Is this Munchausen's(sp?) by Proxy?
That was my thought too.

Worth investigating.
Meanwhile, Flowergirl, I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that there is nobody on this earth who is perfect in looks, health, intellect, physique etc. I am sure we all have scars somewhere from childhood accidents, some of us have glasses, others have broken bones which are now healed etc etc. This is part of being alive; it happens and we live with it or we get it treated and we recover.
Your mother's expectations were for perfection, which does not exist on this earth. She was setting you up to be a failure every time you encounter doctors. But doctors do not see their patients as failures; they see them as fellow human beings, perhaps with something to treat.
I took my daughter today to see a specialist consultant, who has listed a great long list of tests that he wants done on her, some here and some in London, to check out various aspects of her health - I told her she is having a full MOT!! This is not because she is imperfect, it is because she has a situation to deal with, and these are precautions for conditions which might lead from it in the future.
The funny thing is, afterwards she wanted to tell someone, so we went to my parents, Nmum and dad. We told them and they listened, and then sat in silence. They had nothing to say in support of her worry about all of this. They had no emotional support to offer. And I don't think they knew that there was anything missing.
However, I am sure Nmum was spitting feathers inwardly. Jealous as hell of all the attention on my daughter. Not part of her script. Now I am waiting to see how long it takes for her to take over the lead once more, in telling the family about this, to get sympathy for herself. Meanwhile, I am treating her as a bit player in my daughter's and my life. Which is what she is, this time.
It sounds as if your mum was seeking a drama to play in, while also trying to project her imperfections onto you, because she could not admit that she herself fell short of perfection. The comment about your future husband is intriguing. Did
her husband have to be understanding and longsuffering, by any chance? My dad certainly did, and still has to be.