Most of the dream are somewhat innocuous but yet there he is every night.  When we were dating or at least when we were friends I would often have "adventure" dreams about him.  More like things we would actually do like search the woods for things.  Now they are more mundane or he is just there.  Last night he was attempting to fix a clock in the townsquare I believe.  ????
At the same time I was doing some work around the house, which is actually something I have been trying to organize during the actual day.